CHAPTER 9: Green Infrastructure and Natural Heritage

Closed11 Nov, 2022, 09:00 - 22 Dec, 2022, 12:05

Proposed Amendments:

PA CH 9.1: Section 9.5 Policies and Objectives, page 320

Amend Policy GINHP1 as follows:

Promote an awareness of the benefits of Resilient Design and the multi-functional nature of Green Infrastructure. Apply multi-functional principles of Green Infrastructure to inform the development management process in terms of design and layout of new residential areas, business/industrial development and other significant projects while maximizing the multi-functional nature of Green Infrastructure by ensuring the development of synergies between Public Open Space, Biodiversity, SuDS/Water Sensitive Design, Climate Change and Active Travel objectives.

PA CH 9.2: Section 9.5 Policies and Objectives, page 320

Amend Policy GINHP3 as follows:

Encourage measures for the “greening” of new developments including the use of green roofs, brown roofs, green walls and water harvesting. Where feasible require new developments to incorporate greening elements such as green roofs, brown roofs, green walls, green car parking and SuDs.

PA CH 9.3: Section 9.5 Policies and Objectives, page 320

Amend Objective GINHO1 as follows:

Develop and implement Urban Greening Plans for Balbriggan, Swords and the wider Dublin 15 area within the lifetime of the Development Plan.

PA CH 9.4: section Biodiversity, page 322

Amend Objective GINHO6 as follows:

Safeguard Identify and map the important agricultural and horticultural lands in the County for future food security purposes and protect these lands from development.

PA CH 9.5: Section Parks, Open Space and Recreation, page 322

Amend Objective GINHO10 as follows:

Identify and provide opportunities for Fingal residents to engage in food production through allotments, community gardens and the provision of food foraging areas in new parks and Green Infrastructure proposals where appropriate.

PA CH 9.6: Section 9.5.2 Green Infrastructure and Planning, page 324

Include the following text in Section 9.5.2 Green Infrastructure and Planning, as follows:

Rewilding is defined as the process of innovation in conservation philosophy, science and management, characterised by a desire to restore ecological processes at various scales, often through the introduction of functional species and the restoration of natural processes. Rewilding is a progressive approach to conservation. It’s about letting nature take care of itself, enabling natural processes to shape land and sea, repair damaged ecosystems and restore degraded landscapes. Through rewilding, wildlife’s natural rhythms create wilder, more diverse habitats.

PA CH 9.7: Section 9.5.2 Green Infrastructure and Planning, page 325

Amend Objective GINHO23 as follows:

Support and implement The Forest of Fingal-A Tree Strategy for Fingal, Keeping it Green – An Open Space Strategy for Fingal and Space for Play – A Play Policy for Fingal during the lifetime of the Development Plan.

PA CH 9.8: Section 9.6.8 Ecological Corridors and Stepping Stones Including Trees and Hedgerows, page 334

Include a new Objective after Objective GINHO41, as follows:

Objective GINHOXX – Protection of Royal Canal

Protect the Royal Canal and associated habitats along its banks as a proposed Natural Heritage Area by establishing an ecological corridor free of new housing development with a buffer consisting of a minimum width of 30 metres from the top of each bank of the Canal.

PA CH 9.9: Section 9.5.2 Green Infrastructure and Planning, page 325

Amend Objective GINHO24 as follows:

Continue to support respond to the demand for Public Allotments and Community Gardens in the County in line with Fingal’s adopted Allotment Strategy. Fingal’s Allotment Strategy, Community Gardens initiatives within the County.

PA CH 9.10: Section 9.6.9 Protection of Trees and Hedgerows, page 334

Amend Policy GINHP21 as follows:

Protect existing woodlands, trees and hedgerows which are of amenity or biodiversity vale and/or contribute to landscape character and ensure that proper provision is made for their protection and management in line with the adopted Forest of Fingal-A Tree Strategy for Fingal.

PA CH 9.11: Section 9.6.8. Ecological Corridors and Steeping Stones including Trees and Hedgerows, page 334

Include a new objective to Section 9.6.8. as follows:

Objective GINHOXX – Streamside Riparian Zone

Remove existing revetments and/or gabion baskets along river and streams and restore a minimum of 10m of natural streamside riparian zone, where possible. If existing hard bank structures cannot be removed, provide instream river rehabilitation works in consultation with Inland Fisheries Ireland to improve the overall habitat quality of the river.

