Appendix 6: Map based local objectives

Closed19 Feb, 2016, 10:00 - 29 Apr, 2016, 17:30

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11 Development on these lands, if any, will be restricted by the extent of flooding on the lands and will be further informed by the outcome of the options appraisal process which forms part of the FEMFRAMS study


17 Allow for a treatment facility for end of life vehicles

18 Provide for vehicular and pedestrian access to the RV lands to the rear of The Orchard housing estate

19 Provide for pedestrian access from new development through the RV lands to the village core

23 Provide for the preservation and protection of existing hedgerows which form the boundaries of these lands

32 Endeavour to facilitate the appropriate conservation of the Mill at Rowlestown for the enjoyment and education of future generations

51 Provide for a farmers market, market gardening (including poly tunnels), outdoor sports facilities and associated parking facilities to complement the existing hotel, lounge/bar/restaurant and function room facilities


1 Promote and facilitate the development of the disused factory site, to the north of the beach/harbour as a mixed residential, hotel, leisure and entertainment precinct with shops, cafes and restaurants overlooking the coastal park and the sea

2 Promote and facilitate a pedestrian over-bridge as part of an attractive walkway along Tanner’s Water Lane to the proposed coastal path linking to the town centre

Promote and facilitate the development of an Ecological Corridor along the Matt Stream with pedestrian linkages back to the town and Balrothery

4 Preserve the setting of the Glebe House

6 Protect and enhance the amenity of Bowhill Lake and seek to establish pedestrian walking routes to the lake from Balrothery

7 Develop a management plan for the protection and conservation of the Bog of the Ring, within a defined study area as indicated on the Development Plan map, in conjunction with local landowners and stakeholders including the National Parks and Wildlife Service and the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government


5 Prepare a Recreational Strategy for Ardgillen Demesne with an emphasis on enhancing access

8 Protect the extensive archaeological remains identified by geo-physical survey within this area

9 Provide for the design of the proposed southern relief road from a roundabout connection on the Rush Road (R128) westwards as far as the railway crossing, as a tree-lined urban road, incorporating wide footpaths, verges, cycle paths and extensive tree-planting. Road embankments shall be attractively landscaped. West of the railway line to its connection with the Lusk Road (R127), the relief road shall be attractively landscaped in keeping with its rural setting, including the carrying out of an Archaeological Appraisal in advance of all works commencing

10 Lands to be ceded to Fingal County Council as public open space

12 Facilitate, in consultation with Iarnród Éireann, the provision of a railway station at Ballykea

13 Seek to establish a pedestrian walking route from the village to the Martello tower


16 Provide for larger family type houses to facilitate the upgrading of homes for families of existing two and three bedroom houses. A minimum of 80% of the housing units shall be 4 or more bed family homes, of which a minimum of 50% shall be detached houses

20 Require the provision of good pedestrian and cycle links between the Chapel Farm Estate, the school site and the open space


14 Encourage the restoration of the Martello tower

15 Promote and facilitate a public walkway around the Drumanagh Promontory Fort, providing an attractive pedestrian link from Rush to Loughshinny

21 Carry out an assessment of traffic needs to inform the feasibility of providing a Distributor Road to the west of Rush

22 Ensure that any new residential development in the South Shore, indicated on the map by a boundary line, is in compliance with the specific housing policy relevant to the South Shore area


24 Implement in full the measures outlined in ‘The Landfill Restoration Plans’ in the Rogerstown Estuary Study and provide for a landscaped public amenity space incorporating woodland and screen planting, pathways and seating areas, carparking, visitors centre and a boardwalk southwards alongside the railway line to Donabate

25 Provide a maximum of 7.4 units per hectare, with a minimum site size area of 1350 sq m and a maximum roof height of 6.15 metres over the prevailing established ground level. All new houses to connect to mains drainage with no provision for on site treatment systems

