CHAPTER 3: Sustainable Placemaking and Quality Homes

Closed11 Nov, 2022, 09:00 - 22 Dec, 2022, 12:05

Proposed Amendments:

PA CH 3.1: Rural Clusters

Update all references to Rural Clusters in the Draft Plan and associated changes.

PA CH 3.2: Section 3.5.1 Healthy Placemaking, page 97

Amend Objective SPQHO2 – Key Principles as follows:

Support development which enhances the quality of the built environment, promotes public health, and supports the development of sustainable, resilient communities. In particular development which supports the following key principles will be supported:

  • Demonstrates compliance with the Guiding Principles for the creation of healthy and attractive places as set out in Healthy Placemaking, Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy 2019–2031.
  • Promotes the development of healthy and attractive places to live, work, socialise and recreate through the delivery of high-quality public realms and open spaces which encourage physical activity and support wellbeing.
  • Is inclusive of all members of society, all genders, non-binary or none, irrespective of age, or levels of mobility.
  • Advocates a universal design approach and is socially inclusive.
  • Prioritises sustainable active transport modes. Prioritise sustainable, active transport modes by e.g. providing safe cycle lanes and by facilitating public transport services in conjunction with State agencies to meet the needs of the community and to provide access to local services.
  • Encourages the development of car free neighbourhoods and streets, where appropriate.
  • Contributes to our climate goals.

PA CH 3.3: Section 3.5.2 Successful Public Realms including Town Centre First, page 99

Insert new objective before SPQHO3:

Objective SPQHOXX Building Height Strategy and Density Study

Prepare a Building Height Strategy and Density Study for the larger urban centres of the county.

PA CH 3.4: Section 3.5.2. Successful Public realms including Town Centre First, page 99

Amend Objective SPQHO5 – Universal Design Approach as follows:

Promote and facilitate a Universal Design Approach for into all developments.

PA CH 3.5: Section 3.5.2 Successful Public Realms including Town Centre First, page 99

Amend Objective SPQHO4 as follows:

Objective SPQHO4 – Visual Amenity of Town and Village Centres

Enhance the visual amenity of existing town and village centres, minimising unnecessary clutter and proliferation of street furniture and provide guidance on public realm design, including wirescape, shopfront design, street furniture, climate resilient and pollinator friendly planting , signage and the adequate provision of bins and recycling options.

PA CH 3.6: Section 3.5.3 Core Strategy and Housing Growth, page 101

Amend Objective SPQHO9 – New residential development as follows:

Focus new residential development on appropriately zoned lands within the County, within appropriate locations proximate to existing settlement centres where infrastructural capacity is readily available, and along existing or proposed high quality public transport corridors and active travel infrastructure in a phased manner, alongside the delivery of appropriate physical and social infrastructure. Active travel options should also be considered while liaising with the Transport Infrastructure Ireland to ensure public transport options to and from new developments to local amenities such as shops and libraries.

PA CH 3.7: Section 3.5.4 Ensuring Housing Supply, page 102

Insert new Policy at SPQHP11 as follows:

Policy SPQHPXXActive Travel Links

Ensure that all necessary active travel links to access public transport, schools, amenities and neighbouring communities from new or expanded residential developments to be available where possible before the first housing units are occupied, whether the infrastructure is being provided by the Council or by a private developer.

PA CH 3.8: Section 3.5.6 Social Inclusion, page 105

Amend Policy SPQHP15 – Accessibility for All as follows:

Promote the development of built environments and public realms which are accessible to all, ensuring new developments accord with the seven principles of Universal Design as advocated by the National Disability Authority, Building for Everyone: A Universal Design Approach, and to consider the appointment of a dedicated Access Officer to coordinate disability issues across departments to include liaising with planning and strategic infrastructure departments

PA CH 3.9: Section 3.5.6 Social Inclusion, page 105

Insert new objective after SPQHP15 as follows:

SPQHPXX Accessibility Audit

To include an accessibility audit as part of urban framework plans as part of improvements to the public realm for wheelchair users and people with impaired mobility, engaging with disability groups and local organisations throughout the duration of this Development Plan.

