CHAPTER 4: Community Infrastructure and Open Space

Closed11 Nov, 2022, 09:00 - 22 Dec, 2022, 12:05

Proposed Amendments:

PA CH 4.1: Update All references to open space in the Draft Plan

With respect to the provision of public open space, amend all references to 15% to provide a range of 12 to 15%.

Update this (and all) reference(s) to open space in the Plan (Ch. 3, Ch. 4 & Ch. 14) with the following text in bold:  Target minimum amount of 15% (except in cases where the developer can demonstrate that this is not possible, in which case the 12% to 15% range will apply.)

PA CH 4.2: Section Higher and Further Education, page 159

Amend text in Section as follows:

Fingal is home to one third level institution, Technological University Dublin - Blanchardstown Campus. With over 30,000 students on its three main campuses, TU Dublin is one of the largest universities in the country, with campuses in Blanchardstown, Grangegorman and Tallaght. Connolly Hospital, a major teaching hospital is also located within the County. Educational attainment is an important factor when planning for the future and 39.6% of the population in Fingal have a third level education - which is higher than the national average at 33.4%. The importance of a well-educated population is recognised and fully supported by Fingal County Council.

Fingal County Council recognise the importance of a well-educated population and of promoting access to education, including in new emerging communities. Other third level institutions within close proximity to Fingal and accessible to Fingal's residents include Dublin City University (DCU), Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) TU Dublin (City campus locations) and Trinity College Dublin (TCD).

PA CH 4.3: Section Community Centres, page 155

Insert new Objective on page 155 as follows:

Objective XX – Community Hall at Naul

A new Community Hall centrally located be provided to service the needs of the people of the village of Naul.

PA CH 4.4: Section Community Centres, page 155

Insert new Objective on page 155 as follows:

Objective XX – Community Hall at Ballyboughal

A new Community Hall centrally located be provided to serve the needs of the people of the village of Ballyboughal.

PA CH 4.5: Section Quantity, page 168

Update all references in the development plan re: New residential development on infill/brownfield sites/town centre sites at 10%

To: New residential development on infill/brownfield sites/town centre sites at 12%

Target minimum amount of 15% except in cases where the developer can demonstrate that this is not possible, in which case the 12% to 15% range will apply.)

PA CH 4.6: Section Allotments, Community Gardens and Community Initiatives, page 172

Insert new Objective in Section after Objective CIOSO35 (Variety of Open Space) to read as follows:

Objective CIOSOXX – Increase Allotment Spaces

Increase the number of allotment spaces throughout the county during the lifetime of the Development Plan"




Please refer to the submission attached.
See section 4.5 of report please