MAP SHEET 7: Donabate-Portrane

Dúnta11 Sam, 2022, 09:00 - 22 Nol, 2022, 12:05

MAP SHEET 7: Donabate-Portrane

Map Sheet 7: Donabate-Portrane
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Proposed Amendments:

Click on the proposed amendment numbers below to view the map sheet for each proposed amendment.

PA SH 7.1:

Amend zoning from RU-Rural to GE-General Enterprise at Turvey Avenue, Donabate.

PA SH 7.2:

Amend zoning from HA-High Amenity to GE-General Employment at Kilcreagh.

PA SH 7.3:

Amend zoning from HA-High Amenity to RC-Rural Cluster at Corballis, south of Balcarrick Golf Club.

PA SH 7.4:

Amend zoning from HA-High Amenity to RC-Rural Cluster at Balcarrick.

PA SH 7.5:

Extend Donabate UFP Boundary to include St Patrick’s Schools and surrounding lands.

PA SH 7.6:

Include a new map-based local objective for lands at Kilcreagh as follows:

That proposed development on the lands be subject to high quality architectural design and finishes.

PA SH 7.7:

Include a new map-based local objective for Donabate Cemetery as follows:

Provide for a proposed Cemetery Improvement and Extension Scheme (with new designated car parking area) on FCC owned lands to the east/south of the existing Donabate Cemetery, to be designed and brought forward for tender purposes for delivery.

PA SH 7.8:

Include a new map-based local objective for the Shoreline Hotel as follows:

Enhance the visual amenity of the area immediately south of the Shoreline Hotel, through the provision of high quality public realm improvements and measures.






Clár ábhair


This land was GE and should remain as GE as per attached documents
See submission attached.
Map based rezonings That the following zonings below are rezoned/undone/reverted to their previous zonings: PA SH 7.2: Amend zoning from HA-High Amenity to GE-General Employment...
I would request that the change in zoning on the lands at Turvey Avenue from GE to Rural be upheld as outlined in The Draft Development Plan and approved by the CE.   The land in...
See attached submission.