1.5 Utility, Infrastructure & Communications

Dúnta13 Sam, 2017, 3:07pm - 22 Nol, 2017, 4:30pm

1.5   Utility, Infrastructure and Communications  

The development of Lissenhall East as a centre of High Tech activity and employment is dependent on the satisfactory provision of service infrastructure, utilities, energy and communication networks.

The phasing of development in tandem with the provision of necessary infrastructure and utilities will also be critical to the future sustainable development of the area. The key areas for consideration under this heading include:

  • Wastewater Disposal;
  • Surface Water Disposal and Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDs);
  • Water Supply and Quality;
  • Waste Management; and
  • Energy Infrastructure, Telecommunications and Broadband.
  • What are the main infrastructural issues that should be considered in the LAP?
  • Are there water supply or water quality issues experienced in the area at present?
  • How will surface water be managed within the LAP lands? Will surface water attenuation be required? Can on-site surface water attenuation ponds be developed as high quality landscaped features of the site?  What will the SuDs scheme for the entire LAP lands be?
  • What are the energy networks and telecommunication needs within the Plan area? Is the infrastructure including telecommunications, fibre optic broadband links and utilities (gas and electricity) provided for within the Lissenhall East LAP lands?