CHAPTER 11: Infrastructure and Utilities

Dúnta11 Sam, 2022, 09:00 - 22 Nol, 2022, 12:05

Proposed Amendments:

PA CH 11.1: Section 11.3 Opportunities, page 386

Amend Section 11.3 - Opportunities  of the Draft Plan as follows:

The Council will continue to tackle issues that are contributing to Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions and will facilitate the delivery of numerous gas and electricity projects providing additional energy capacity across the County, in addition to upholding quality standards in respect of environmental safety, public lighting, air quality and noise management. In an effort to reduce our carbon footprint, it will be necessary to diversify our energy production systems and increase measures for energy saving in the future, leading away from fossil fuels and towards green energy such as wind, wave, solar and biomass, together with smart energy systems and the electrification of transport fleets.’

PA CH 11.2: Section 11.4 Strategic Aims, page 387

Amend Section 11.4 - ‘Strategic Aims’ of the Draft Plan as follows:

Facilitate and promote the development of energy networks to facilitate sustainable growth and economic development and support the transition to alternative, renewable, decarbonised and decentralised energy sources, technologies and infrastructure. The Council will continue to support the development of a safe, secure and reliable supply of electricity and encourage the development of enhanced electricity networks, facilitating new transmission infrastructure projects under EirGrid's Grid Development Strategy. Projects to reduce energy use must also be prioritised, which could encompass both individual and community changes in energy habits and leverage new technologies via Smart Grids and Smart Cities. This can significantly improve the efficiency and quality of complex systems such as electricity, water, waste, energy and transport services, thereby reducing their costs while contributing to the “green economy”.

PA CH 11.3: Section 11.5.1, Water Supply and Wastewater, page 391

Delete Existing Table 11.1 and insert Updated Table 11.1 as shown below:

Draft Statement of Feasibility for Fingal to Inform the Draft CDP


Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater Network

Water Supply & Network

Metropolitan Area

Long Term will need the Greater Dublin Drainage Project & Ringsend WWTW Upgrades

Drainage Area Plans (DAP) are underway for most Metro settlements. North Fringe Sewer (NFS) area Swords & Malahide. Proposed to start in 2022 - Balbriggan Skerries

The Greater Dublin Area is constrained. Will need the Water Supply Project (WSP) Long term


Swords WWTW - Should be sufficient headroom. However, will need a project in the longer term (full realisation of Metro North)

There are issues in some areas. DAP working on upgrade solutions. Immediate upgrades developed into projects. Fosterstown Masterplan extension to Malahide Roundabout.

Leixlip WTW. Water conservation and the National Leakage Reduction programme will be an important part of water supply management

Blanchardstown (incl Castleknock, Clonsilla, Mulhuddart, Ongar, Hollystown & Tyrrelstown)

Ringsend upgrades underway & GDD project in the longer term

Blanchardstown Regional Drainage Scheme (BRDS) Trunk Sewer to be completed in 2023. Local sewers will be developer led. IW are developing a high level servicing plan of all development land for the fringes of the 9c catchment. Includes Barnhall SDZ. Ongar, Cherrywood, Huntstown, Hollystown, Mulhuddart, etc.

Leixlip WTW. Water conservation and the National Leakage Reduction programme will be an important part of water supply management

Baldoyle / Sutton

Ringsend Upgrades underway

Goes to north fringe sewer - no issues.

Leixlip WTW. Water conservation and the National Leakage Reduction programme will be an important part of water supply management


Ringsend Upgrades underway

Planned project for Doldrum Bay.

WS upgrades almost complete. Howth Reservoir Upgrade - Feasibility stage

Other Settlements

(incl Santry,


North Fringe


Donabate & Portrane

Portrane TW has headroom

Pumping Stations under construction with system upgraded to facilitate 3000 units.

Leixlip WTW. Watermain extension / Upgrade in progress


Can accommodate this level of growth

Kinsealy Lane (south) now connected to the North Fringe Sewer.

Kinsealy Lane North - A project is planned and to be completed within the lifetime of the CDP.

Main Town Area- some network capacity issues. DAP will identify solutions.

WS upgrades recently completed


Ringsend Upgrades underway

Planned project for P.Stn upgrade at Portmarnock Bridge. P.Stn. needs to be delivered. Existing network pumping control being implemented to get another phase in.

Leixlip WTW. Water conservation and the National Leakage Reduction programme will be an important part of water supply management

Towns & Villages (incls Coolquay, Kinsealy, Rivermeade & Rowlestown)

Issues in Oldtown, Rivermeade & Turvey.

Oldtown WWTW - it is planned to upgrade the plant under the National Certificate of Authorisation Programme. . No current plans for a project in Turvey or Rivermeade.