PA CH 9.12: Section 9.6.8. Ecological Corridors and Steeping Stones including Trees and Hedgerows, page 334

Include a new objective to Section 9.6.8. as follows:

Objective GINHOXX – Setback of New Surface Water Drainage Outfalls

Set back new surface water drainage outfalls from the main river channel on the landward edge of the floodplain or a designed wetland feature to cater for water quality improvement before the surface discharges into the river.

PA CH 9.13: Section 9.6.9 Protection of Trees and Hedgerows, page 335

Amend Objective GINHO44 as follows:

Ensure adequate justification for tree removal in new developments and open space management and require documentation and recording of the reasons where tree felling is proposed and avoid removal of trees without justification.

PA CH 9.14: Section 9.6.9 Protection of Trees and Hedgerows, page 335

Amend Objective GINHO45 as follows:

Promote, encourage and support woodland development schemes by identifying suitable areas and support other initiatives that aim to establish and enhance woodlands for biodiversity, climate change and recreational purposes in partnership with local communities in line with the adopted Forest of Fingal-A Tree Strategy for Fingal.

PA CH 9.15: Section 9.6.9. Protection of Trees and Hedgerows, page 335

Include a new objective to Section 9.6.9. as follows:

Objective GINHOXX – Wildlife Act and Roads Act

The Council shall comply with the requirements set out in the Wildlife Act and Roads Act in the context of its maintenance programmes and housing, recreational and infrastructure developments.

PA CH 9.16: Section 9.6.12 County Geological Sites, page 336

Include new Figure “Quarries and Geological Heritage Sites in Fingal” in Section 9.6.12.

The following text is also to be included directly preceding this map:

Figure 9.1 below shows the location of the county geological sites identified by the GSI as well as the locations of sites included on the Fingal Extractive Industries (Quarries) Register which was compiled in accordance with the requirements of Section 261 and 261A of the Planning and Development Act (as amended).

PA CH 9.17: Section 9.6.15 Views and Prospects, page 341

Include a new objective in Section 9.6.15, as follows:

Objective GINHOXX – Review and update Views and Prospects

Review and update the views and prospects outlined the Development Plan in line with the policy as set out in Section 9.6.15 -Views and Prospects.

PA CH 9.18: Section 9.6.16 , Special Amenity Areas, page 342

Amend objective GINHO62 Liffey Valley Regional Park Study as follows:

To carry out a study for the lands that comprise Liffey Valley inclusive of the Special Area Amenity Order (SAAO), Shackletons Mill and adjacent lands so as to investigate and determine viable and appropriate uses to support and facilitate the development of a Regional Park (Liffey Valley Park) including a Greenway (Liffey Valley Greenway), with particular emphasis on enhancing the recreation, amenity value and accessibility of the area, in accordance with the Council’s published document Towards a Liffey Valley Park (2007). This new Regional Park will serve the needs of existing communities of Clonsilla, Hansfield and Ongar as well as the wider Greater Dublin area. The study will be carried out in consultation with the surrounding Local Authorities, State Agencies, existing landowners, sectoral, community and commercial interests.

PA CH 9.19: Section 9.6.7 High Amenity Zoning, page 342

Amend Objective GINHO59 as follows:

Consider Prioritise Rogerstown, Malahide and Baldoyle Estuaries for Special Amenity Area Orders

PA CH 9.20: Section 9.7.2 Coastal Tourism and Recreation, page 347

Amend Policy GINHP31 as follows:

Encourage the enhancement of existing and development of new shared access leisure and amenity type uses along the coast so long as such uses do not cause significant adverse impacts on the environment, visual amenity and heritage.

PA CH 9.21: Section 9.7.2 Coastal Tourism and Recreation, page 347

Amend Policy GINHP32 as follows:

Enhance and promote access to the coast and harbours, including the promotion of coastal and harbour shared access recreational facilities where appropriate, while also prioritising and protecting the coastal environment.

PA CH 9.22: Section 9.6.8 and objective IUO26 and DMSO211 page 333, 404 and 624

Edit Section 9.6.8 and objective IUO26 and DMSO211 to reflect the amended and new objective as per CE CH 9.9 and CE CH 9.10 above.






Please refer to the attached documents which form the content of this submission.
As a resident of clonsilla i am in support of the 30m buffer of the royal canal. The Royal Canal and its thriving biodiversity needs protecting from developers that seek to destroy it...
PA CH 9.2: Section 9.5 Policies and Objectives, page 320 Amend Policy GINHP3 as follows: Encourage measures for the “greening” of new developments including the use of green roofs,...
I support this. Many high rise communist era tower blocks have been built or are planned to be built along the royal canal which is depressing when you think about it. Destroying nature and...