6. Economic impact of Dublin Airport

Closed3 Sep, 2019, 09:00 - 15 Oct, 2019, 17:00


Ireland’s geographic location on the periphery of Europe means that air linkages are vital to the Country’s global competitiveness. Both the Dublin City Region and Ireland compete at a global level for jobs, investment and visitors. Among the most distinctive features of the Irish economy is the significant share of the national economy accounted for by trade. In a small open economy such as Ireland, maintaining and improving air access is a national imperative.

As the economy develops towards more life science, ICT35, financial and knowledge based sectors and the Country continues to promote itself as an attractive tourist and inward investment destination, the ability of people and goods to travel quickly and efficiently grows even more important. High quality accessibility to internal gateways, located both within and outside of the region, for people and internationally traded goods and services is of fundamental importance to economic competiveness at regional and national levels.

The National Aviation Policy, 2015 sets out three goals in relation to national economic development and the Airport. The goals relate to enhancement of connectivity, fostering growth of aviation enterprise and maximising the economic impact of aviation.

The Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 recognises Dublin Airport as an essential component of Fingal’s local economy and is a readily accessible location for existing and future employment for Fingal’s residents. The scale and range of economic impacts that the Airport generates at local level are substantive and include:

  • Those associated directly with the operation of the Airport and any construction work required to maintain and develop it.

  • Indirect and induced employment and expenditure (the multiplier effect).

  • Additional productivity and locational benefits gained by the other sectors of the local and national economy attracted to Fingal by the presence of the Airport and the enhanced connectivity that it offers.

Delivering enhanced infrastructure is critical to give Dublin Airport the capacity it needs to meet its growth potential within the plan period, providing further opportunity to develop the economy and provide opportunities for additional jobs, tourism, trade and investment. Notwithstanding the economic importance of Dublin Airport, the Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 recognises that a careful balance is required between promoting the potential of the aviation sector and safeguarding the primary operational role of Dublin Airport as the Country’s main international airport.

  • 35 - Information Communications Technology



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Please see our opening summary and more details and data on attached presentation.