Chapter 10: Heritage, Culture and Arts

Closed24 Feb, 2022, 09:00 - 12 May, 2022, 23:59

10.1  Introduction

Fingal’s heritage and culture are derived from tangible physical artefacts, collections, sites and structures as well as intangible customs, folklore and language. Art is the expression of human creativity and ideas, often but not exclusively taking inspiration from cultural heritage. Development can impact on heritage, culture and the arts though the physical alteration of the environment in which they exist, through the provision of spaces for their display or celebration, and through the protection and safeguarding of sites and structures via buffer areas or appropriately scaled and sensitively designed schemes.

The physical traces left in the landscape by previous generations in archaeological monuments and sites and in historic buildings, townscapes and vernacular structures embodies the tangible cultural heritage of Fingal linking the past and present, demonstrating building forms and materials that utilised and responded to the surrounding environment and traditions of the inhabitants. Fingal’s customs and rituals have strong links to its rural, agricultural heritage such as mumming and veneration of holy wells. The County also has an extensive maritime history connecting the County it to its Viking heritage, its fishing communities and military coastal defences.

The Council will ensure the conservation, management, protection and enhancement of the archaeological, architectural and cultural heritage of the County, which are valuable and finite resources, through good management, sensitive interventions and sympathetic development. The Council acknowledges, supports and reinforces the integral role heritage, culture and the arts play in sustaining and creating attractive, vibrant and engaging places to live, work and enjoy.

10.2  Context

There are currently 1,262 known archaeological sites and 785 protected structures that encompass the story of the people of Fingal from churches and castles to Martello Towers and windmills; mounds, sub-surfaces sites, graveyards and burials, mill races and shipwrecks. Input of archaeological expertise into plans, programmes and the development management process of the Planning Department has also ensured the integration of the archaeological resource into place-making, walking and cycling schemes, infrastructure and housing developments. Many of the objectives relating to the Record of Monuments and Places, the Record of Protected Structures, Architectural Conservation Areas, Designed Landscapes and Historic Building Stock are achieved through the on- going day-to-day Development Management process, specifically engaging in pre-planning consultations, commenting on planning applications and issuing Section 57 Declarations. Statements of Character for the three new Architectural Conservation Areas - Balbriggan Historic Core, Old Portmarnock (Drumnigh Road) and Sutton Cross and Environs – were produced.


Over the lifetime of the current Development Plan 2017-2023 the impact of climate change on the heritage resource has come to the fore. The Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht has developed the Built and Archaeological Heritage Climate Change Sectoral Adaptation Plan which aims to improve understanding of the heritage resource and its vulnerability to climate change impacts in order to plan for climate change adaptation. Fingal County Council's Climate Change Action Plan 2019- 2024 includes measures for archaeological heritage including undertaking a Climate Change Risk Assessment of Fingal’s Cultural Heritage to identify and survey the architectural and archaeological heritage sites and designed landscapes at risk.

10.3  Opportunities

Heritage, Culture and the Arts are part of our identity, part of the distinctive character, vibrancy and attractiveness of where we come from or the places we live and work in and plays a significant role in drawing visitors to the area. The archaeological, architectural and vernacular heritage of Fingal is an irreplaceable and finite resource. The Council is dedicated to protecting, conserving and presenting the County’s rich cultural heritage while promoting sustainable economic development and the enrichment of the environment. The retention and adaptive re-use of the County’s built heritage with the embodied carbon contained within it and full building life cycle costs taken into consideration will be a key contributor to addressing the Council’s climate change and sustainable development goals. The Council also actively supports the installation of and commissioning of performance of artworks within the public realm, public buildings, large infrastructure or building developments.

The Council’s vision is Conserve, manage, protect and enhance the archaeological, architectural and cultural heritage of the County, which are valuable and finite resources, through good management, sensitive interventions and sympathetic development and to acknowledge, support and reinforce the integral role heritage, culture and the arts play in sustaining and creating attractive, vibrant and engaging places to live, work and enjoy.

10.4  Strategic Aims

Heritage and culture are embedded in planning policy at national and regional levels through the National Planning Framework (NPF) and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES).

The National Planning Framework identifies heritage as a strategic investment priority, recognising ‘Enhanced Amenities and Heritage’ as a National Strategic Outcome and emphasising that our built, natural, and cultural heritage ‘has intrinsic value in defining the character of urban and rural areas and adding to their attractiveness and sense of place’. The NPF includes several National Policy Objectives (NPOs) which relate directly to or could incorporate heritage such as NPO16, NPO17, NPO23, NPO29, NPO60 and NPO61. Some of these are set out below:

  • NPO 17: Enhance, integrate and protect the special physical, social, economic and cultural value of built heritage assets through appropriate and sensitive use now and for future generations;  
  • NPO 29 is to "Support the implementation of language plans in Gaeltacht Language Planning Areas, Gaeltacht Service Towns and Irish Language Networks";
  • NPO 60: Conserve and enhance the rich qualities of natural and cultural heritage of Ireland in a manner appropriate to their significance.

Photo: Adult and children looking at pointing at trees
 If Trees Could Talk, an arts-in-education by artist Louis Haugh & Anne Bradley

The RSES sets out Regional Strategic Outcomes which are aligned with international, EU and national policy and specifically identifies ‘Creative Places’ as one of these outcomes. It recognises the need to enhance, integrate and protect our arts, culture and heritage assets to promote creative places and heritage led regeneration. Sustaining and investing in cultural infrastructure is a core consideration of the Strategy and it directs that “Good heritage management should be incorporated into spatial planning to promote the benefits of heritage led urban regeneration in historic towns, for example through the protection of historic urban fabric, the reuse of historic buildings and the enhancement of places of special cultural or natural interest.” There are seven Regional Policy Objectives (RPO) assigned to arts, culture, language and heritage (RPO 9.24 to RPO 9.30), two of these RPOs are set out below.

  • RPO 9.25: Seek to work with all relevant stakeholders to promote equality of access to and engagement with arts and cultural services and in the promotion of culture and heritage led urban and rural regeneration
  • RPO 9.30: Support the sensitive reuse of protected structures.

