Foreword & Glossary

Closed19 Feb, 2016, 10:00 - 29 Apr, 2016, 17:30


Paul Reid, Chief Executive


The Fingal Draft Development Plan is a key corporate policy document that sets out the overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of our county for the period 2017 – 2023 and beyond.

The Planning Department, working collaboratively with the Elected Members of Fingal County Council, have over the past year worked on the preparation of the Fingal Draft Development Plan 2017 - 2023 to provide a strategy that ensures that Fingal is to the fore of what appears to be a new period of economic recovery, following the global financial crisis that has impacted on us all over the last 8 years. Fingal has many of the attributes that can leverage off the consistent and positive economic indicators. We have one of the youngest, fastest growing, highly educated and diverse populations across Ireland. Our strategy is one that supports job creation, enterprise, tourism, housing, physical and social infrastructure, a healthy environment and sustainable communities. In simple terms we want Fingal to be the place of choice to live, work, visit and do business in Ireland. The compilation of the next County Development Plan is a key opportunity for us to set out our ambition in this regard.

Fingal is well placed to deliver housing with adequate zoned residential lands. The Fingal Draft Development Plan aims to provide sufficient high quality housing of an appropriate scale and mix, located in optimum locations and aligned with appropriate infrastructure, services and amenities over the duration of the Plan period and into the future. Swords and Blanchardstown, the largest urban centres in Fingal, will continue to be the County’s primary development areas during this Plan, with Dunsink and Lissenhall identified as strategic development areas with the potential to deliver new sustainable, vibrant, attractive and well-connected mixed use urban districts.

The County has a diverse character including both urban and rural areas, the coast, river valleys and upland areas. The Draft Plan recognises the importance of identifying, valuing and safeguarding both the County’s natural heritage and the archaeological and architectural heritage of Fingal for future generations through the proper management and sensitive enhancement of these unique attributes.

The Fingal Draft Development Plan sets out the strategic spatial vision and future direction for the county over a six year period from 2017 to 2023. In developing this we will build on our previous successes and our strategic advantages as a county. We will maximise the strengths of our citizens, communities, built and natural heritage, infrastructure and tourism to their full potential.

The Fingal Draft Development Plan 2017 – 2023 has been now been prepared for public consultation and we encourage all citizens, communities, businesses and interested parties to actively participate in helping to shape the future of your County.

We look forward to hearing from you and your valued participation at this stage of the making of our new County Development Plan.

Paul Reid

Chief Executive


The Fingal Draft Development Plan 2017 - 2023 has been prepared under the direction of AnnMarie Farrelly, Director of Planning and Strategic Infrastructure, by the following staff:

Development Plan Team

Matthew McAleese, Senior Planner; Harry McLauchlan, Róisín Burke, Senior Executive Planners; Sarah Ryan, Phillippa Joyce, Carol Hurley, Imelda Hickey, Executive Planners; Kevin Mooney, Yolande McMahon, Assistant Planners.

Heritage / Environmental Team

Dr Gerry Clabby, Heritage Officer; Hans Visser, Biodiversity Officer; Helena Bergin, Architectural Conservation Officer; Christine Baker, Consultant Archaeologist.

Drawing Office Team

Stephen Gaughran, Chief Technician; Patrick Murphy, Senior Executive Technician; Ciaran Corrigan, Noel Mullen, Susanne McMahon, Executive Technicians; Carl Jordan, Aoibhann Byrne, Aidan Kelly, Technicians (Grade 1).

Administrative Team

Philip Long, Senior Executive Officer; Caroline Kelly, Administrative Officer; Christine Bedford, Staff Officer; Sandra Hanratty, Niall McCoitir, Assistant Staff Officers; Linda Fanning, Eileen McCullough, Collette McNally, Clerical Officers.

Housing Strategy Team

Margaret Geraghty, Director of Services Housing & Community; Mary Egan, Senior Executive Officer.

Additional Input

Gilbert Power, Director of Services Water Services & Environment; Ed Hearne, Director of Services Economic, Enterprise & Tourism Development; Fionnuala May, County Architect; Blanchardstown Area Planning Team, Howth / Malahide Area Planning Team, North County Area Planning Team, Dominic Byrne, Assistant Head of IT; Hazel Farley, Systems Analyst; Kevin Halpenny, Senior Parks Superintendent; Jim Cleary, Brendan Colgan, Gary O’Brien, Senior Engineers; Sean McGrath, Fergus Finch, Senior Executive Engineers; Brendan Fleming, Senior Executive Officer.

Design by Resonate Design. Strategic Environmental Assessment, Appropriate Assessment and Strategic Flood Risk Assessment by RPS.



