CHAPTER 14: Development Management Standards

Closed11 Nov, 2022, 09:00 - 22 Dec, 2022, 12:05

Proposed Amendments:

PA CH 14.1: Section 14.6.5 Open Space Serving Residential Development, page 518

Amend text in Table 14.6 as follows:

Public open space - Public open space is accessible to the public at large and in general is intended to be “taken in charge” by the Local Authority, but in certain circumstances may be privately managed. Appropriate provision must be made for public open space within all new developments. In all instances where public open space is not provided a contribution under Section 48 will be required for the short fall. (Target minimum amount of 15% except in cases where the developer can demonstrate that this is not possible, in which case the 12% to 15% range will apply.)

PA CH 14.2: Section 14.7 Apartment Development /Standards, page 520

Amend Section 14.7 Apartment Development/Standards as follows:

Mix of units (SPPR1)

Apartment Floor Area (SPPR3)

Dual Aspect Ratios (SPPR4)

Floor to Ceiling Height (SPPR5)

Lift and Stair Cores (SPPR 6)

Internal Storage

Private Amenity Space (Appendix 1)

Communal Amenity Space (Appendix 1)

Children’s Play Space provision (Section 4)

Bicycle Parking and Storage (Section 4)

Build to Rent Schemes (SPPR 7 & SPPR 8)

PA CH 14.3: Section 14.7.3 Internal Storage, page 522

Amend Section 14.7.3 Internal Storage as follows:

Internal storage within an apartment unit shall be provided in accordance with the Sustainable Urban Housing Design Standards for New Apartments as set out in Appendix 1 and Section 3.30 to 3.34. 

Storage should be additional to kitchen presses and bedroom furniture. ¨ Hot press/boiler space will not count as general storage. ¨ No individual storage room should exceed 3.5 sq. m. Apartment schemes should provide storage for bulky items outside individual units (i.e. at ground or basement level). Secure, ground floor storage space allocated to individual apartments and located close to the entrance to the apartment block or building should be provided. This form of storage may be used for equipment such as, for example, bicycles or bicycle equipment, children's outdoor toys or buggies. This form of storage does not satisfy bicycle parking requirements for the apartment scheme. 

PA CH 14.4: Section 14.11.2 Age Friendly Housing, page 536

Amend Section 14.11.2 as follows:

The Council will promote an age-friendly approach by ensuring that both existing and proposed residential developments are future proofed for an ageing population. In accordance with the principles of “Housing Options for Our Ageing Population' – Policy Statement 2019”, the Planning Authority will advocate an age friendly approach with respect to new residential in Fingal.

Applicants for residential development should consider the incorporation of units suitable for elderly persons within proposed schemes, and consideration should be given to accompanying facilities and materials which promote this approach in line with the age friendly principles taken from the Ten Universal Design Features to include in a Lifetime Adaptable and Age Friendly Home – June 2021, published by Age Friendly Ireland. These set out that an Age Friendly Home

  • is well-connected to local amenities
  • is easy to approach and enter
  • is connected to the outdoors
  • is easy to move about in
  • has accessible and adaptable toilets and bathrooms
  • has a guest bedroom
  • has easy to use fittings and fixtures
  • is energy and cost efficient
  • has good security and technology system

The Council will consider proposals, including the development of small infill sites for appropriate forms of residential development for age-friendly housing, including opportunities for those wishing to downsize from larger family homes to more appropriately sized units “Right-Sizing” with benefits of town centre living and proximity to community infrastructure, transport etc.

Housing proposals specifically aimed at older people should be designed having regard to Universal Design Standards enabling the property to be future proofed for the possible care needs of the occupant and to ensure sufficient floor space to cater for care assistance/visitors. In this regard, development proposals will be required to comply with any future technical guidance relating to design specifications for housing for older people in place at the time of making the planning application.

PA CH 14.5: Section 14.11.2 Age Friendly Housing, page 537

Insert new objective after section 14.11.2 of the Draft Plan as follows:

Objective DMSOXX – Age Friendly Housing

Require new residential developments in excess of 100 units provide 10% of the units as age friendly accommodation.

PA CH 14.6: Section 14.13.1 Hierarchy and Accessibility, page 551

Insert new objective after Objective DMSO50 (Permeable and Accessible Open Space), as follows:

Objective DMSOXX – Monetary Value in Lieu of Play Facilities

Require the monetary value in lieu of play facilities to be in line with the Fingal County Council Development Contribution Scheme.

