MAP SHEET 4: Balbriggan

Map Sheet 4: Balbriggan
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Proposed Amendments:

Click on the proposed amendment numbers below to view the map sheet for each proposed amendment.

PA SH 4.1:

Amend zoning from RS-Residential to MC–Major Town Centre, excluding residential properties at 1-5 Hampton Place and 1-15 Hampton Green to the east, and lands to the north of and including No. 5 Church Street, Balbriggan.

PA SH 4.2:

Include the Naul Road Upgrade (M1 Junction 6 exit to the roundabout on the R122) as an indicative route on the relevant plan map.






‘Material Alterations to the Draft Fingal Development Plan 2023-2029'.  Submission concerning Map Sheet 4: Balbriggan Proposed Amendment: PA SH 4.1 Balbriggan....
Please see attached submission.