AA Appropriate Assessment (see also HDA and NIS)

ACA Architectural Conservation Area

AILG Association of Irish Local Government

APJ Action Plan for Jobs


BER Building Energy Rating

BIM Bord Iascaigh Mhara

BRE Building Research Establishment (UK)

BRT Bus Rapid Transit

BS British Standards


CCMA City and County Managers Association

CEDRA Commission for the Economic Development of Rural Areas

CER Commission of Energy Regulation

CHP Combined Heat and Power

CIP Capital Investment Programme

CSO Central Statistics Office


DAA Dublin Airport Authority

DAHG Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

DART Dublin Area Rapid Transport

DCC Dublin City Council

DJEI Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

DLR Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council

DMURS Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets

DCENR Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources

DoECLG Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government

DoEHLG Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government

DJEI Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

DTTAS Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport

DRAQMP Dublin Regional Air Quality Management Plan

DSP Department of Social Protection


EAA Economic Action Area

EI Enterprise Ireland

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

EIS Environmental Impact Statement

EMRA Eastern and Midlands Regional Assembly

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

ERBD Eastern River Basin District

ERDF Eastern Regional Development Fund

ESRI Economic and Social Research Institute

ETB Enterprise and Training Board

EU European Union

ECFRAMS Eastern Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management Study

EV Electric Vehicles


FCC Fingal County Council

FCN Fingal Community Network (PPN)

FCVF Fingal Community and Voluntary Forum

FDI Foreign Direct Investment

FEMFRAMS Fingal East Meath Flood Risk Assessment and Management Study

FTE Full-Time Equivalent Jobs


GDA Greater Dublin Area

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GDD Greater Dublin Drainage

GDSDS Greater Dublin Strategic Drainage Study

GFA Gross Floor Area

GHG Greenhouse Gases

GI Green Infrastructure

GNP Gross National Product

GSI Geological Survey of Ireland

GVA Gross Value Added


HDA Habitats Directive Assessment (see also AA and NIS)

HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle

HLC Historic Landscape Characterisation

HSA Health and Safety Authority

HSE Health Service Executive


ICW Integrated Constructed Wetland

ICPSS Irish Coastal Protection Strategy Study

ICT Information and Communication Technology

IDA Industrial Development Agency

IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

ITB Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown


LAP Local Area Plan

LECP Local Economic and Community Plan

LEO Local Enterprise Office

LCDC Local Community Development Committee

LCDP Local Community Development Programme

LCA Landscape Character Assessment

LO Local Objective


MAN Metropolitan Area Networks

ML Megalitre


NAMA National Asset Management Agency

NAP National Aviation Policy for Ireland

NBP National Biodiversity Plan

NEEAP National Energy Efficiency Action Plan

NGO Non-Governmental Organisation

NHA Natural Heritage Area

NIS Natura Impact Statement (see also AA and HDA)

NPF National Planning Framework

NPWS National Parks and Wildlife Service

NREEP National Renewable Energy Efficiency Plan

NSS National Spatial Strategy

NTA National Transport Authority


OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

OPW Office of Public Works


PE Population Equivalent

pNHA Proposed Natural Heritage Areas

PPN Public Participation Network

PSV Public Safety Zone

PV Photovoltaics


QBC Quality Bus Corridor


RAPID Revitalising Areas by Planning Investment and Development

RAS Rental Accommodation Scheme

REPS Rural Environment Protection Scheme

R&D Research and Development

RFF Refuge for Fauna

RMP Record of Monuments and Places

RPGs Regional Planning Guidelines

RPS Record of Protected Structures

RSES Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy


S&A Housing Social and Affordable Housing

SAAO Special Amenity Area Order

SAC Special Areas of Conservation

SDCC South Dublin County Council

SDZ Strategic Development Zone

SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment

SEDA Spatial Energy Demand Analysis

SFRA Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

S.I. Statutory Instrument

SICAP Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme

SID Strategic Infrastructure Development

SIU Social Inclusion Unit

SMART Objectives Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic, Time-Related Objectives

SME Small and Medium Enterprise

SMS ‘Sutton-Malahide-Swords’ Cycle Route

SNR Statutory Nature Reserve

SPC Strategic Policy Committee

SPA Special Protection Area

SQ M Square Metres

SuDS Sustainable Drainage Systems

SWRR Swords Western Ring Road


TII Transport Infrastructure Ireland

TUD Technological University of Dublin


UNISDR United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction


WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

WFD Water Framework Directive

WFDRPA Water Framework Directive Register of Protected Areas

WMU Water Management Unit

WSSP Water Services Strategic Plan

WTP Water Treatment Plant

WWD Waste Water Discharge

WWT Waste Water Treatment

WWTP Waste Water Treatment Plant