26 Provide a maximum of 10 units per hectare, with a minimum site size area of 1000 sq m and a maximum roof height of 6.65 metres over the prevailing established ground level. All new houses to connect to mains drainage with no provision for on site treatment systems

27 Prepare and implement a management strategy for Rogerstown Estuary, having regard to the Rogerstown Estuary Study including the provision of pedestrian access linking Rogerstown Estuary with Donabate and Portrane and the Malahide Estuary

28 Provide for well designed detached housing at maximum densities of 10 houses per hectare (4 per acre) in the Burrow

29 Housing should generally be single storey and subject to a maximum ridge height of 7 metres

30 Encourage a Woodland Management Programme for Portrane Demesne

31 Provide for a maximum of 9 houses. This development should not interfere with the amenity afforded by the trees along Turvey Avenue

33 Facilitate the provision of a maximum 6 dwelling units on a site of 1Ha/2.6 Acres. The dwellings to be sited in a cluster/terrace formation

34 Seek the provision of a public walkway/cycleway on land west side of the train line in Donabate and along the existing railway embankment across the Malahide Estuary, in consultation with Iarnród Éireann within the lifespan of this Development Plan

35 Ensure that the layout, design and scale of future development on these lands shall have regard to its prominent location, as well as the visibility of these lands from the south. In addition the layout, scale, design and density of development should respect the transitional nature of the sensitive southern boundary area

36 Upgrade Hearse Road to distributor road standard whilst ensuring the rural and amenity character is protected



37 Develop a Regional Park

39 Carry out a study for the long term use of these lands with particular regard to the setting of Brackenstown House and the identification of recreational/amenity lands and outcome of route selection of distributor road

40 Investigate the viability of a bus only link between Rathingle and Rivervalley

41 To upgrade access from Ridgewood to the Rathingle Road, with enhanced levels of public lighting and supervision, together with improved crosssing facilities at Rathingle Road

42 Facilitate the provision of a pedestrian access from Scoil An Duinninigh to the car park at the Riasc Centre

43 Include a full traffic appraisal considering the feasibility of providing a new point of ingress and egress into Ridgewood Estate as part of the design of the Swords Western Relief Road

46 Development on these lands, if any, shall be subject to the following restrictions:

• Under no circumstances shall any dwelling be permitted within the predicted 69 dB LAeq 16 hours noise contour.

• Comprehensive noise insulation shall be required for any house permitted under this objective.

Any planning application shall be accompanied by a noise assessment report produced by a specialist in noise assessment which shall specify all proposed noise mitigation measures together with a declaration of acceptance of the applicant with regard to the result of the noise assessment report


38 Completion of the Broadmeadow Way between Malahide and Donabate to be prioritised during the lifetime of this Development Plan

44 Facilitate provision of pedestrian linkages from east-west from The Hill to Robswall and north-south along part of the old Malahide to Portmarnock walkway route

45 Facilitate provision of pedestrian linkages from east-west from The Hill to Robswall and north-south along part of the old Malahide to Portmarnock walkway route

47 Preserve the tree lined approach to Malahide

48 Maximum ridge height at eastern boundary of 53m O.D. There will be no vehicular access to this site through Knockdara

49 No new or widened vehicular entrances will be allowed onto the Dublin Road between Streamstown Lane and the Swords junction

50 Facilitate provision of pedestrian linkages from east-west from The Hill to Robswall and north-south along part of the old Malahide to Portmarnock walkway route

56 Protect the mature trees and parkland at Abbeyville

59 Facilitate a traffic impact assessment of the junction of Chapel Lane with the Malahide Road and, subject to an identified need and resources being available, carry out improvement works to same

60 Investigate and implement flood relief measures at this location, subject to the findings of a full assessment and the availability of funding

61 Facilitate a traffic impact assessment of the junction of Baskin Lane with the Malahide Road and, subject to an identified need and resources being available, carry out improvement works to same

