7.7 Design quality

Closed3 Sep, 2019, 09:00 - 15 Oct, 2019, 17:00

Given Dublin Airport’s international gateway status, the LAP promotes exemplar design and the creation of a high quality environment which enriches visitor experiences. A high standard of design provides the opportunity to make a statement of civic pride and create a sense of place that is specifically Irish for visitors and citizens as they arrive or depart through our principal gateway.

Key design considerations for airport infrastructure include:

  • creating a ‘sense of place’, many people see the Airport as defining a Country’s character and identity not only in terminal architecture but in other parts of the infrastructure;

  • creating an environment that can be used by all people, regardless of their age, disability or ability based on a universal design approach which caters for the broadest range of users from the outset and where buildings and places can be used and enjoyed by everyone; and

  • a commitment to designing facilities with long-term environmental benefits.

Airport development shall be based on the following key design principles set out in Figure 7.2.

Figure 7.2 - Key Design Principles 


In order to ensure a consistent approach to built form and materials can be carried through as themes within airport projects, daa shall establish design principles as part of an overall design framework to be utilised for differing types of projects within the Airport lands. This will facilitate difference in design, while ensuring a consistent presentation of design theme representing the gateway status of the Airport.


Ensure that all development at Dublin Airport will be of high quality design and finishes to reflect Dublin Airport’s status as an international gateway airport.


A design framework shall be undertaken by daa along with other relevant stakeholders, which shall identify materials, design themes and structural typologies for built form within the Airport campus for completion within six months of the adoption of the Dublin Airport Local Area Plan for agreement with the Planning Authority. Each planning application for development of built form within the Airport eastern campus shall comply with the material use and design themes established in the design framework.


Any proposals for development of terminal extensions, or for new terminals shall adhere to the requirements of the design framework, unless alternatives are expressly agreed with the Planning Authority.


Require that all planning applications be accompanied by a design statement to demonstrate the key principles for Airport design as set out in Figure 7.2 of this LAP along with the requirements of the agreed design framework.


Encourage sustainable development through energy end use efficiency and increasing the use of renewable energy in all extensions and new buildings by requiring the following criteria be applied to ensure design and assembly of low-energy buildings:

  1. Responsible environmental management in construction;

  2. A menu of superior design and specification towards sustainable construction

    Options to include the following:

  3. Site layout and associated bio-climatic/ passive solar design measures

  4. Use of daylight where to reduce energy consumption

  5. Use of healthy and controllable ventilation systems

  6. Use of heat recovery systems including Combined Heat and Power

  7. Promotion of water conservation measures

  8. Use of building materials with lower embodied energy use in manufacture

  9. Use of lower energy efficient lighting systems

  10. Incorporation of renewable energy systems, e.g. active solar, heat pumps, etc in all buildings

  11. Optimising the use of Building Energy Management Systems

  12. Use of Monitoring and Targeting systems to monitor best practice in energy consumption towards reducing CO2 emissions to the greatest extent practicable.

A statement of consistency shall be required to be submitted with all planning applications for extensions and new buildings indicating measures proposed to comply with i – xii.

