1.7 Climate Change, Renewable Energy & Flooding

Dúnta13 Sam, 2017, 3:07pm - 22 Nol, 2017, 4:30pm

1.7   Climate Change, Renewable Energy and Flooding   

The strategic approach taken in developing signficant employment areas such as Lissenhall East into the future can make a local contribution to reducing the impacts of climate change.  The approach can include measures such as:

  • Promoting reduced travel demand by integrating land use and public transport;
  • Encouraging passive solar design and energy efficient buildings; and
  • Facilitating an increase in the modal share of sustainable modes of travel.


For the development of a high quality business campus at Lissenhall East, it will be appropriate to investigate the potential for the use of renewable energy sources and the incorporation of energy efficiency measures into the LAP such as:

  • Encourage development that utilises renewable energy supply systems;
  • Use of building material that minimise environmental impact; and
  • Building design which minimise energy requirements.


As part of the preparation of the Local Area Plan for Lissenhall East, Fingal County Council will include policies and objectives to support the reduction of the impacts of climate change, energy conservation and greater use of renewable energy sources/technologies as well as identifying measures to minimise the potential for flooding in the area.

  • How is climate change impacting on Lissenhall East? How will it impact in the future?
  • How can renewable energy sources be better promoted in Lissenhall East?
  • Are there energy initiatives that could be introduced into Lissenhall East and facilitated through the LAP?
  • What areas in Lissenhall East, if any, have experienced flooding? What have been the causes of flooding?
  • What measures should be included in the Plan to deal with flood risk and assessment?