PA CH 3.10: Section Housing for Older People, page 107

Amend Objective SPQHO19 as follows:

Promote and encourage schemes which promote innovative ways of addressing dementia friendly issues in the built environment, such as the provision of community managed gardens.

PA CH 3.11: Section Student Accommodation, page 111

Amend Section as follows:

The County benefits from the presence of Technological University the TU Dublin which is expanding its Blanchardstown and City campuses located in an expanding campus in Blanchardstown together with Connolly Hospital, which is a major teaching hospital in the Fingal area. The Dublin and Dun Laoghaire Education and Training Board and other institutions also provide opportunities for further education within the County. Other major third level colleges located in adjoining local authority areas are within easy reach of Fingal. The Council will support the provision of high-quality, affordable, professionally managed student accommodation, either within the campus of the third level institution, or on sites in proximity to such institutions which benefit from access to good public transport and walking and cycling networks. The Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and training Board (DDLETB) and other institutions, provide opportunities for further education within the county.

PA CH 3.12: Section 3.5.9. Housing Types, page 113

Amend Policy SPQHP32 Applications for Build to Rent Schemes and throughout the document as necessary.

Applications for BTR schemes shall be required to demonstrate that there is not an overconcentration of Build to Rent Accommodation within an area, be accompanied by an assessment of other permitted BTR developments in the vicinity (3km) of the site including a map showing all such facilities within 1km of a proposal to demonstrate that the development would not result in the overconcentration of one housing tenure in a particular area. Such housing will be controlled in the interest of providing a mix of tenure and unit types. In assessing the matter of overconcentration, the Planning Authority will have regard to factors such as:

  • The number and scale of other permitted BTR development in the vicinity (1km 3km) of the site,
  • The household tenure and housing type of existing housing stock in the approximate vicinity (1km 3km) of the site and
  • The proximity of the proposal to high-capacity public transport stops and interchange (such as DART, MetroLink, Luas+ and BusConnects).

PA CH 3.13: Section 3.5.9 Housing Types, page 113

Amend SPQHP28 – Housing for All, as follows:

Support the initiatives proposed under Housing for All- A New Housing Plan for Ireland in providing for Fingal’s requirements for social affordable and cost-rental housing provision within Fingal, including with a focus on the development of publicly owned sites with support from state agencies where appropriate and the preparation of Local Authority Delivery Action Plans.

PA CH 3.14: Section Density, page 117

Amend Objective SPQHO33 – Integration of Residential Development in line with amendments to Open Space standards set out in Chapter 4 – Community Infrastructure and Open Space.

PA CH 3.15: Section Family Flats and Section 14.10.3 Family Flats, pages 121 and 533

Replace 60 sqm as it relates to Family Flats with 75 sqm in Section (Objective SPQHO45), and Section 14.10.3 as follows:

Objective SPQHO45 – Family Flats

Ensure family flats:

  • Are for a member of the family with a demonstrated need.
  • When no longer required for the identified family member, are incorporated as part of the main unit on site.
  • Do not exceed 60 sq m 75 sq m in floor area.
  • Comply with the design criteria for extensions, as above

14.10.3 Family Flats

A family flat refers to the provision of accommodation connected to an existing dwelling with a level of independence for an undefined temporary period. This may involve the subdivision of a single dwelling, provision of an extension or conversion of a garage attached to the main dwelling, where the use is for a member of the immediate family (e.g. elderly parent). Applications will be assessed in terms of the impact on the integrity of the existing dwelling and neighbouring properties and compliance with the following criteria must be demonstrated:

  • A requirement for the family flat must be demonstrated including details of the relationship between the occupant of the main dwelling and the occupant of the family flat.
  • When no longer requested for use as a family flat, the accommodation must be capable of being subsumed into the main property.
  • Any such extension to the main dwelling shall be subsidiary in scale relative to the main dwelling and shall not exceed an internal floor area of 60 sq. m.75 sq. m.
  • The family flat should not impact adversely on either the residential amenities of the existing property or the residential amenities of the area.
  • The entrance to the family flat must be via the main dwelling. Where own-door access is unavoidable, own-door access shall be located to the side or rear.
  • No sub-division of the garden is permitted.