Heritage Ireland 2030 will shortly replace the National Heritage Plan (2002) with updated national policy priorities in relation to the protection and management of our national heritage (built, cultural and natural). A new National Policy on Architecture is due for publication soon that will support long- term planning strategies for the creation of sustainable communities, environmental resilience, urban regeneration, Town Centre First policy, and re-use of vacant historic buildings. A National Vernacular Strategy for the built vernacular is also due to be launched to provide direction on understanding, protecting and maintaining the modest everyday buildings constructed using traditional methods and materials. These documents are underpinned by the core principle that heritage belongs to us all and we all share a responsibility to protect it.

10.5  Policies and Objectives

Fingal’s heritage is part of our identity and contributes significantly to our wellbeing and our sense of place. It encompasses our archaeological, built, cultural (tangible and intangible) and natural heritage. The Council is committed to the protection and conservation of Fingal’s heritage including buildings, areas, structures, sites and features of archaeological, architectural, historical, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest.

The Fingal Heritage Plan 2018-2023 provides strategic support to the Council and other stakeholders by delivering or contributing to a wide range of initiatives aimed at improving the protection, management, understanding and appreciation of our heritage. The Fingal Heritage Plan identifies opportunities to raise awareness, engage communities and provides support to connect with our past and present.

Policy HCAP1 Fingal Heritage Plan

Implement the current Fingal Heritage Plan 2018-2023 and to support the preparation and implementation of the Fingal Heritage Plan 2023-2029.

10.5.1  Archaeological Heritage

Fingal has a wealth of archaeological sites and monuments, over 1262 of which have been recorded to date. All of these sites contain precious information about our past and those people who lived in Fingal before us. Added to this are our burials, shipwrecks, structures, features objects and artefacts, whether located on land, underwater or in the inter-tidal zone. Fingal’s archaeological heritage is an important resource for identity, communities, education and tourism and has a powerful contribution to make to the quality of life of today’s citizens in terms of social inclusion, environmental protection and sustainable development.

Archaeological heritage, whether known, newly discovered, or yet to be discovered, is protected by the National Monuments Acts 1930-2014. The European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage known as the Valletta Convention (1992) remains the core text for the protection of management of archaeological heritage across the 45 European countries which have to date signed and ratified it. The convention has been transposed at a national level into the Framework and Principles for the Protection of Archaeological Heritage (1999). Archaeological heritage is also protected under various legislation including the National Monuments Acts (1930 – 2014), Natural Cultural Institutions Act 1997 and the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and through aspects of EU environmental law.  Record of Monuments and Places (RMP)

The principal legal mechanism for the protection of archaeological monuments is the Record of Monuments and Places (RMP) which was established under Section 12 of the National Monuments (Amendment) Act, 1994. Section 12 (3) of the 1994 Act provides that the owner or occupier of a monument included in the Record or any person who proposes to carry out, or to cause or permit the carrying out of any work at or in relation to such a monument, he or she shall give notice in writing to the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage of the proposed works at least two months in advance and shall not, except in the case of urgent necessity and with the consent of the Minister, commence the work until two months after the giving of notice. The Zone of Notification is identified on To note certain structures in Fingal are of both archaeological and architectural interest and appear on both the Record of Monuments and Places/Sites and Monuments Record (Appendix 6) and the Record of Protected Structures (Appendix 5).  National Monuments

Under Section 14 of the National Monuments (Amendment) Act 2004, a National Monument is a monument in the ownership or guardianship of the Minister of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, in the ownership of a Local Authority, or are the subject of a Preservation Order or a Temporary Preservation Order. The full list of National Monuments is available at A separate list is available documenting those in State care, ownership or guardianship at: Prior written consent from the Minister of Housing, Local Government and Heritage is required for any works at or in relation to all National Monuments.  Sites and Monuments Record (SMR)

The Sites and Monuments Record is an online database maintained by the NMS of all known or suspected archaeological sites and monuments. The Historic Environment Viewer (HEV) is the National Monuments Service’s online interactive map/search facility, providing access to all records stored on its national database of sites and monuments. Although the archaeological resource is finite sites continue to be discovered. Where new development is being considered, it is therefore advisable to visit the HEV at in order to assess the archaeological potential of a site.  Underwater Archaeology

Fingal’s off-shore and coastal waters, tidal estuaries and rivers have a diverse and interesting range of features and finds associated with its maritime/riverine heritage such as shipwrecks, piers, quay walls, fords, stepping stones. Section 3 of the National Monuments (Amendment) Act 1987 makes specific provisions for the protection of shipwrecks and underwater archaeological objects, whereby, all wrecks over 100-years old are legally protected. Wreck Inventory of Ireland Database (WIID) which holds records of over 18,000 known and potential wreck sites and this is used as a tool to help manage and protect historic wrecks Development in off-shore and coastal waters, tidal estuaries and rivers areas which have the potential to impact on both known and potential terrestrial and underwater archaeology will require appropriate intertidal and underwater archaeological assessment.

Policy HCAP2 Importance of Archaeological Resource

Recognise the importance of our archaeological resource and provide appropriate objectives to ensure its appropriate retention and recording

Policy HCAP3 Record of Monuments and Places/ Sites and Monuments Record

Safeguard archaeological sites, monuments, objects and their settings listed in the Record of Monuments and Places (RMP), Sites and Monuments Record (SMR) and any additional newly discovered archaeological remains.

Policy HCAP4 Preservation-in-situ

Favour the preservation in-situ (or at a minimum preservation by record) of all sites and features of historical and archaeological interest

Objective HCAO1 Preservation-in-situ

Favour the preservation in situ or at a minimum preservation by record, of archaeological sites, monuments, features or objects in their settings. In securing such preservation the Council will have regard to the advice and recommendations of the National Monuments Service of the Department of the Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

Objective HCAO2 Protection of RMPs/SMRs

Protect all archaeological sites and monuments, underwater archaeology, and archaeological objects, which are listed in the Record of Monuments and Places and all sites and features of archaeological and historic interest discovered subsequent to the publication of the Record of Monuments and Places, and to seek their preservation in situ (or at a minimum, preservation by record) through the planning process.

Objective HCAO3 Management of Archaeological Resource

Encourage and promote the appropriate management and maintenance of the County’s archaeological heritage, including historical burial grounds, in accordance with conservation principles and best practice guidelines.

