MAP SHEET 12: Blanchardstown North

Dúnta11 Sam, 2022, 09:00 - 22 Nol, 2022, 12:05

MAP SHEET 12: Blanchardstown North

Map Sheet 12: Blanchardstown North
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Proposed Amendments:

Click on the proposed amendment numbers below to view the map sheet for each proposed amendment.

PA SH 12.1:

Remove Local Objective 44, ‘Facilitate the provision of a turning space for public buses.

PA SH 12.2:

Insert new local objective stating:

Support the conservation of Dunsoghly Castle and the sympathetic and appropriate development, in scale and quantum, of the surrounding lands where it is sensitive in design and extent to the nationally significant Protected Structure and National Monument and is also informed and directed by archaeological subsurface remains”

PA SH 12.3:

Amend the zoning from HT-High Technology to NSC-National Sports Campus within the National Sports Campus.

PA SH 12.4:

Amend the zoning from GB-Greenbelt to GE-General Employment, extending from the Dublin Airport Logistics Park to the south to Kilshane Road to the north, at Newtown St. Margaret’s. In addition, insert new map based local objective as follows, and insert site specific objective boundary:

‘Any general enterprise and employment type development of the lands identified by the site specific objective boundary at Newtown St. Margaret’s shall be contingent on the widening and upgrading of Kilshane Road to the northern boundary of the site, including installation of Active Travel Infrastructure; the provision of a detailed landscaping plan for the lands and subject to restrictions on development arising from the Inner Public Safety Zone’.

PA SH 12.5:

Amend the zoning from CI-Community Infrastructure to OS-Open Space at Powerstown Allotments.

Sheet 12.6:

Insert new map-based objective on lands at Newtown, St Margaret’s as follows:

Support and facilitate a Park and Ride Facility.




Clár ábhair


Submission Re: PA SH 12.4 I am opposed to this Zoning on the basis of the expert advice afforded to members at the earlier stages of the plan and also as I believe that this site was...