62 Investigate and implement flood relief measures at this location, subject to the findings of a full assessment and the availability of funding

63 That any development of this area will include the integration of the Protected Structure on site (Kinsaley House) within the first phase of development

68 The visual impact on the Green Belt of this new housing in Portmarnock will be minimised by its siting, design and by planting

69 Develop an estuary walkway and cycleways from Mayne Bridge, Baldoyle Road to Strand Road, Portmarnock together with an adequate system of public lighting for the entire route from Baldoyle to Portmarnock

75 Provide for an extension to Balgriffin Cemetery


83 Ensure that the visual impact of any development on the Green Belt will be minimised by its siting, design and planting

87 Encourage and facilitate the redevelopment of the Racecourse Shopping Centre including a building of high architectural quality, incorporating a high quality public realm space and to improve local amenity and environmental quality

88 Provide a buffer zone of trees separating the industrial estate and the residential area of Abbey Park

91 Maintain and protect the public amenity of the beach and improve public access to the beach, provided such increased public access is shown through Screening for Appropriate Assessment to be compatible with the conservation objectives of Baldoyle Bay Special Protection Area (SPA) and any other European Sites which may be directly or indirectly impacted upon

90 Provide a buffer zone of trees separating the industrial estate and the residential area of Abbey Park

93 Development shall be between three and five storeys. The three storey aspect of the development shall be on the western side of the site and a maximum of 30% of the overall development shall be five storeys

94 Promote the improvement of access to Howth Junction Rail Station.

95 Seek to provide access to Balscadden Beach from the start of the East Pier

96 Ensure development integrates with the existing residential character and scale of the area and that the surface car parking is maintained with appropriate landscaping south of the church

97 Preserve the public view from Howth Terrace to Howth Harbour

98 Ensure no development in excess of three storeys

100 Ensure the layout, scale, height and design respects the high amenity status of the surrounding area, the Martello Tower and the village character

102 Facilitate the provision of tourist, leisure, craft, artisan and restaurant uses at Howth Castle whilst ensuring the setting and character of the protected structures are maintained

103 Ensure that development is in keeping with the layout, scale, design and character of existing development

106 Formulate and implement an integrated plan for amenity lands in council ownership at Redrock, Kilrock and New Carrickbrack Road. Provide for the signposting and maintenance of the rights of way and, inter alia, for parking, landscape interception and other environmental information

108 Maintain Cowbooter Lane as a pedestrian and cycle route

109 Protect public rights of way linking Howth Village to the East Mountain and the Ben of Howth

116 Facilitate current maritime activities whilst ensuring that the visual and environmental amenity of the area is protected and to encourage use of the beach, including better signage, with no loss of public access to the beach

117 Provide for a development not more than five, one and a half storey dwellings with one access, sensitively designed and located in order to maintain views across the site from the public road

124 Implement projects agreed by the Howth SAAO management committee having regard to the funding available under the Howth SAAO levy scheme

129 Reduce the number of masts on the West Mountain to the minimum necessary through co-location and removal


52 Facilitate the provision of a second major east-west runway

53 Prepare a Strategy for St Margarets Special Policy Area

57 Consider within the context of the Masterplan, the nature and scale of appropriate HT uses having regard to the sites strategic and unique location in proximity to an international airport within the Dublin Airport Authority lands

58 Undertake a Land Use and Transportation Study to determine the development capacity of the subject lands, and an appropriate phasing and quantum of development in advance of the operation of the new Metro North line

65 Support the construction of an oil pipeline from Dublin Port to provide fuel service to Dublin Airport

72 Facilitate the RPA’s development of a well-designed depot to serve Metro West. The depot shall be sited, designed, landscaped, constructed, operated and maintained into the future to ensure that any potential noise, air and/or light pollution, as well as visual impacts of this development in the landscape, are minimised. The depot shall be screened on all sides

