MAP SHEET 3: Fingal Central

Closed11 Nov, 2022, 09:00 - 22 Dec, 2022, 12:05

MAP SHEET 3: Fingal Central

Map Sheet 3
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Proposed Amendments:

Click on the proposed amendment numbers below to view the map sheet for each proposed amendment.

PA SH 3.1:

Amend zoning from RU-Rural to RB-Rural Business at Westpalstown, Oldtown.

PA SH 3.2:

Amend zoning from RU-Rural to RV-Rural Village at Oldtown.

PA SH 3.3:

Amend zoning from RU-Rural to RV-Rural Village at Oldtown and amend RV boundary accordingly.

PA SH 3.4:

Amend zoning from RU-Rural to RB-Rural Business at Belinstown, Ballyboughal.

PA SH 3.5:

Amend zoning from RU-Rural to RV-Rural Village at Coolquay.

PA SH 3.6:

Amend zoning from RU-Rural to WD-Warehousing and Distribution at Belinstown, Ballyboughal.

PA SH 3.7:

Include new map-based local objective on lands at St Margaret’s, Co Dublin as follows:

Provide for the continuing provision of childcare facilities and education centre.

PA SH 3.8:

Include new map-based local objective as follows:

Provide for improved connectivity between Rowlestown and Swords for all modes of transport.

PA SH 3.9:

Delete map-based local objective 36 as follows

Address the ‘weakness of the LAP’ identified by An Bord Pleanála’s report refusing the Rivermeade development planning application where they stated that the "lands cannot be developed without the road infrastructure being in place either prior to or during the construction of the housing development" by completing the 2.5km upgrades required to 185 Toberburr Road which will open up the land for much needed housing developments in a timely manner

Replace with the following new map-based local objective:

Fingal County Council commits to delivering the necessary upgrade of Toberburr Road in the short term, to include improved forward visibility at a number of sharp bends, through verge widening, and a shared footpath and cycle lane along one side.’

PA SH 3.10:

Include the Toberburr Road Upgrade as an indicative route on the relevant plan map.

PA SH 3.11:

Add indicative lines for the river greenway on the Ward River.





To whom it may concern, I welcome the commitment this upcoming development plan 2023-2029  shows for an LAP to be completed for the Coolquay RV. This is long overdue and it would be...
See submission attached.
Please see attached report.