Objective HCAO4 Industrial or Military Heritage

Secure the preservation in-situ of significant examples of industrial or military heritage.

Objective HCAO5 Community Monuments Fund

Support the implementation of the Community Monuments Fund in order to ensure the monitoring and adaptation of archaeological monuments and mitigate against damage caused by climate change.

Objective HCAO6 Climate Change and the Archaeological Resource

Co-operate with other agencies in the investigation of climate change on archaeological sites and monuments and to develop suitable adaptation measures to strengthen resilience and reduce the vulnerability of archaeological heritage in line with the National Climate Change Sectoral
Adaptation Plan for Built and Archaeological Heritage. (2019).


Policy HCAP5 Development Design

Incorporate heritage features into infrastructure design at an early stage in the development planning and management process to protect and promote the cultural heritage resource and create awareness and interpretation.

Objective HCAO7 Archaeology and Development Design

Ensure archaeological remains are identified and fully considered at the very earliest stages of the development process, that schemes are designed to avoid impacting on the archaeological heritage.

Objective HCAO8 Archaeological Impact Assessment

Require that proposals for linear development over one kilometre in length; proposals for development involving ground clearance of more than half a hectare; or developments in proximity to areas with a density of known archaeological monuments and history of discovery; to include an Archaeological Impact Assessment and refer such applications to the relevant Prescribed Bodies.

Objective HCAO9 Archaeology in the Landscape

Ensure that in general development will not be permitted which would result in the removal of archaeological monuments with above ground features, and that this will be especially the case in relation to archaeological monuments which form significant features in the landscape.

Objective HCAO10: Context of Archaeological Monuments

Ensure that development within the vicinity of a Recorded Monument or Zone of Archaeological Notification does not seriously detract from the setting of the feature and is sited and designed appropriately.

Objective HCAO11 Impacts of large-scale development

Ensure that proposals for large scale developments and infrastructure projects consider the impacts on the archaeological heritage and seek to avoid them.

Objective HCAO12 Coastal and Maritime Heritage

Co-operate with other agencies in the assessment of the potential for climate change to impact on coastal, riverine, inter-tidal and sub-tidal sites and their environments including shipwreck sites.

Objective HCAO13 Findings of Archaeological Activity

Encourage reference to or incorporation of significant archaeological finds into development schemes, where appropriate and sensitively designed, through layout, in situ and virtual presentation of archaeological finds and by using historic place names and the Irish language where appropriate.

Objective HCAO14 Archaeology in Open Space

Retain and manage appropriately archaeological monuments within open space areas in or beside developments, ensuring that such monuments are subject to an appropriate conservation  management plan, are presented appropriately and are not left vulnerable, whether in the immediate or longer term, to dangers to their physical integrity or possibility of loss of amenity.


Policy HCAP6 Promotion

Promote the tourism potential of Fingal’s cultural heritage and improve legibility by providing guidance for appropriate interpretation in line with the Fingal Heritage Signage and Trails Guidance (2021).

Policy HCAP7 Community Initiatives

Support community initiatives and projects regarding preservation, presentation and access to archaeological heritage and underwater cultural heritage, provided such are compatible with appropriate conservation policies and standards, having regard to the guidance and advice of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

Objective HCAO15 Best Practice

Promote best practice for archaeological excavation by ensuring that they are undertaken according to best practice as outlined by the National Monuments Service, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, The National Museum of Ireland and the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland.

Objective HCAO16 Conservation Plans

Manage the archaeological sites and monuments that Fingal County Council owns or is responsible for according to best practice and according to Conservation Plans where they exist.

Objective HCAO17 Dissemination

Ensure the public dissemination of the findings of licenced archaeological activity in Fingal through the Dublin County Archaeological GIS project, publications, public lectures and events to promote awareness of, and access to, Fingal’s archaeological inheritance and foster high quality community archaeology.

Objective HCAO18 Public Awareness

Raise public awareness of the cultural heritage and improve legibility by providing appropriate interpretation in areas, sites, villages, and buildings of archaeological and historic significance.

Objective HCAO19 Community Archaeology Strategy

Continue to implement the findings of the Community Archaeology Strategy for Fingal.

Objective HCAO20 Cultural Tourism

Support the growth of cultural tourism in the County, including the potential for niche heritage- based tourism products by facilitating the development of heritage events, infrastructure such as heritage trails, walkways and cycleways etc. and activities such as community excavation.

Objective HCAO21 Climate Change

Promote awareness and the appropriate adaptation of Ireland’s built and archaeological heritage to deal with the effects of climate change.

10.5.2  Architectural Heritage

Fingal has a diverse building stock. Within the range of building types and uses in Fingal are structures, streetscapes, village and town cores of distinctive, innovative or rare architectural heritage significance that they are deemed worthy of protection by statutory designation as individual elements or clusters of buildings. There are also more modest or everyday structures that are part of the built heritage of the County. Through their form, scale, materials and placement they contribute positively to the urban and rural areas of Fingal, assisting in placemaking and establishing the distinctive character and architectural interest of a particular location. These structures are also of value in the embodied energy they contain, their display of traditional building craftmanship and skill in their construction, the survival within them of original or historic materials and methodologies some of which may no longer be in use. Fingal’s architectural heritage is a finite, non-renewable and irreplaceable resource that needs to be cared for and respected as Fingal develops and grows into the future. Any new insertions or changes to the architectural heritage should be directed by the following principles.

Table 10.1 Guiding Principle of Architectural Conservation


  • Minimum Intervention
  • Regular Maintenance
  • Repair Rather Than Replace
  • Honesty Of Repairs And Alterations
  • Use Of Appropriate Materials And Methods
  • Respect And Retain Earlier Alterations Of Interest
  • Managed Sustainable Change
  • Reversibility Of Interventions

Architectural heritage is primarily protected under Part IV of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). There are two principal mechanisms within this legislation for the protection of these assets: The Record of Protected Structures (RPS) and Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs). It is a mandatory requirement of national legislation that the Council maintains a RPS and includes objectives for ACAs in its Development Plan. For built heritage that is not covered by statutory designations there is national and international policy advocating its retention and revitalisation and so the Council supports this through specific Development Plan policy and objectives.