80 Facilitate provision of an underpass to include provision for a car, bus, cycle, and pedestrian link to link lands east and west of R108 to enhance connectivity


54 Facilitate traffic calming and a pedestrian crossing on the Ratoath Road at Hollystown

55 Facilitate the provision of a turning space for public buses

64 Facilitate an access to the Airport from the west

66 Facilitate improved parking and dropoff/collection on the approach road to and within Tyrrelstown school campus in conjunction with the Department of Education and Skills

67 Facilitate the development of infrastructure for waste management, including construction and demolition waste processing, biological treatment of organic waste, a sludge treatment facility and a waste transfer station

70 Prepare an Urban Framework Plan for the Damastown Industrial Estate to guide and inform future development and facilitate environmental improvements

71 Seek to provide a public park for the people of Tyrrelstown at this location.

73 Preserve views along Powerstown Road, and trees along the northern and eastern side of the CI zoned lands

74 Maintain the open setting of the Pinkeen River and provide for a linear park along its entire length

76 Extend existing graveyard and work towards the improvement of safety in the graveyard and the upgrading of Church Road

77 Protect the woodland along Church Road in tandem with the retention of scenic views to County Meath

78 Provide for adequate screening and separation of new development from the residential housing adjoining to the south

79 Development on these lands, if any, shall be restricted by the extent of flooding on the lands, and will be further informed by the outcome of the options appraisal process which forms part of the C-FRAMS Study

81 Provide for the upgrading of the Littlepace/N3 Interchange

82 Facilitate the provision of noise abatement and safety barriers along the N3 adjacent to Littlepace housing estates

84 Provide for the development of a linear park along the Tolka River Valley

85 Provide a landscaped pedestrian route along the Pinkeen River connecting Church Road with Ladys Well Road

86 Development within the flood plain of the Tolka River Plain will be restricted in accordance with the Tolka Flood Strategy

89 Provide bus gate, providing linkage between Cappagh Road and Finglas Road


92 Explore the provision of a pedestrian access from this area to the public park areas of the Sports Campus Ireland complex

99 Strengthen the pedestrian linkages between the core shopping centre and the adjacent retail park sites with further covered walkways

101 Ensure greater public access to these publicly owned lands and establish walking trails linking Blanchardstown Village, the Tolka Valley and Abbotstown Lands and encouraging the upgrading of the Snugborough interchange to facilitate this access through extra pedestrian walkways

104 Facilitate and promote synergies between Connolly Hospital, Institute of Technology Blanchardstown (ITB) and related industries

105 Facilitate the provision of public access to this open parkland and the necessary footpath network, landscaping and related development

107 Prevent any pedestrian access to / from the Blanchardstown Town Centre via Springlawn and Summerfield Estates

110 Ensure the provision of pedestrian access between Barberstown/Barnhill and the Hansfield SDZ by means of a new pedestrian overbridge integrated with adjoining development including the proposed Hansfield rail station

111 Housing built on this site will be of a height and density appropriate to a village setting and in keeping with existing housing in the core Clonsilla Village area and to a maximum of three storeys

112 Encourage the upgrading and consolidation of the shopping centre of no more than three storeys in height to allow for a wider range of local facilities and services

113 Provide for a pedestrian/cyclist link between the Tolka River and the Royal Canal

114 Prepare a feasibility study on the location of a road bridge, crossing the Royal Canal and the Dublin – Maynooth railway, connecting north to the Ongar Road. This location shall be determined in advance of, or part of, the adoption of the Local Area Plan for lands at Kellystown

115 Provide for traffic safety measures at this dangerous corner/junction

118 Provide for the development of a linear park along the Tolka River Valley

119 Provide a footbridge over the N3 at an appropriate location between the Auburn Avenue junction with the N3 and the Phoenix Park interchange

120 Facilitate pedestrian access from Coolmine Rugby Club grounds over the Canal adjacent to the Phoenix Park Railway Station