Rowlestown also needs P.Stn Upgrade



Barnageeragh WWTW has ample headroom

Quay Street upgrade planned for future development 10 year Horizon delivery 2022. New network required to get Balbriggan north area and South of Quay St to Dublin Road Pumping Station. IW developing plan of infrastructure required. DAP starting in 2022 for remainder of Agglomeration.

Bog of the Ring & Leixlip


Portrane WWTW has ample headroom


Leixlip (as above)


Portrane WWTW has ample headroom

Generally, no issues, no local concerns

Leixlip (as above)

Skerries & Loughshinny

Barnageeragh WWTW has ample headroom

New pumping stations at Rush Road, Skerries & Loughshinny have been completed

Leixlip (as above)

Towns & Villages

Issues in Naul, will be addressed under the Small Towns & Villages Growth Programme




Colecot & Ballyboughal are constrained settlements

No immediate plans for upgrades.


PA CH 11.4: Section 11.5.1, Water Supply and Wastewater, page 393

Amend Policy IUP5 as follows:

Policy IUP5 – Greater Dublin Drainage Study

Promote and support the implementation of the Greater Dublin Strategic Drainage Study, Dublin Region Local Authorities (2005) GDSDS, including any updates to the original report. 

PA CH 11.5: Section Nature-Based Surface Water Solutions through SuDS, page 397

Amend Objective IUO10 as follows:

Objective IUO10 – SuDS; Nature-Based Solutions

SuDS shall incorporate nature-based solutions and have regard to the objectives set out in Fingal's Guidance Document – “Green/ Blue Infrastructure for Development”, as amended (Appendix 11) and ‘Nature Based Solutions to the Management of Rainwater and Surface Water Runoff in Urban Areas, Water Sensitive Urban Design Best Practice Interim Guidance Document’ (November 2021, DHLGH).

PA CH 11.6:  Section Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA), page 400

Amend Policy IUP14 as follows:

Policy IUP14 – OPW

Continue to support and assist the OPW in implementing and delivering the relevant Catchment Based Flood Risk Assessment and Management Programmes Flood Risk Management Plans for rivers, coastlines and estuaries within Fingal.

PA CH 11.7: Section Quality of Bathing Water (Coastal) page 403

Insert text to Section as follows: Quality of Bathing Water (Coastal)

The Bathing Water Quality Regulations, 2008, set out our obligations for bathing water quality checks and public information during the bathing season. Fingal take 9 samples in total, 1 before and 8 during the bathing season. Samples are generally taken fortnightly during the bathing season. Bathing water quality on Fingal beaches is generally classified as “Good” or “Excellent”, and water quality results for Fingal's beaches can be checked on the EPA website: If test results don't meet the necessary standards, Fingal has a process in place for notifying beach users.

Fingal currently monitors 10 identified beaches within the County for water quality, with regular updates on bathing water quality during the bathing season, which runs from 1 June to 15 September each year. Fingal will continue to support the retention of the Blue Flag status of Velvet Strand beach at Portmarnock and the recently added Balcarrick, Donabate and Rush South Beach.

PA CH 11.8: Section 11.6 Waste Policies and Objectives, page 405

Amend Section 11.6 as follows:

This Waste Action Plan provides Ireland with a roadmap for waste planning and management and is supported by the ‘Circular Economy and Miscellaneous Provisions Act (2022) ‘Circular Economy Bill’ (2021), and the Whole of Government Circular Economy Strategy’ (2021) and the National Food Loss Prevention Roadmap’ to comply with EU Waste Directive obligations.

PA CH 11.9: Section 11.6 Waste Policies and Objectives, page 407

Amend Policy IUP22 as follows:

‘Support the principles of transition from a waste economy towards a green circular economy and implement good waste management and best practices to enable Fingal to become self-sufficient in terms of resource and waste management and to enhance employment and increase the value recovery and recirculation of resources, in accordance with the “Whole-of-Government Circular Economy Strategy” -(December 2021).’

PA CH 11.10: Section 11.7 Energy Policies and Objectives, page 411

Update Figure 11.1 - The All-Island Electricity Transmission Network – to include new Map from March 2021.

PA CH 11.11: Section 1.7 Energy Policies and Objectives page 412

Amend Section 11.7 as follows:

11.7 Energy Policies and Objectives

Fingal will continue to support energy utility providers, businesses and local community groups in their efforts to reinforce and strengthen existing utility infrastructure, transmission / distribution networks and community funded energy generation projects and will support new infrastructure projects and technologies with particular emphasis on renewable, alternative, and decentralised energy sources, and those which are less carbon intensive in line with the Electricity and Gas Networks Sector Climate Change Adaptation Plan (2019). We will continue to support the development of a safe, secure, and reliable supply of electricity and to support the development of enhanced electricity networks and facilitate new transmission infrastructure projects including those under EirGrid’s Grid Development Strategy, to service the existing and future needs of Fingal and the wider Eastern Region and to strengthen all-island energy infrastructure and interconnection capacity.