Policy HCAP8 Protection of Architectural Heritage

Ensure the conservation, management, protection and enhancement of the architectural heritage of Fingal through the designation of Protected Structures and Architectural Conservation Areas, the safeguarding of designed landscapes and historic gardens, and the recognition of structures and elements with no specific statutory designation that contribute positively to the vernacular, industrial, maritime or 20th century heritage of the County.

Policy HCAP9 Re-use of Architectural Heritage

Champion the maintenance, repair, re-use and sensitive retro-fitting of the architectural heritage and older building stock of the County as a cornerstone of its sustainable development policy and will require that adaptative re-use and regeneration adheres to best conservation practice.

Policy HCAP10 Retention

Continue to support and encourage the sympathetic and appropriate reuse, rehabilitation and retention of protected structures and historic buildings ensuring the special interest, character and setting of the building or structure is preserved.  Statutory Designated Sites of Protected Structures and Architectural Conservation Areas, Record of Protected Structures

Protected Structures are defined as structures, or parts of structures that are of special interest under one or more of the following categories: architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical. A Protected Structure, unless otherwise stated, includes the exterior and interior of the structure, the land lying within its curtilage, any other structures and their exterior and interiors lying within that curtilage, plus all fixtures and features which form part of the interior or exterior of any of these structures. Curtilage refers to the parcel of land immediately associated with the Protected Structure and generally forms the boundary of the property ownership. Any works that would materially affect or impact the character of a Protected Structure, including its setting and ancillary buildings that contribute to its character, require planning permission. A Declaration under Section 57 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 can be sought from the Council to list the general types of work that do and do not affect the character of a specific Protected Structure.

The current RPS is included in Appendix 5 of this Plan. The RPS may be varied at any time by following the procedures outlined in Section 55 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended). The up-to-date RPS, incorporating any additions or deletions within the lifetime of the current Development Plan, will be maintained on the Council’s website or can be checked at the public counter of the Council’s Offices.  Architectural Conservation Area (ACA)

An Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) is a place, area, group of structures or townscape that is of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest or value or contributes to the appreciation of Protected Structures. ACAs could encompass, for example, a terrace of houses, a whole streetscape, town centre or a small cluster of structures associated with a specific building such as a mill or country house. Most structures in an ACA are important in the context of their contribution to the streetscape or character of an area and so the protection status generally relates only to the exterior of the buildings or the streetscape, except for Protected Structures within ACAs where the protection extends to the interior and curtilage of these properties. Any works that would have a material effect on the special character of an ACA require planning permission.

Fingal Currently has 32 Architectural Conservation Areas. Each ACA boundary is outlined on the Development Plan maps that accompany this written statement. A list of all the ACAs along with a brief summary of their special character is set out in Appendix 5. Individual ACA boundary maps are also provided within Appendix 5.

Chapter 14 Development Management Standards contains specific direction and considerations for planning applications affecting Protected Structures  (see Table 14.20 & Table 14.22) and development within Architectural Conservation Areas  (see Table 14.23). These standards should be consulted prior to a scheme being designed.

Photo of church with scaffolding

Policy HCAP11 Conservation of Architectural Heritage

Conserve and protect buildings, structures and sites of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest by adding or retaining them on the Record of Protected Structures or by designating groups of structures as Architectural Conservation Areas.

Policy HCAP12 Interventions to Protected Structures

Ensure that direct or indirect interventions to Protected Structures or adjoining development affecting them are guided by architectural conservation principles so that they are sympathetic, sensitive and appropriate to the special interest, appearance, character, and setting of the Protected Structure and are sensitively scaled and designed.

Policy HCAP13 Retention of Protected Structures

Require the retention and appropriate active use of Protected Structures.

Policy HCAP14 Architectural Conservation Areas

Protect the special interest and character of all areas which have been designated as an Architectural Conservation Area (ACA). Development within or affecting an ACA must contribute positively to its character and distinctiveness and take opportunities to protect and enhance the character and appearance of the area and it’s setting wherever possible. Development shall not harm buildings, spaces, original street patterns, archaeological sites, historic boundaries or features, which contribute positively to the ACA.


Policy HCAP15 Character of Architectural Conservation Areas

Support and encourage the sympathetic and appropriate adaptive reuse, refurbishment, and upgrading of protected structures and buildings or structures that contribute to the character of an Architectural Conservation Area ensuring that their special interest, character and setting is retained. Prohibit development that seeks the demolition of a Protected Structure or buildings that contribute to the character of an ACA in almost all circumstances.

Policy HCAP16 Conservation Best Practice

Promote best conservation practice and encourage the use of appropriately qualified and experienced conservation professionals, contractors, and craft persons.

Objective HCAO22 Record of Protected Structures

Review the Record of Protected Structures (RPS) to assess current entries and to add structures of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest as appropriate.

Objective HCAO23 Expansion of Record of Protected Structures

Expand the RPS to include structures of industrial, maritime, vernacular and twentieth century heritage where they are of sufficient significance and complete the assessment of the few remaining Ministerial Recommendations from the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (NIAH) Survey of Fingal.

Objective HCAO24  Alteration and Development of Protected Structures & ACAs

Require proposals for any development, modification, alteration, extension or energy retrofitting affecting a Protected Structure and/or its setting or a building that contributes to the character of an ACA are sensitively sited and designed, are compatible with the special character, and are appropriate in terms of the proposed scale, mass, height, density, architectural treatment, layout, materials, impact on architectural or historic features.

Objective HCAO25 Architectural Heritage Impact Statement

Require an Architectural Heritage Impact Statement as part of the planning documentation for development that has the potential to affect the relationship between the Protected Structure and any complex of adjoining associated buildings, designed landscape features, or designed views or vistas from or to the structure. This particularly relates to large landholdings such as country estates, institutional complexes, and industrial sites where groups of structures have a functional connection or historical relationship with the principal building.

Objective HCAO26 Use of Protected Structures

Where required to support active use or facilitate suitable adaptive re-use of Protected Structures the Council may in certain circumstances consider the relaxation of site zoning restrictions to secure the preservation and conservation of the Protected Structure where the use proposed is compatible with the existing structure. This will only be permitted where the development is consistent with conservation policies and the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.