PA CH 14.7: Section 14.13.2 Quantity, page 553

Amend Objective DMSO53 as follows:

Objective DMSO53 – Financial Contribution in Lieu of Public Open Space

Require minimum open space, as outlined in Table 14.12 for a proposed development site area (Target minimum amount of 15% except in cases where the developer can demonstrate that this is not possible, in which case the 12% to 15% range will apply.) to be designated for use as public open space.  The Council has the discretion to accept a financial contribution in lieu of the remaining open space requirement to allow provision for the acquisition of additional open space or the upgrade of existing parks and open spaces subject to these additional facilities meeting the standards specified in Table 14.11. Where the Council accepts financial contributions in lieu of open space, the contribution shall be calculated on the basis of 25% Class 2 and 75% Class 1 in addition to the development costs of the open space.

PA CH 14.8: Section 14.5.3 Space Extensive Developments, page 570

Amend Objective DMSO94 as follows:

DMSO94 Utilisation of Vacant Properties for Remote Working Facilities Space Extensive Developments

Proposals for space extensive developments such as data centres are required to address the following:

  • Energy efficiency measures for the development to reduce the carbon footprint in support of national targets towards a net zero carbon economy, including renewable energy generation
  • The extent of energy demand and proximity to multiple high voltage strategic grid connections with significant electricity supply capacity available including areas with high concentration of renewable energy electricity generators
  • The availability of appropriate infrastructure such as high voltage electricity, fibre optic cables, water and waste water etc. to support the use as a data centre
  • Measures to support the just transition to a circular economy
  • Measures to facilitate district heating or heat networks where excess heat is produced
  • High-quality design approach to buildings which reduces the massing and visual impact of same. A visual impact assessment may be required in some circumstances, depending on the specific site
  • Details of overall storage capacity
  • Details of employment numbers once operational
  • Details of the levels of traffic to and from the site at construction and operation stage
  • Evidence of sign up to the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact
  • A decommissioning report which sets out the development strategy for the site if and when the data centre is no longer in use, in order to bring the site back to a future developable state.
  • Have regard to The Principles for Sustainable Data Centre Development as per the Government Statement on the Role of Data Centres in Ireland’s Enterprise Strategy (July 2022).

PA CH 14.9: Section 14.17.2 Bicycle Parking, page 578

Bicycle Parking At Public Transport Stations And Stops

Include the following text in Table 14.17: Bicycle Parking Standards:

Rail, Metro, Light Rail stations and stops / - / sufficient to meet the anticipated demand for cycling when planned cycling and active travel infrastructure is in place. Where the anticipated demand for cycling to a metro/heavy rail/light rail station hasn't been estimated, a norm of 10 to 30% of trips to rail stations being made by bicycle will be used for the provision of bicycle parking. Bus stops on major bus routes/- / provision to meet estimated demand where space is available.

PA CH 14.10: Section Bicycle Parking and Residential Development, page 582

Amend Objective DMSO113 as follows:

DMSO113 – Bicycle Parking

Ensure that all new development provides high quality, secure and innovative bicycle parking provision in accordance with the bicycle parking standards set out in Table 14.17 and the associated design criteria for bicycle parking provision set out in this Plan, having regard to local, national and international best practice.

PA CH 14.11: Section 14.17.5 Road Network and Access with Title, page 584

Insert new objective at the end of Section 14.17.5 as follows:

Objective DMSOXX - Evaluation of Signage Proposals and National Roads

Proposals for signage on or at national roads will be assessed against Chapter 3 of the Spatial Planning and National Roads Guidelines for Planning Authorities (DoECLG, 2012) and TII Policy on the Provision of Tourist and Leisure Signage on National Roads (March 2011)

PA CH 14.12: Section 14.17.5 Road Network and Access, page 584

Amend Objective DMSO117 as follows:

Objective DMSO117 - Motorway Access National Road Access

‘Prohibit development requiring new or intensified access onto a motorway national road and seek to reserve the capacity, efficiency and safety of National Road infrastructure including junctions in accordance with the provisions and presume against access onto National Primary routes of the Spatial Planning and National Roads Guidelines for Planning Authorities (DoECLG, 2012).

PA CH 14.13: Section 14.17 Connectivity and Movement, page 587

Insert new paragraph at an appropriate location in Section 14.17 of the Draft Plan as follows:

Car Free Neighbourhoods

The provision of car free neighbourhoods and streets in accordance with Objective SPQHO2 can bring multiple benefits. Typically, such neighbourhoods and streets would allow motor vehicular access for deliveries only, confining parking to a dedicated parking area at the periphery. Car free neighbourhoods are typically best suited to higher-density neighbourhoods, creating a much better quality public realm with safety, public health, and green infrastructure benefits for the community, and economic benefits for householders.

PA CH 14.14: Section 14.17.7 Car Parking, page 587

Insert the following text under Table 14.19 of the Draft Plan:

Max refers to maximum number of spaces allowed. Norm refers to the number of spaces that will generally be permitted unless specific changes are considered necessary to ensure the proper planning and sustainable development of a proposed development.

