9. Environment & Community

Closed3 Sep, 2019, 09:00 - 15 Oct, 2019, 17:00


This chapter considers the likely direct and indirect effects of the future development of Dublin Airport on the local environment and communities surrounding the Airport. It is important that this is seen in the context of actions being taken on a wider scale in the Fingal Development Plan 2017 – 2023 to address the impacts of development at Dublin Airport on noise, water and drainage, air quality, heritage including archaeology, architectural and natural heritage.

It is strategic policy of Fingal County Council as set out in the Fingal Development Plan 2017 – 2023 to:

Safeguard the current and future operational, safety, and technical requirements of Dublin Airport and provide for its ongoing development within a sustainable development framework of a Local Area Plan. The plan shall take account of any potential impact on local communities and shall have regard to any wider environmental issues.



Night time noise
Night-time noise getting worse As long-time residents living in the vicinity of Dublin Airport we can attest that the noise pollution from Dublin Airport (particularly at night) has deteriorated...
More Cheerleading for the DAA
In my opinion this draft plan is little more than a box ticking exercise from Fingal County Council and serves as further cheerleading for the DAA. It lacks any independent thinking and is in the...
HSE EHS Submission
This is the same submission as previous but is also making an observation on Chapter 9. Please see previously uploaded submission document.
Impact of Dublin airport on facilities and GAA club in St Margarets - preservation of ST Margarets GAA club as an essential community amenity
The village and community of St. Margaret’s has been severely impacted upon by the expansion of Dublin airport into St. Margaret’s and by the effects that the expansion continues to have on the...
Dublin Airport - opposition to proposal to increase night flights
To whom it may concern. Any increase in the number of night flights in to Dublin Airport will negatively affect me and my family. The increased number of flights increases the risk of disruption of...