PA CH 3.16: Section Land Development Agency, page 122

Amend SPQHO48 as follows:

Continue to work in partnership with the Land Development Agency to make more effective use of publicly owned land helping to ensure to accelerate regeneration and meet the projected housing needs over the lifetime of the plan to provide a stable sustainable supply of housing.

PA CH 3.17: Section Rural Villages, page 126

Amend Objective SPQHO61 School Provision as follows:

Work collaboratively with the Department of Education in identifying demand and additional meeting increased schools provision within school place requirements in Rural Villages.

PA CH 3.18: Section Rural Clusters, page 127

Amend qualifying period from ten years to seven years and update references throughout the document.

PA CH 3.19: Section Rural Clusters, page 127 and Section 14.12.6 Development in Rural Clusters, page 542

Amend the text of Section Clusters and Section 14.12.6-Development in Rural Clusters of the Draft Plan as follows:

Amend the text of Section Rural Clusters as follows:

Settlement within the Rural Clusters is open to members of the Fingal rural community who demonstrate a rural-generated housing need. For the purposes of the Rural Settlement Strategy for Rural Clusters, rural generated housing need is defined below as:

  • Persons currently living and who have lived continuously for the past ten seven years or have previously lived for a minimum of ten seven continuous years, or
  • Persons working continuously for the past ten seven years, within areas of the County currently zoned rural. These areas are zoned Rural Village (RV), Rural Cluster (RC), Rural (RU), Greenbelt (GB), or High Amenity (HA)

And amend the text of Section 14.12.6 Development in Rural Clusters Page 542 as follows:

14.12.6 Development in Rural Clusters

Applications for dwelling units within the County's Rural Clusters will be permitted to Members of the Fingal Rural Community who can demonstrate a rural generated housing need defined as either:

  • Persons currently living and who have lived continuously for the past ten seven years or have previously lived for a minimum of ten  seven continuous years, or
  • Persons working continuously for the past ten seven years, within areas of the County currently zoned rural. These areas are zoned Rural Village (RV), Rural Cluster (RC), Rural (RU), Greenbelt (GB), or High Amenity (HA)’.

PA CH 3.20: Section, New Housing for the Rural community other than those who are actively engaged in Farming, page 134

Insert new objective:

Objective SPQHOXXRU and GB lands

Permit new rural dwellings in areas which have zoning objectives RU or GB on suitable sites where the applicant meets the criteria set out in Table 3.5

PA CH 3.21: Section 3.5.15 Housing in Rural Fingal, page 139

Insert new Section: Residential Accommodation for Seasonal Workers

Update references to minimum farm size from 50Ha to 25Ha throughout the document.

The requirement for residential accommodation to accommodate seasonal workers within Fingal having regard to the rich and diverse farming enterprises within the county is acknowledged. The provision of new on-site residential accommodation for seasonal farm workers shall be designed in an innovative, cohesive and purpose-built manner resulting in a high standard of quality accommodation, minimising visual impacts on the surrounding rural area. In this regard, new purpose-built on-site accommodation shall be single storey only. It is considered residential accommodation for seasonal workers will only be required for larger operations. In this regard, a minimum farm size of 25 hectares applies. This type of accommodation will only be permitted within the RU, GB and FP zonings. No accommodation of this nature will be permitted within the HA zoning.