Objective HCAO27 Protected Structures within Larger Developments

Where permission is being sought for a development in which works to the Protected Structure are one element of a larger proposal, the Council will seek for the repair and refurbishment of the Protected Structure to be contained and completed within the first phase.

Objective HCAO28 Conservation Plans for Protected Structures

Demonstrate best practice in relation to the management, care and maintenance of Protected Structures by continuing the programme of commissioning Conservation Plans for the principal heritage properties in the Council’s ownership (several of which are also ACAs), implement the policies and actions of these Conservation Plans where they exist, and ensure the Plans are used by all sections of the Council to inform and direct the design of interventions within the heritage properties, both to buildings and landscapes.

Objective HCAO29 Protected Structures Audit

Carry out an audit and assess the condition of all Protected Structures within the Council’s ownership and pilot a management/maintenance plan as a template for these structures.  Energy Retrofitting of Built Heritage

The reuse or continued use of older buildings is a central principle of sustainable development and energy conservation practice, ensuring the building materials and embodies energy of these structures, is retained and thereby contribute to the remission of the County’s carbon footprint. Embodied energy or embodies carbon refers to carbon already expanded to extract, process, manufacture, transport and construct a building.

Energy retrofitting is the adaption of existing buildings to improve the thermal performance of the structure and to reduce energy consumption and emissions. The majority of Fingal’s built heritage was constructed using traditional building methods and materials that are based on the idea of breathability and good ventilation, allowing for a cycle of absorption and evaporation of moisture. This concept differs from modern construction which primarily uses impermeable materials. The rating of the energy performance of older buildings often does not accurately reflect the existing thermal performance of older buildings. Energy efficiency and retrofitting proposals and products that are appropriate for modern construction are often not suitable for traditionally built structures and can dis-improve the energy performance and cause damage to the fabric and structural integrity of the building by trapping moisture. Any energy up-grading of traditional buildings needs to be informed by a proper understanding of the built fabric and for the works to be appropriate and sensitive to this. The condition of the building is a key contributor to good thermal performance and so routine maintenance, conservation and building repair should be completed before other energy retrofitting options considered.

Also reference policy and objectives in Chapter 3 Sustainable Placemaking and Quality Homes on Re- use and on Rural Settlement Strategy, Chapter 5 Climate Change on Sustainable Construction/Circular Economy. In addition direction should be taken from the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government’s publication on Energy Efficiency in Traditional Buildings (2010 and its update due imminently), I.S. EN 16883:2017 Conservation of Cultural Heritage- Guidelines for Improving the Energy Performance of Historic Building (2017), The Pebble Trust and Chris Morgan Sustainable Renovation: Improving Homes for Energy, Health and Environment (2018), and SEAI, The Heritage Council, Carrig Conservation Ltd. and ICOMOS report Deep Energy Renovation of Traditional Buildings (2018).


Policy HCAP17 Maintenance and Energy Retrofitting

Promote good housekeeping principles of routine maintenance checks, with repair and conservation of building fabric where required as a mechanism to assist with achieving the best thermal performance from a building. Support and promote the sensitive retro fitting of energy efficiency measure and the use of renewable energy sources in traditional and historic buildings, including Protected Structures. Ensure that the measures are compatible with traditional construction methods and materials and do not have a detrimental physical, aesthetic or visual impact on the structure.

Objective HCAO30 Retrofitting Pilot Project

Demonstrate best practice on energy retrofitting of historic buildings through a pilot project using suitable case studies to improve comfort levels and reduce energy consumption for the occupier.  Historic Designed Landscapes – Historic Gardens, Demesnes and Country Estates

Historic designed landscapes relate to gardens, parkland, woodland, estates, and public parks that were deliberately laid out for artistic effect. By using both natural and built features such as trees, shrubs, flowers, lawns, ponds, watercourses, views/vistas, follies, statues, walled gardens, gate lodges or gates, an architectural and horticultural composition was created for the enjoyment of the owners or the general public. These landscapes or gardens could be formal set pieces with ornamental planting in set patterns usually geometric designs or they could be ‘naturalised’ parkland made to look like the rural countryside but which had been carefully planned through the placement of individual or groups of trees, expanses of open lawns, and sunken boundary walls known as ‘ha-has’ that allowed uninterrupted views of pastoral scenes

The architectural components of historic gardens, from small gardens to large parks, include:

  • Plan and topography,
  • Vegetation e.g. species, proportions, colour schemes, spacing and respective heights,
  • Structural and decorative features,
  • Water

Fingal does not have a tradition of urban public parks or cemetery gardens and so the designed landscapes of the County consist primarily of demesnes or estate lands, which were originally privately owned. These designed landscapes are generally focused around a historic house, which usually will be a Protected Structure. In Fingal the most significant designed landscapes have been designated as Architectural Conservation Areas to assist in protecting the character of the designed landscape e.g. Malahide Castle Demesne, Luttrellstown Castle Demesne, Newbridge House Demesne. Due to the rarity of 18th century or earlier designed landscapes those that survive in Fingal are highly significant and sensitive.

Chapter 14 Development Management Standards contains specific guidance for planning applications affecting historic designed landscapes which should be adhered to (see Objective DMS0190). Additional direction is available in the in the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht’s Architectural Heritage Protection Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2011 or any superseding documents) and in Cork County Council’s Guidance Notes for the Appraisal of Historic Gardens, Demesnes, Estates and their Setting (2006).

Policy HCAP18 Designed Landscape Features, Settings and Views

Protect the setting, significant views, and built features of historic designed landscapes and promote the conservation of their essential character, both built and natural.

Policy HCAP19 Development and Historic Demesnes

Resist proposals or developments that would lead to the loss or, or cause harm to the character, principal components or setting of historic designed landscapes and demesnes of significance in the County.

Policy HCAP20 Conservation and Woodland Management Plans

Support the commissioning of Conservation Plans and Woodland Management Plans and the cataloguing of the collections for the historic designed landscapes in the Council’s ownership. Encourage private owners to undertake Conservation Plans and Woodland Management Plans for their historic landscapes.

