Map 8: Swords

Closed19 Feb, 2016, 10:00 - 29 Apr, 2016, 17:30

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Zoning of land at St. Colmcilles GAA Club, Glen Ellen Road, Swords
This lands appears to be zoned for GE General Employment. As it is used as a community sporting facility, would it be better suited to CI Community Infrastructure?
Pedestrian link between Knocksedan and Ridgewood
The council should examine the possibility of providing a pedestrian connection across lands at Brackenstown House, between Knocksedan and Phase 9 of Ridgewood, to allow for a through path...
Barrysparks Rezoning
The Barrysparks Lands have been rezoned from Major Town Centre to Metro Economic Corridor. What impact will this have on the Barrysparks Local Area Plan, and will it still result in the land being...
Amendments sought in relation to lands at Barrysparks, Swords
Please see attachment for full submission.
Rezoning of lands from GE to RS
Please see attached letter