Farmers wishing to provide accommodation for their workers are advised to consider the following sequential approach:

  • Is other accommodation available, i.e. in an existing house (this includes agricultural workers housing and other rural dwellings), hotel, other types of residential building either in the rural area or adjoining towns or villages?
  • Are other buildings available to convert to residential accommodation, either on or off-site?
  • The onus is on the farmer/employer to demonstrate special circumstances for the requirement of accommodation and all other alternatives have been considered.
  • The subject site must be the most suitable within the land holding.
  • Adequate arrangements must be made for the disposal of refuse and sewage from the site.

PA CH 3.22: Section 3.5.15 Housing in Rural Fingal, page 139

Insert new Objective Seasonal Worker /Temporary Worker Accommodation

Objective SPQHOXXSeasonal Worker/Temporary Worker Accommodation

Use of land associated with a farm for seasonal / temporary workers will be considered subject to the following requirements and demonstrate the following:

  • The farm is a working and actively managed farm with a minimum size of 25 hectares.
  • There is an essential need for the amount and type of accommodation, and this cannot be met anywhere else. The onus is on the farmer/employer to demonstrate this.
  • The accommodation is for use by the workers associated with the farm only and shall not be for sale or rental independent of the farm.
  • New on-site residential accommodation for seasonal farm workers shall be designed in an innovative, cohesive and purpose-built manner resulting in a high standard of quality accommodation whilst minimising visual impacts on the surrounding rural area. In this regard, new purpose-built on-site accommodation shall be single storey only.
  •  A viable landholding can facilitate up to a maximum of 200 seasonal workers.
  • New purpose-built accommodation shall be provided in the form of a maximum 26 bed space unit.
  • No bedroom shall accommodate more than 2 persons.
  • Each unit shall provide:
    • Accommodation and open space provision sufficient to provide an adequate level of comfort and amenity for occupants.
    • Room sizes in accordance with minimum Development Plan standards. - Shared kitchen, living and dining room based on a minimum 4 sq. per bed space in the unit, in addition to any circulation space.
    • Each bedroom, or at a maximum, each pair of two bedrooms shall have an individual dedicated bathroom facility with shower, toilet and basin. Communal facilities below this standard shall not be permitted.
    • Appropriate indoor and outdoor communal and recreational facilities at a combined level of 5-7 sq.m per bedspace. These facilities shall be provided prior to occupation.
    • Communal facilities and services shall be provided for and include laundry and refuse facilities. These facilities shall be provided prior to occupation.
    • Compliance with Building and Fire Regulations.
    • That Residential Accommodation for Seasonal Workers should be in line with Health and Safety at Work guidelines and accommodation and facilities should be appropriate to support the needs of the workers.
  • Transport arrangements to allow workers ease of access to nearby towns and villages, each worker will be provided with a working bicycle or electric bicycle or shared mobility scheme and one of the following:
    • Footpaths linking the development to the nearest town or village,
    • Footpaths linking the development to the nearest public transport link,
    • Provision of a private shuttle bus or car for transport to the nearest town or village.
  • Design, height, scale and finishes shall have regard to the landscape context.
  •  Existing trees and hedgerows shall be maintained in so far as possible and new planting shall be of native species.
  • A Landscape Plan shall accompany applications for new purpose-built accommodation.
  • Sufficient drainage and wastewater infrastructural capacity to serve the development.
  • Sufficient access and car-parking arrangements to serve the development.

PA CH 3.23: Section 3.5.15 Housing in Rural Fingal, page 139

Insert new Objective as follows:

Objective SPQHOXXHA Zoning

Seasonal worker accommodation will not be permitted within the HA zoning.

PA CH 3.24: Section Fingal’s Greenbelts, page 141

Amend Objective SPQHO97 as follows:

‘Strengthen greenbelt lands by identifying opportunities for infill development and consolidation of within existing towns to reduce the need to zone additional greenfield lands and ensure the preservation of strategic greenbelts between our towns and villages’.




See Section 4.2 of report
See Section 4.6 of Report
Submission with regard to motions passed at the last stage of the Development Plan.