Lanesborough Park Development Project

Dúnta9 Már, 2021, 23:59 - 31 Már, 2021, 23:59
Lanesborough Park
Development Project

Fingal County Council are progressing a park development project for Lanesborough Park, Meakstown. The objective of the project is to reach consensus with stakeholders and to deliver a sustainable vision for Lanesborough Park in the face of population growth and increasing levels of community participation in active leisure.

An important consideration of the proposed park development project has been the assessment of the significance and strategic role of Lanesborough Park relative to its locality. The development of Lanesborough Park will seek to improve the provision of local outdoor recreation facilities for children and adults while supporting the development of a sense of identity for the area.

The Park Development Project aims to incorporate fitness equipment, an informal kickabout/picnic area along with native wild flower meadows. A linked play trail will facilitate social contact, exercise and adventure play spaces for children. A community garden incorporating a sensory trail and a toddler play area is also proposed. The park will benefit from increased provision for both passive and active recreation.

Stakeholder and public engagement are central to the project. A kick-off meeting was held on the 26th November with local representatives, stakeholders and residents of the Meakstown area to introduce the project and outline the initial analysis. The Council now actively encourages feedback and comment on the proposed Park Development Project through the consultation portal to ensure the proposals address and provide a balanced response to the challenges & opportunities while recognising and cultivating the unique character and context of the area.


76 aighneachtaí have raised tráchtanna relating to this consultation.


Fitness Equipment
Kickabout/Picnic Area
Native Wildflower Meadows
Linked Play Trail
Community Garden Incorporating a Sensory Trail
Toddler Play Area
Dog Off Leash
General comment
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