1.3 Urban Design

Dúnta13 Sam, 2017, 3:07pm - 22 Nol, 2017, 4:30pm

1.3   Urban Design  

Developing a high quality built environment is crucial in attracting inward investment and employment to Lissenhall East, particularly given the visibility of the Lissenhall LAP lands from the M1 motorway and as a gateway to Swords.

Emphasising the importance of urban design in preparing the LAP will ensure the development of a sense of place through the incorporation of natural environmental features, legible and accessible layouts, and excellent architecture.  Appropriate design solutions can create a pedestrian, cycle and public transport friendly environment and promote the usage of sustainable modes of transport travelling to and within Lissenhall East.

Buildings and the wider built environment in their design, construction and operation can contribute to the sustainability of the overall development through the preservation of water, energy, materials and waste in construction and operation and the incorporation of energy efficiency and renewable energy technology.

  • How can urban design maximise connectivity with the planned Metro North Estuary Stop adjacent to the Lissenhall East LAP lands?
  • How can we provide a strong urban edge addressing the M1 motorway and the R132 Swords bypass? Should a landmark building at the northern boundary be provided?
  • How can we provide a high quality built environment including street hierarchy, block size, scale, massing and built height which promotes economic development and a sense of place?
  • What should be done to create a distinct environment with a unique sense of place having regard to the existing location and natural environment that worker and visitors alike relate to and identify with?
  • How can we ensure adequate provision of high quality open space? Should this be in the form of urban and pocket parks?