PA CH 11.12 Section 11.7.1 Renewable Energy, page 412

Update references to the OREDP as follows in Section 11.7.1

Section 11.7.1

...Under the Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan (OREDP), and any successor thereof, Ireland has set ambitious plans for renewable energy and offshore renewable energy resource development

PA CH 11.13: Section 11.7.1 Renewable Energy, page 412

Amend Section 11.7.1

Our Development Plan policies encourage the sustainable development of the renewable energy sector in the County (including bioenergy, wind, wave, solar, green hydrogen and biofuels, etc) due to the positive contribution it can make to the economy and to the achievement of renewable energy targets (see also Chapter 5 Climate Action).

PA CH 11.14: Section 11.7.1 Renewable Energy, page 414

Amend Policy IUP28 as follows:

Policy IUP28 – Promote Energy Efficient Development

Promote more energy efficient development through the location of housing and employment along public transport/cycling corridors, where people can choose to use less energy intensive public transport or cycling, rather than being dependent on the car.

PA CH 11.15: Section 11.7.1 Renewable Energy, page 414

Insert New Policy after IUP29 as follows:

Policy IUPXX - Promote Low Carbon Energy Development

Promote more energy-efficient development through the location of housing and employment along district heating hubs, or potential renewable energy locations, where people can connect buildings to energy efficient, low-carbon alternatives.

PA CH 11.16: Section 11.7.1 Renewable Energy, page 414

Amend Policy IUP29 as follows:

Policy IUP29 - Enhancement and Upgrading Of Existing Infrastructure and Networks

Work in partnership with existing service providers, businesses and local community groups to facilitate required enhancement and upgrading of existing infrastructure and networks and support the development of new energy systems, local community sustainable energy generation projects and transmission grids, which will be necessary for a more distributed, renewables-focused energy generation system, harnessing both the considerable on-shore and off-shore potential from energy sources such as wind, wave, and solar energy.

PA CH 11.17: Section 11.7.1 Renewable Energy, page 414

Amend Policy IUP30 as follows:

Policy IUP30 – Enhancement and Upgrading Of Existing Infrastructure And Networks

Support EirGrid's Grid Development Strategy – Your Grid, Your Tomorrow (2017), Implementation Plan 2017–2022, ‘Shaping our Electricity Future-A Roadmap to achieve our Renewable Ambition (2021)’ and Transmission Development Plan (TDP) 2016 2020-2029, and the Government’s Policy Statement on Security of Electricity Supply (November 2021) and any subsequent plans prepared during the lifetime of this Plan, to provide for the safe, secure, and reliable supply of electricity.

PA CH 11.18: Section 11.7.1 Renewable Energy, page 414

Insert new Policy after IUP30 as follows:

Policy IUPXX – East Meath-North Dublin Grid Update

Support the development of the East Meath-North Dublin Grid Upgrade to strengthen the electricity supply network in anticipation of the future development of renewable energy, onshore and offshore.

PA CH 11.19: Section 11.8.5 Ducting and Access to Fingal County Council Assets, page 419

Insert new Policy after Policy IUP 37 as follows:

Policy IUPXX – Digital Connectivity

Promote and support the Government’s Strategy ‘Harnessing Digital – the Digital Ireland Framework’ (Feb 2022) and the ‘National Development Plan 2021- 2023’ – National Strategic Objective 6, which relates to enhancing Ireland’s high quality international connectivity.

PA CH 11.20: Section 11.8.5 Ducting and Access to Fingal County Council Assets, page 419

Amend Objective IUO51 as follows:

Objective IUO51 – Digital Hubs and Co-working Spaces

Facilitate the development of digital hubs and co-working spaces at appropriate locations, including towns and rural villages

PA CH 11.21: Section 11.8.5 Ducting and Access to Fingal County Council Assets, page 420

Insert new Objective after Objective IU056 as follows:  

Objective IUOXXSensor and Telecommunication Register of Council Assets

Support the development of a mapped IoT sensor and telecommunication Agenda Item 277 Page 313 register of Council assets and make the data available through the Fingal Open Data Portal.




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With reference to: "PA CH 11.3: Section 11.5.1, Water Supply and Wastewater, page 391 Delete Existing Table 11.1 and insert Updated Table 11.1 as shown below:", under the column "Wastewater Network"...