9.3 Sustainable Urban Drainage

Dúnta3 M.F., 2019, 09:00 - 15 D.F., 2019, 17:00

The Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) is a European Parliament Directive. This Directive is concerned with the protection of the aquatic ecosystem by preventing any further deterioration in status of waters, groundwater and water dependent ecosystems and where necessary the restoration of the water body, to achieve a ‘good’ condition. The status is based on both ecological status as well as the natural chemical and physical condition. In addition to qualitative targets, the Directive also promotes the sustainable use of water resources and most notably, the elimination of the discharge of specific hazardous substances.

The legislation places onus upon stakeholders, including both the polluters and regulators to ensure all appropriate measures are taken to protect the environment at risk. In terms of surface water discharges, there will be an increasing emphasis on treatment volumes and processes within the subject lands as well as peak flow rates.

As set out in the Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023, it is an objective of the Council to implement Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) on all new developments throughout the County and to encourage where feasible the retrofit of sustainable drainage systems within existing developments. SUDS is a greener, more environmentally effective approach to managing surface water on developed lands and provides significant benefits in terms of flood risk management, water quality improvement, provision of amenity and biodiversity.

The following sustainable urban drainage objectives will be applied in assessing any development proposals at the Airport.


Require all applications for development at Dublin Airport to demonstrate compliance with the Dublin Airport Local Area Plan Strategic Flood Risk Assessment and Surface Water Management Plan.


Introduce SUDS to new greenfield and brownfield development sites by adoption of the SUDS Management train approach.


Introduce SUDS measures to existing paved/developed areas that do not currently have any SUDS features.


Recharge the ground and reduce storm volumes by the use of suitable SUDS measures.


Alleviate local flooding issues within the LAP area by providing positive drainage to affected areas.


Reduce risk of bird strike when developing new sites and implementing SUDS measures.


Establish riparian corridors free from new development along all significant watercourses and streams. Ensure a riparian buffer strip either side of all watercourses within the LAP lands.


Develop a robust surface water management system in compliance with the recommendations of the Dublin Airport Local Area Plan Strategic Flood Risk Assessment and Surface Water Management Plan associated with this LAP, to meet future development needs and providing resilience to the effects of climate change. This will entail a full review of the current surface water system at Dublin Airport including a review of drain down times, attenuation volumes, discharge rates, and opportunities for the retrofit of SUDS.


Develop a policy on sustainable drainage systems in proximity to the Airport, to ensure aircraft safety.

Clár ábhair
