Proposed Amendments:

PA CH 1.1: Section 1.4, Strategic Objectives, page 13

Include new Strategic Objective as follows:

13. Continue to support the development of the tourism industry in the County and work to sustain Fingal as a high quality and competitive tourism destination.

PA CH 1.2: Section 1.9.5, National Marine Planning Framework. page 22

Update all references to the National Marine Planning Framework in the Draft Plan.

Amend Section 1.9.5 in Chapter 1 as follows:

1.9.5 National Marine Planning Framework

In accordance with EU Directive 2014/89, work is currently underway on a National Marine Spatial Plan. Marine planning will contribute to the effective management of marine activities and more sustainable use of our marine resources. It will enable the Government to set a clear direction for managing our seas, to clarify objectives and priorities, and to direct decision makers, users and stakeholders towards more strategic and efficient use of marine resources. As Fingal is a coastal county the final plan / framework will be of importance to us

1.9.5 National Marine Planning Framework

In accordance with EU Directive 2014/89/EU, the National Marine Planning Framework was published in May 2021. Marine planning will contribute to the effective management of marine activities and more sustainable use of our marine resources, and it will enable the Government to set a clear direction for managing our seas, to clarify objectives and priorities, and to direct decision makers, users and stakeholders towards more strategic and efficient use of marine resources. As Fingal is a coastal county the final plan / framework will be of great importance to Fingal.

The Maritime Area Planning Act 2021 (MAP Act) was signed into law in December 2021 and this legislation represents the biggest reform of marine governance since the formation of the State. The Act established a comprehensive and coherent marine planning system. One of the main features of the MAP Act 2021 is the creation of a new State consent, the Maritime Area Consent (MAC), as a first step in the new planning process



Please find submission from Environmental Health Service and HSE Public Health Area A attached below
Please see attached a submission on behalf of the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, which covers multiple chapters.