CHAPTER 6: Connectivity and Movement

Dúnta11 Sam, 2022, 09:00 - 22 Nol, 2022, 12:05

Proposed Amendments

PA CH 6.1: Throughout the Draft Plan, as appropriate

Update references in the Draft Plan to the DMURS Interim Advice Note – Covid-19 Pandemic Response 2020, replacing all references to the 2019 DMURS document.

PA CH 6.2: Section 6.4 Strategic Aims, page 209

Include after the 3rd sentence in the first paragraph as follows:

The National Sustainable Mobility Policy sets out a strategic framework to 2030 for active travel and public transport journeys to 2030 to help Ireland meet its climate obligations. It is accompanied by an action plan to 2025 which contains actions to improve and expand sustainable mobility options across the Country by providing safe, green, accessible and efficient alternatives to car journeys. It also includes demand management and behavioural change measures to manage daily travel demand more efficiently and to reduce the journeys taken by private car.

PA CH 6.3: Section 6.4 Strategic Aims, page 209

Include after the 3rd sentence in the first paragraph as follows:

The National Investment Framework for Transport in Ireland (NIFTI), the strategic framework for future investment decision making in land transport to guide transport investment in the years ahead to enable the National Planning Framework, support the Climate Action Plan, and promote positive social, environmental and economic outcomes throughout Ireland. NIFTI sets out the modal hierarchy in Ireland as; 1. Active Travel; 2. Public Transport; 3. Private Vehicles. It also outlines an intervention hierarchy which is: 1. Maintain; 2. Optimise; 3. Improve; 4. New.

PA CH 6.4: Section 6.4 Strategic Aims, page 209

Include after the 3rd sentence in the first paragraph as follows:

In the context of achieving accessible built environments, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) includes obligatory provisions on state parties to ensure access for persons with disabilities to, inter alia, the physical environment and transportation in both urban and rural areas. At national level, the National Disability Inclusion Strategy 2017-2022 (NDIS) sets out a range of actions to improve inclusion for those living with a disability in Ireland, including in areas such as the delivery of public services, employment and living in the community including specific actions for the achievement of accessible transport and movement infrastructure.

PA CH 6.5: Section 6.4 Strategic Aims, page 209

Include after the 3rd sentence in the first paragraph as follows:

Updated design guidance for Covid 19 mobility planning issued under the DMURS ‘Interim Advice Note - Covid-19 Pandemic Response 2020 focuses on traffic calming and transferring road space to walking, cycling and outdoor seating.

PA CH 6.6: Section 6.4 Strategic Aims, page 209

Include after the 3rd sentence in the first paragraph as follows:

The Spatial Planning and National Roads Guidelines for Planning Authorities 2012 sets out the planning policy considerations relating to development affecting national primary and secondary roads, including motorways and associated junctions, outside the 50-60 kmph speed limit zones for cities, towns and villages. These guidelines have been developed following a number of key principles and aim to facilitate a consistent approach that affords maximum support for the goals of achieving and maintaining a safe and efficient network of national roads, thereby facilitating continued economic growth and development.’

PA CH 6.7: Section 6.5.4 Area Based Transport Assessment (ABTA), page 212

Amend Policy CMP4 as follows:

Area Based Transport Assessment and Local Transport Plans Promote and encourage the use of ABTAs Prepare Local Transport Plans based on the ABTA methodology in conjunction with the preparation of for Local Area Plans, Masterplans, Framework Plans Local Transport Plans, and other large-scale studies and plans as appropriate, in consultation with the NTA and TII and other relevant stakeholders.

PA CH 6.8: Section 6.5.4 Area Based Transport Assessment (ABTA), page 212

Include a new objective after objective CMO4 as follows:

Objective CMOXX – Local Transport Plan

Prepare a Local Transport Plan for the Blanchardstown Centre, in consultation with the NTA and other relevant stakeholders.

PA CH 6.9 Section Greenway Network

Add to Drumnigh Road to Kinsealy to Table 6.1 Greenways/High Quality Walking and Cycling Routes.

PA CH 6.10: Section 6.5.7 Public Transport, page 224

Include a new objective after Objective CMO28 as follows:

Objective CMOXX – Cycling and Walking Links

Avail of the opportunities provided by any public transport infrastructure works to improve and provide new cycling and walking links, including crossings of motorways and major roads which currently represent major permeability barriers to active travel especially in South Fingal.

PA CH 6.11: Section National Roads, page 229

Include before the first paragraph as follows:

Fingal is well served by the national road network with the M1 Dublin to Belfast, the N2/M2 Dublin to Derry, the N3/M3 Dublin to Ballyshannon, and the M50 all traversing the County. Virtually all the national road network in the County is either motorway or high-grade dual carriageway.

PA CH 6.12: Section Transport Interchange, page 225

Amend Policy CMP20 as follows:

Public Transport Interchange

Support and facilitate the provision of high-quality transport interchanges including the Blanchardstown Town Centre Bus Interchange within the transport network in order to facilitate seamless transition between different transport modes and to maximise the movement of people by sustainable modes in collaboration with the NTA and other relevant stakeholders including key active travel representative stakeholders.

PA CH 6.13: Section Regional/Local Roads, page 230

Include at the end of the second paragraph as follows:

In keeping with Action 231 of the Climate Action Plan 2021, the Council will assess their road network and identify where additional space can be reallocated to pedestrians and cyclists to continue the improvement and expansion of the active travel and greenway network.

PA CH 6.14: Section Regional/Local Roads, page 230

Include in Table 6.3 as follows:

  • Toberburr Road Upgrade

PA CH 6.15: Section Regional/Local Roads, page 230

Include in Table 6.3 as follows:

  • Naul Road Upgrade (M1 Junction 6 exit to the roundabout on the R122)

PA CH 6.16: Section 6.5.10 Roads Network, page 231

Include new policy after CMP32 as follows:

Policy CMPXX – Protection of TEN-T Network

Support the protection and enhancement of the EU TEN-T network including the strategic function of the Dublin to Belfast road network which provides a critical transport connection within the Dublin-Belfast Economic Corridor.

PA CH 6.17: Section 6.5.10 Roads Network, page 231

Amend Objective CMO34 as follows:

Strategic Roads Network

Maintain and protect the safety, capacity and efficiency of National roads and associated junctions in accordance with the Spatial Planning and National Roads Guidelines for Planning Authorities 2012, the Trans-European Networks (TEN-T) Regulations and with regard to other relevant national and regional policy documents, as required.

PA CH 6.18: Section 6.5.10 Road Network, page 231

Amend Objective 37c as follows:

Support and facilitate the TII, NTA, Meath County Council and Kildare County Council in the planning and delivery of a new link between the M3 and M4. Any such link must not run through the suburban areas of Fingal, Liffey Valley SAAO or St. Catherine's Park"



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Please refer to the submission attached.
See submission attached,
Regarding amendment 6.2, i have serious concerns with the following 'It also includes demand management and behavioural change measures to manage daily travel demand more efficiently and...
It's important to remember that you can put private vehicles last all you want, you still need to cater to the majority of us by any means such as improving junctions for increase capacity, reducing...