Proposed Amendments:

PA CH 5.1: Throughout the Draft Plan, as appropriate

Update all references to CAP19 in the Draft Plan to CAP21 and associated changes.

PA CH 5.2: Section 5.5 Policies and Objectives, page 184

Insert a new objective in Chapter 5, after Policy CAP1 as follows:

Objective CAPXX – Climate Action Legislation

Consider a variation of the Plan to align with amended/new climate action legislation.

PA CH 5.3: Section Climate Action Energy Statements, page 188

Amend Policy CAP12, Section 14.21.3 Climate Action Energy Statements and Objective DMSO260 as follows:

Replace references to 30 (or more) residential units with 15 (or more) residential units.

PA CH 5.4: Section Renewable Energy, page 188

Amend Section as follows:

‘Currently within Fingal, the principle renewable energy sources include solar, wind and micro-renewables, but opportunities exist for other renewable energy sources to be provided in the future including green hydrogen and biofuels and this Plan seeks to assist in the diversification of renewable energy provision in the County.’

PA CH 5.5: Section Other Sources of Renewable Energy, page 190

Amend Section as follows: 

In addition to the primary sources of renewable energy addressed above, other sources of renewable energy exist, including green hydrogen and biofuels (and associated infrastructure) which have the potential to contribute to the overall goal of decarbonising the energy sector. Another source of renewable energy would be biomass, which is plant or animal material used as fuel to produce electricity or heat and examples include wood, energy crops and waste from forests, yards, or farms.

PA CH 5.6: Section Other Sources of Renewable Energy, page 191

Amend Policy CAP13 – Energy from Renewable Sources as follows:

Actively support the production of energy from renewable sources and associated electricity grid infrastructure, such as from solar energy, hydro energy, wave/tidal energy, geothermal, wind energy, combined heat and power (CHP), heat energy distribution such as district heating/cooling systems, and any other renewable energy sources, subject to normal planning and environmental considerations.

PA CH 5.7: Section Other Sources of Renewable Energy, page 191

Amend Policy CAP15 as follows: 

Policy CAP15 – Offshore Wind-Energy Production

Support the implementation of the 2014 “Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan” (OREDP) and any successor thereof, and to facilitate infrastructure such as grid facilities on the land side of any renewable energy proposals of the offshore wind resource, where appropriate and having regard to the principles set out in the National Marine Planning Framework.

PA CH 5.8: Section Other Sources of Renewable Energy, page 191

Insert a new policy after Policy CAP13 (Energy from Renewable Source) as follows:

Policy CAPXXWind Energy Strategy

Prepare a wind energy strategy.

PA CH 5.9: Section District Heating and Waste Heat, page 192

Insert a new objective in Chapter 5, after Policy CAP18 as follows:

Objective CAPXX – District Heating Systems

Identify suitable location(s) for the delivery of district heating systems within the plan area.

PA CH 5.10: Section Circular Economy, page 194

Amend the 2nd paragraph of Section as follows:

This Waste Action Plan provides Ireland with a roadmap for waste planning and management and is supported by the ‘Circular Economy Bill’ (2021), and the Whole of Government Circular Economy Strategy’ (2021) to comply with EU Waste Directive obligations.



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Biomethane will play an important role in decarbonising Ireland's economy, particularly in the agriculture and energy sectors.  The Government has set an annual production target of 5.7TWh ...