MAP SHEET 10: Baldoyle-Howth

Closed11 Nov, 2022, 09:00 - 22 Dec, 2022, 12:05

MAP SHEET 10: Baldoyle-Howth

Map Sheet 10: Baldoyle-Howth
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Proposed Amendments:

Click on the proposed amendment numbers below to view the map sheet for each proposed amendment.

PA SH 10.1:

Amend zoning from GE-General Employment to MRE-Metro and Rail Economic Corridor with a masterplan designation at Kilbarrack Industrial Estate. Update Table 2.18 and the boundary for Framework Plan FP10.A accordingly.

PA SH 10.2:

Amend zoning from OS-Open Space to RS-Residential at Suttonians RFC.

PA SH 10.3:

Amend Local Objective 74 as follows:

Seek to provide universal access to Balscadden Beach from the start of the East Pier within the engineering, environmental and planning constraints at this site.

PA SH 10.4:

Insert new map-based local objective as follows:

Creation of a pedestrianised public square in the core of Howth.

PA SH 10.5:

Insert new specific map-based objective to preserve views to Church St above the steps to Harbour Road in Howth.

PA SH 10.6:

Insert new map-based local objective as follows:

That Cowbooter Lane, Howth be maintained as a pedestrian and cycle route.





Please see the attached submission. 
Submission on Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Fingal Development Plan 2023-2029 on Behalf of Murdock Building Merchants
Submission on the Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Fingal Development Plan 2023-2029 on Behalf of Murdock Builders Merchants
Please see attached submission in support of Material Alteration PA SH 10.2