Natura Impact Report

Dúnta19 Fea, 2016, 10:00 - 29 Aib, 2016, 17:30


This is the Natura Impact Report in support of the Appropriate Assessment of draft Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 (hereafter referred to as the draft Fingal DP). Fingal County Council is preparing a draft Fingal DP to replace the existing Fingal Development Plan, which expires in 2017. The draft Fingal DP comprising a written statement with maps and various appendices is being prepared under the provisions of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) to develop and improve in a sustainable manner the environmental, social, economic and cultural assets of Fingal County. It provides a blueprint for the development of Fingal for the period 2017 to 2023, and it seeks to consolidate development within the county in a sustainable manner whilst protecting the identities of the settlements. The economic focus is to maximise the strategic location of the county within the Dublin Region through support of the main towns, the airport, and the Metro North Economic Corridor. It also seeks to protect, maintain and enhance the natural heritage of the county through strengthening and consolidating green belts and green infrastructure and support sustainable transport. This will be achieved through a series of agreed policies and objectives, the finalised Fingal DP will be underpinned by the principles of sustainable development, climate change adaptation, social inclusion and high quality design.



Download the full report: Natura Impact Report for the Draft Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 [PDF]

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