CHAPTER 10: Heritage, Culture and Arts

Dúnta11 Sam, 2022, 09:00 - 22 Nol, 2022, 12:05

Proposed Amendments:

PA CH 10.1: Section Underwater Archaeology, page 357

Include the following in Section

Fingal's offshore and coastal waters, tidal estuaries and rivers have a diverse and interesting range of features and finds piers, quay walls, fords, stepping stones. Section 3 of the National Monuments (Amendment) Act 1987 makes specific provisions for the protection of shipwrecks and underwater archaeological objects, whereby, all wrecks over 100 years old are legally protected. Wreck Inventory of Ireland Database (WIID) which holds records of over 18,000 known and potential wreck sites is used as a tool to help manage and protect historic wrecks. Development, including infrastructure responding to the mitigation of flooding resulting from climate change, within the marine, offshore and coastal waters, tidal estuaries and river areas which have the potential to impact on both known and potential terrestrial and underwater archaeology will require appropriate intertidal and underwater archaeological assessment and the Council will seek and have regard to the advice and recommendations of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage relating to all developments within these environments. The Council will seek to protect, preserve and promote the marine and coastal zone archaeological, including underwater, heritage of Fingal. Where flood relief schemes are being undertaken the Council will have regard to the Archaeological Guidelines for Flood Relief Schemes (DHLGH 2022).

PA CH 10.2: Section Underwater Archaeology, page 357

Amend Policy HCAP2 as follows:

Recognise the importance of our archaeological resource and provide appropriate objectives to ensure its appropriate retention, promotion and recording.

PA CH 10.3: Section Underwater Archaeology, page 357

Amend Policy HCAP3 as follows:

Safeguard archaeological sites, monuments, objects and their settings listed in the Record of Monuments and Places (RMP), Sites and Monuments Record (SMR), underwater cultural heritage including protected wrecks and any additional newly discovered archaeological remains.

PA CH 10.4: Section Underwater Archaeology, page 358

Amend Objective HCAO2 as follows:

Protect all archaeological sites and monuments, underwater archaeology, and archaeological objects, which are listed in the Record of Monuments and Places, Wreck Inventory of Ireland and all sites and features of archaeological and historic interest discovered subsequent to the publication of the Record of Monuments and Places, and to seek their preservation in situ (or at a minimum, preservation by record) through the planning process.

PA CH 10.5: Section Underwater Archaeology, page 358

Amend Objective HCAO3 as follows:

Encourage and promote the appropriate management and maintenance of the County's archaeological heritage, including historical burial grounds and underwater cultural heritage in accordance with conservation principles and best practice guidelines.

PA CH 10.6: Section Underwater Archaeology, page 359

Amend Objective HCAO9 as follows:

Ensure that in general development will not be permitted which would result in the removal of archaeological monuments with above ground features, protected wrecks and that this will be especially the case in relation to archaeological monuments which form significant features in the landscape.

PA CH 10.7: Section 10.9.1 Cultural Infrastructure, page 378

Amend Objective HCAO58 as follows:

Support the cultural development of Swords Castle the enhancement of the identity, cultural and tourism development of Swords by protecting, conserving and enhancing the historic site of Swords Castle and its environs and the improvement of public and civic facilities and spaces of Swords Town Centre through the delivery of the Swords Cultural Quarter.

PA CH 10.8: Section 10.10 Language Heritage, page 379

Amend Objective HCAO65 as follows:

Actively support the use of the Irish language on shopfronts.

PA CH 10.9: Section 10.10 Language Heritage, page 379

Amend Objective HCAO66 as follows:

Promote Irish language and traditional culture in Fingal and support events celebrating Irish as a living language and our cultural heritage.




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