Objective HCAO31 Protection of Designed Landscapes

Identify the historic designed landscapes of significance in the County and determine the appropriate mechanism to ensure their future protection. Several of the most significant are already designated, as Architectural Conservation Areas.

Objective HCAO32 Designed Landscape Appraisal

Require that proposals for development within historic designed landscapes include a Designed Landscape Appraisal (including an ecological assessment) as part of the planning documentation to fully consider the potential impacts of the proposal. The appraisal should be carried out prior to the initial design of any development, in order that this evaluation to inform the design which must be sensitive to and respect the built heritage elements and green space values of the site.

Objective HCAO33 Conservation Plans

Continue the programme of commissioning Conservation Plans for the principal heritage properties in the Council’s ownership that contain historic designed landscapes.

Objective HCAO34 Perimeter of Phoenix Park

Ensure that development within Fingal along the perimeter of the Phoenix Park adheres to the Office of Public Works' (OPW), Phoenix Park Conservation Management Plan, does not have a detrimental impact on the Park, does not damage any of the built elements along its boundary, or interrupt any important vistas into or out of it.  Vernacular Heritage and Other Built Heritage Assets

Built heritage is not confined to buildings, features and items designated as Protected Structures or located within Architectural Conservation Areas. Scattered throughout the countryside and within the towns and villages of Fingal is an extensive stock of modest older buildings and structures some of which have been designed by an architect or engineer while others are vernacular structures built to no formal plans using traditional building types and materials. While not all older buildings may be of sufficient special interest to be designated Protected Structures, generally their form, scale, materials, detailing and planned layout contribute positively to the rural landscape or to the historic villages and towns of Fingal, adding architectural interest, historic character and visual amenity throughout the County. The embodied carbon contained within the older building stock combined with full building life cycle cost considerations mean that their retention and continued use or reuse exemplifies sustainable development and best energy conservation practice, which is supported by national and regional policy.

Policy HCAP21 Built Heritage Assets

Protect and enhance the historic environment and built heritage assets, including elements of historic street furniture, paving and historic boundary treatments.

Policy HCAP22  Retention and Reuse of Existing Building Stock 

Seek the retention, appreciation and appropriate revitalisation of the historic and vernacular building stock, and 20th century built heritage of Fingal in both the urban and rural areas of the County by deterring the replacement buildings with modern structures and by protecting (through the use of Architectural Conservation Areas and the Record of Protected Structures and in the normal course of Development Management) these buildings where they contribute to the character of an area and/or where they are rare examples of a structure type, a distinctive piece of architecture or have an innate value. (See also Table 14.26)

Policy HCAP23 Heritage-led Regeneration

Require that adaptative re-use of older buildings and historic centre heritage-led regeneration adheres to best conservation practice and principles. There will be a presumption against the demolition of older buildings where restoration or adaption is a feasible option.

Policy HCAP24 Works to Vernacular Buildings

Works to vernacular buildings should adhere to best conservation practice and use traditional, especially vernacular, building methods and materials.

Policy HCAP25 Retention of Historic Fabric

Encourage the retention of the original or historic fabric such as windows, doors, wall renders, roof coverings, shopfronts, pub fronts and other significant features of older or historic buildings, whether protected or not.

Policy HCAP26 Historic Townscapes

Recognise the importance of historic townscapes or streetscapes in creating a sense of place when the urban fabric or groups of buildings are read together and how the gradual attrition of historic fabric or detailing, or the demolition and replacement of individual modest buildings can fundamentally alter the character of the place.

Objective HCAO35 Appropriate Maintenance, Repair and Re-use

Advocate for and support appropriate maintenance, repair, re-use and sensitive retro-fitting of the architectural heritage, vernacular buildings and the older building stock of the County, whether protected or not, to deliver the Council’s sustainable development policy.

Objective HCAO36 Extensions to Vernacular Dwellings

Require that the size, scale, design, form, layout and materials of extensions to vernacular dwellings or conversions of historic outbuildings take direction from the historic building stock of Fingal and are in keeping and sympathetic with the existing structure.

Objective HCAO37 Thatched Buildings Audit

Audit and map the historic thatched buildings of Fingal and devise measures to assist their continued survival.

Objective HCAO38 Infill Development

Support the development of sustainable backland and infill development that is appropriate in scale and character to historic town and village centres, that transitions appropriately, accommodates surviving structures where appropriate and retains the historic streetscape form

Objective HCAO39 Character of Historic Townscapes

Maintain and enhance the character and quality of historic townscapes or streetscapes by seeking those interventions to the exteriors of existing buildings are appropriately detailed and use good quality materials. Original finishes/fabric should be retained or replicated.

Objective HCAO40 Public Realm Works

Require that public realm works, proposed infrastructural and public utility works do not remove historic street furniture such as limestone or granite kerbs, cobblestones, cast-iron post boxes, water pumps, milestones and historic street lamp standards, except where an exceptional need has been clearly established.

Objective HCAO41 Modern Street Furniture

Sensitively design, locate and rationalise modern street furniture and elements such as utility boxes, cables, bins, bike racks, poles, wires, antenna and signage. Defunct or obsolete telephone boxes/kiosks should be removed rather than replaced.

Objective HCAO42 Undergrounding Cables

Underground cables and wires in historic urban environments or designated sites, such as SAAOs and ACAs, where appropriate, and where it does not detrimentally impact on other elements of heritage e.g. archaeology, natural heritage.

Objective HCAO43 Historic Street Elements Audit

Commission a study to map historic street furniture, stone setts, historic kerbing and historic pavers/flags, and associated features in the public realm, to be protected, conserved or reintroduced.

10.6 Industrial Heritage

The sites, structures, machinery, artefacts and plant associated with manufacturing, transportation, communications, construction, public utilities, raw material extraction and production form our industrial heritage. Rapid advancements and developments in engineering and technology have left much of our historic industrial heritage obsolete and under threat from dereliction, demolition or unsympathetic adaption. Industrial buildings were constructed to meet the requirements of a specialised function and so the dimensions of spaces, layout and sometimes the location of these structures can be unusual and challenging to adapt to different uses. An understanding of the significance of the structure and any surviving machinery and/ or plant should inform the design of any redevelopment. Examples of the industrial heritage of Fingal include the historic railway structures, harbours, lighthouses, bridges, milestones, factories, mills, weirs, lime kilns, forges and windmills spread throughout the whole of the County.