121 Preserve the existing pedestrian and vehicular right of way at the level crossing at Porterstown

122 Facilitate the provision of noise abatement barriers along the M50 adjacent to Laurel Lodge housing estates

123 Provide for pedestrian and cycle facilities on the Westmanstown Road which link to Pakenham Bridge and the Royal Canal

125 Preserve the existing pedestrian and vehicular right of way at the Coolmine Level Crossing

126 Prohibit any road bridge at this location

127 Car parking provision associated with the train station shall be two storey or less

128 Protect the rural character and setting of the Luttrellstown Road and enhance its use for pedestrians and cyclists

130 Provide for a burial ground of up to 4 hectares within the Kellystown area. This site is to be identified as part of, or in advance of, the adoption of Kellystown LAP

131 Provide integrated school and community/recreational facilities which may be developed in advance of the LAP

132 Improve facilities for pedestrians and cyclists in the village

133 Protect the vista along Castleknock Road as a tree-lined boulevard of large established houses

134 Develop a pedestrian access route from the Luttrellstown Road via Porterstown Park to the Lower Road and Anna Liffey Mills

135 Provide for a public car park

136 Explore the possibility of making the area to the north of the current Liffey Valley Special Area Amenity Order (SAAO) which is within the ‘shoulder’ of the Liffey Valley area the subject of a Special Area Amenity Order

137 Protect the vistas and settings of the Phoenix Park Gates and ensure that development proposals in the vicinity of the Phoenix Park do not affect the Park’s integrity and setting

138 Acquire and develop a suitable car parking site in the vicinity of Anna Liffey (Shackletons) Mills and upgrade the existing pedestrian/cycle path along the river bank westwards to connect with Lucan Village taking appropriate measures to ensure that the integrity of the Liffey Valley is fully taken account of in the layout, design and location of the car park and the upgrading of the pedestrian/cycle path

139 Implement the recommendations of the Conservation Plan prepared for Anna Liffey (Shackleton) Mills within the lifetime of this Development Plan

140 Promote and agree an Active Management Plan with South Dublin County Council with regard to important woodland blocks with a view to protecting, enriching and developing the existing woodland in the Liffey Valley

141 Progress any recommendations from the feasibility study on developing a visitor centre at Shackleton Mills, as provided for under the Fingal Tourism Strategy and subject to available resources

142 Provide a pedestrian route linking the Royal Canal and the River Liffey

143 Protect the vistas and settings of the Phoenix Park Gates.

144 Provide a pedestrian/cycle link from Castleknock GAA car park to Waterstown Park via the existing metal bridge

145 Undertake the necessary works to the Glen as a pedestrian route into the Liffey Valley

146 Prepare a traffic management plan for the Lower Road from Glenmaroon to Lucan, including Somerton Lane, Rugged Lane and the Luttrellstown Road. This plan shall provide for safe pedestrian and cycle access across a network of routes along with any necessary traffic calming and road safety measures

147 Optimise the benefits of Metro West to take account of existing commuter traffic, enterprise and employment while ensuring that any crossing over the River Liffey Valley SAAO is designed in such a way as would not compromise the amenity, tourism and economic potential of the Valley

148 Restore the Metal Bridge on the Lower Road and utilise it as a strategic pedestrian/cycle link from Farmleigh public car park to Waterstown Park via Coates lands in co-operation with South Dublin County Council

149 Develop a pedestrian Viewing Point over the Liffey Valley

150 Provide for a strategic pedestrian/cycle link connecting Lucan Bridge with St. Catherine’s Park via the lands at Bleach Green (north bank of Liffey) without creating significant negative impact on the landscape and the sensitive biodiversity considerations of the valley

151 Provide for a strategic pedestrian/cycle link across the River Liffey from lands at Holy Angels at the bottom of Knockmaroon Hill via a new bridge to Stewart’s Hospital, Coates land and Waterstown Park

various - see attached
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