PA CH 14.15: Section Ecological Corridors and Stepping Stones Including Trees and Hedgerows, page 596

Amend Objective DMSO156 as follows:

Objective DMSO156 – Ecological Corridors

Protect and enhance the ecological corridors along the following rivers in the County by ensuring that no development takes place, outside urban centres, development boundaries within a minimum distance of 48m 30m from each riverbank along the main channels of following rivers Liffey, Tolka, Pinkeen, Mayne, Sluice, Ward, Broadmeadow, Ballyboghil, Corduff, Matt and Delvin, Bracken River, Daws River, Richardstown River, Turvey River (see Green Infrastructure Maps). A minimum 10 m wide riparian buffer strip applies to lands within urban areas development boundaries. Additional width may be required to provide for additional protections of sensitive habitats, as appropriate.

PA CH 14.16: Section Ecological Corridors and Stepping Stones Including Trees and Hedgerows, page 596

Include a new objective to follow DMSO156, as follows:

Objective DMSOXX – Ecological Corridors in Urban Areas

Any redevelopment of existing properties and brownfield sites within 25m from each riverbank along the main channels of following rivers Liffey, Tolka, Pinkeen, Mayne, Sluice, Ward, Broadmeadow, Ballyboghil, Corduff, Matt and Delvin, Bracken River, Daws River, Richardstown River, Turvey River shall provide opportunities for multi-functional green infrastructure, including features which intercept and filter surface water from the site before discharging into the river. These features include, but are not limited to: green roofs, reinforced grass parking bays and water gardens. The use of underground attenuation as part of the redevelopment of existing properties or brownfield sites will not be accepted.

PA CH 14.17: Section Ecological Corridors and Stepping Stones Including Trees and Hedgerows, page 596

Amend Objective DMSO157 as follows:

Objective DMSO157 – Development Along Watercourses

Ensure that no development, including pathway infrastructure, clearance and storage of materials, takes place within 10m as a minimum, measured from each bank of any river tributary or small stream or watercourse in the County (see Green Infrastructure Maps).

PA CH 14.18: Section Ecological Corridors and Stepping Stones Including Trees and Hedgerows page 596

Amend Objective DMSO159 as follows:

Objective DMSO159 – Protection of Rivers and Streams

Protect rivers and streams and maintain them in an open state capable of providing suitable habitat for fauna and flora, including fish. Deculvert or “daylight” existing culverts where appropriate and in accordance with relevant river catchment proposals restore the watercourse to acceptable ecological standards for biodiversity wherever possible improving habitat connection and strengthening the County's GI network. Clear Span structures should be used on fisheries waters, where possible.

PA CH 14.19: Section 14.20.9 Information and Communications Technology, page 627

Add the following text to Objective DMSO225 – Applications for Telecommunications Structures:

Ensure that when such licences are sought nearby property owners and occupiers are made aware of the application prior to Fingal County Council or An Bord Pleanála agreeing the licence.

PA CH 14.20: Section 14.20.12 Waste Management, page 631

Move Section 14.9.8 (Refuse Storage) to Section 14.20.12 (Waste Management).

PA CH 14.21: Section 14.11.2 Age Friendly Housing, page 537

Insert a new objective after section 14.11.2 of the Draft Plan to state:

Objective DMSOXX – Age Friendly Housing

Require new residential developments in excess of 100 units provide 10% of the units as age friendly accommodation.

PA CH 14.22: Section 14.17.3 Mobility Management Plan/Workplace Travel Plans, page 583

Insert new Objective after DMSO115 as follows:

Objective DMSOXX – Bicycle maintenance facilities

Require bicycle maintenance facilities wherever a mobility management plan is in place.

PA CH 14.23: Section 14.21.4 Renewable Energy, page 641

Amend final paragraph of Section 14.21.4 as follows:  

Large scale proposals for solar panels or any development in the vicinity of the airport, the strategic national road and LUAS networks will be required to submit a Glint and Glare Assessment. Domestic applications will be assessed on a case by case basis. All large-scale proposals involving for solar panels shall be sent to Irish Aviation Authority as part of the statutory consultee process.






Dear Sir / Madam,   Please see enclosed submission on behalf of Glenveagh Properties PLC of Digital Office Centre, Block B, Maynooth Business Campus, Straffan Road, Maynooth, Co...
Dear Sir / Madam,   Please see enclosed submission on behalf of Glenveagh Properties PLC of Digital Office Centre, Block B, Maynooth Business Campus, Straffan Road, Maynooth, Co...
Dear Sir / Madam,   Please see enclosed submission on behalf of Glenveagh Properties PLC of Digital Office Centre, Block B, Maynooth Business Campus, Straffan Road, Maynooth, Co...
Dear Sir/ Madam,  Please See enclosed submission on behalf of Glenveagh Properties PLC of Digital Office Centre, Block B, Maynooth Business Campus, Straffan Road, Maynooth, Co Kildare...