Policy HCAP27 Recognition of Industrial Heritage

Recognise the value of the industrial heritage of the County and seek to protect and retain it through designation or appropriately scaled and designed development for its continued or adaptive re-use, taking direction from the ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) and TICCIH (The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage) Principles for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage (The Dublin Principles).

Policy HCAP28 Awareness of Industrial Heritage

Promote awareness of Fingal’s industrial, military, maritime, canal and railway heritage.

Objective HCAO44 Fingal industrial Heritage Survey

Update and publish the Fingal Industrial Heritage Survey to outline the history of the development of industry in the County and use it to identify significant industrial heritage structures that should be added to the Record of Protected Structure or industrial heritage complexes that should be designated as Architectural Conservation Areas.

Objective HCAO45 Development and Industrial Heritage

Utilise the information provided within the Fingal Industrial Heritage Survey when assessing development proposals for surviving industrial heritage sites.

Objective HCAO46 Preservation of Industrial Heritage

Secure the preservation in-situ of significant examples of industrial, military and nautical heritage that form part of our post-medieval archaeological heritage, and examples of which may date from periods up to and including the 20th century.

Objective HCAO47 Historic Harbours

Ensure that repairs and new insertions to the historic harbours, piers and quays are appropriate in the materials used and, in the design, and scale of any new structures or equipment.

Objective HCAO48 Historic Bridges

Seek the retention and appropriate repair/maintenance of the historic road and rail bridges of the County whether Protected Structures or not.

Objective HCAO49 Royal Canal

Protect and enhance the built and natural heritage of the Royal Canal and ensure that development along it or within its vicinity is sensitively designed and does not have a detrimental effect on the character of the Canal, its built elements and its natural heritage values. Works to the built fabric of Royal Canal should have regard to the Waterways Ireland’s Heritage Plan and Guidelines for Conservation of the Built Heritage - Repair and maintenance of heritage structures on the inland waterways of Ireland (2015).

10.7 Climate Change and Heritage

Climate change relates to long-term alterations in regional and global climate patterns which is affecting existing environments and resulting in more extreme weather events. Climate change impacts on the historic environment and cultural heritage directly through the loss or damage of archaeology, older structures and historic landscapes resulting from severe weather incidents, coastal erosion and rising sea levels. Gradual environmental changes can also require increased or different maintenance regimes, impact the availability of traditional building materials, lead to structural issues arising from soil shrinkage and affect the survival of planting schemes and mature trees in designed landscapes. To address these the Council needs to make provision for risk assessments, disaster risk management planning, maintenance regimes, reduction of carbon emissions and improved energy performance of the existing building stock. The National Climate Change Sectoral Adaptation Plan for Built and Archaeological Heritage (2021) sets out specific goals and actions to build adaptive capacity within this sector and reduce its vulnerability to climate change. The Council is already delivering on several of these through the implementation of the Fingal Climate Action Plan 2019-2024 which includes actions relating to the historic environment. The Council has also carried out the Fingal Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Risk Assessment (2021) to understand the vulnerability of Fingal’s Cultural Heritage to climate hazards.

Policy HCAP29 Climate Change and Heritage

Advance and support mechanisms through which the Council can develop resilience, adapt or mitigate the impact of Climate Change on the archaeological and built heritage of the County.

Policy HCAP30 Effects of Climate Change

Co-operate with other agencies in the investigation of climate change on the fabric of historic buildings and traditional construction to enhance adaptive capacity, strengthen resilience and reduce the vulnerability of the built heritage.

Objective HCAO50 Climate Change Mitigation

Utilise the data provided by the Fingal Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Risk Assessment (2021) to address or mitigate, where possible, the potential Climate Change impacts identified. Where managed loss is the most appropriate option to ensure the site or structure is fully recorded and the data retained by the Council.

Objective HCAO51 Adaptation Strategies

Develop resilience and adaptation strategies for the built and archaeological heritage in the Council’s ownership.

Objective HCAO52 Risk Management Pilot

Pilot a disaster risk management plan for a Council owned heritage property to serve as a template for other historic buildings in the Council’s ownership.

An Urgent Enquiry, Special Area of Conservation, A Public Art Commission by artists Joanna Hopkins and Mary Conroy

10.8 Access to the Heritage Resource

The protection and conservation of the archaeological and built heritage will be best achieved through the recognition and appreciation of it by all sections of society. It is important that awareness of the location and significance of protected sites and structures and that these are conserved and presented to the highest quality. The Council can improve awareness of and access to heritage through production of relevant publications and guidance notes, the running of exhibitions and seminars, the development of cultural tourism products and can provide digital access through interactive maps, videos, virtual exhibitions, and podcasts. In addition. the means of access to monuments currently accessible can be preserved and improved to Council owned sites. While the Council cannot provide public access to private property, if requested it can offer advice and guidance to privately owned protected sites and structures that are open to the public on how to sensitively adapt their properties to enhance access for all.

Policy HCAP31 Access

Improve access, visitor facilities, enhance animation of heritage sites and upgrade visitor infrastructure at Council owned heritage sites, where appropriate.

Objective HCAO53 Tourism

Promote the tourism potential of Fingal’s cultural heritage and improve legibility by providing guidance for appropriate interpretation in line with the Fingal Heritage Signage and Trails Guidance (2021).

Objective HCAO54 Understanding of the Heritage Resource

Promote and enhance the understanding of the archaeological and architectural heritage of Fingal through the development of cultural tourism products, talks, exhibitions and publications. digital access through interactive maps, videos, virtual exhibitions, and podcasts.

Objective HCAO55 Universal Access

Accommodate and improve universal access to Council owned archaeological and architectural heritage sites open to the general public, where possible. Ensure the archaeological and architectural heritage significance of the site is taken into account when providing such access and is not damaged or compromised.

Objective HCAO56 Engagement

Seek to work with all relevant stakeholders to promote equality of access to and engagement with arts and cultural services.

10.9 Culture

Culture is defined by UNESCO as ‘a set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group, that encompasses, not only art and literature but lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs’. Participation in cultural activities, as recognised in the Government policy document Culture 2025, can contribute to social cohesion, reduce isolation and enrich all our lives. The three fundamental principles of national policy are to a) Recognise the value of culture and creativity to the individual and society b) Support creative practice and cultural participation and c) Cherish our cultural heritage. Intangible cultural heritage such as folklore, traditions, skills, instruments and cultural spaces are part of the identity and distinctive character of Fingal. Although there is a challenge in protecting cultural assets there is an opportunity to expand the range of spaces and places available to allow the pace of cultural growth match our population growth. The objective of the RSES is to "enhance, integrate and protect our arts, culture and heritage assets to promote creative places and heritage led regeneration".

10.9.1 Cultural Infrastructure

Cultural infrastructure is a key social asset that must be planned for in the same way as we do for our water supply, our transport, our parks and our built heritage. Culture infrastructure can be defined as ‘the buildings, structures and places/spaces where culture is either experienced, participated in, showcased, exhibited or sold and places of creative production where creative work is made by artists, performers, makers or manufacturers’. Culture also contributes to the economic growth of Fingal through attracting tourists and visitors through its cultural activities and attractions; providing

employment and spin off economic benefits to other sectors including food and beverage, retail and the taxi industry. Cultural engagement and investment have the potential to provide skilled employment.

Policy HCAP32 Protection of Cultural Infrastructure

Ensure that culture infrastructure is valued and protected as an integral part of the fabric of Fingal, in line with national and regional policy.

Policy HCAP33 Cultural Resources

Support the growth and expansion of the many cultural resources within Fingal, particularly where proposals increase the opportunity for greater engagement with local communities, the young, the marginalised and people with disabilities.

Objective HCAO57 Arts and Culture Infrastructure Policy

Develop an Arts and Culture Infrastructure policy document for Fingal that informs the preparation of audits, use of vacant spaces and toolkits for provision of cultural and arts facilities.

Objective HCAO58 Swords Castle Cultural Quarter

Support the cultural development of Swords Castle Cultural Quarter.

Objective HCAO59 Cultural Assets

Ensure that regeneration contributes to the cultural assets of the community with new spaces provided at street level in larger regeneration projects that will accommodate and provide for new local cultural uses.

Objective HCAO60 Cultural Spaces

Develop the range of cultural spaces and facilities in tandem with new housing developments to meet the needs of an increased population within Fingal.

Objective HCAO61 Temporary Cultural Provision

Facilitate the temporary use of underused sites or buildings for artistic or cultural provision. Where applications are made seeking to demolish or replace a cultural space/use, the development must re-accommodate the same or increased volume of space/use or a similar use within the redevelopment. Cultural uses include theatres, cinemas, artist studios, performance spaces, music venues, nightclubs, studios and dance space.

10.10 Language Heritage

As outlined in the Government publication Infheistíocht inár gCultúr, inár dTeanga agus inár nOidhreacht Investing in our Culture, Language and Heritage, 2018 – 2027; a key objective of Project Ireland 2040 is to provide better social, economic and cultural infrastructure, including providing more opportunities to enjoy our cultural heritage and language. The Council has an important role to play in the promotion of the Irish language in the County through organising events such as Seachtain na Gaeilge and other initiatives, through support for Irish language names for new residential developments, in the provision of bilingual directional signage and in the translation of public documents published by the Council. The Council will continue to support initiatives at County level to strengthen bilingualism in the County.

Policy HCAP34 Irish Language

Promote, support and preserve the Irish Language within the County.

Objective HCAO62 Irish Language Facilities

Highlight the profile of the Irish language in the urban and rural environment and support the Irish language by facilitating the provision of Irish language facilities and activities.

Objective HCAO63 Naming of Residential Schemes

Ensure that the naming of mixed residential and mixed-use schemes reflect local history, folklore and/or place names and are stated in the Irish language.

Objective HCAO64 Townland Names

Encourage the use and promotion of historical and current townland names in the urban and rural environment in both the Irish and English languages, with a view to supporting the provision of townlands' place names markers/signage.

Objective HCAO65 Shopfronts

Support the use of the Irish language on shopfronts.

Objective HCAO66 Promotion of Irish Language

Promote Irish language and traditional culture in Fingal and support events celebrating our cultural heritage.

Objective HCAO67 Irish Language Supports

Continue to promote the established Coiste Gaeilge Comhairle Fhine Gall, a Fingal County Irish Language Committee, which encourages the use of the Irish language, the development of Seachtain na Gaeilge and promotes the use of Gaeilge on shop fronts.

10.11 Multi-Culturalism

An increasingly diverse migrant population consisting of a range of nations, ethnicities, and religions has called Fingal home in recent decades. This adds a diversity and richness to our lived experience and worldview and is part of our evolving cultural heritage. The Migration and Diversity profile of Census 2016 indicates that 46,909 non-Irish people are resident in Fingal comprising just over 16% of the population. Fingal County Council has appointed an Integration Officer to coordinate the goals of the Fingal Migrant Integration and Social Cohesion Strategy 2019-2024.

Policy HCAP35 Promotion of Multi-Culturalism

Promote the County’s multi-cultural heritage.

Policy HCAP36 Language Heritage

Promote and support the language heritage of new Irish/migrant communities within the County.

Objective HCAO68 Environment for Multi-Culturalism

Establish an environment for promoting cross cultural awareness, racial harmony, mutual understanding and appreciation of all religious and ethnic traditions within the County, including development of public spaces with cross-cultural appeal and relevance.

Objective HCAO69 Migrant Integrations and Social Cohesion Strategy

Implement the actions identified in Fingal’s Migrant Integration and Social Cohesion Strategy 2019- 2024 or any subsequent strategies.

10.12  Arts

Arts is defined by the Arts Act 2003 as "any creative or interpretive expression (whether traditional or contemporary) in whatever form, and including, in particular, visual arts, theatre, literature, music, dance, opera, film, circus and architecture and including any medium when used for those purposes". Allowing space for artists to work and live within Fingal is vital to maintaining a vibrant artistic community as part of the cultural life of the County. The Council through its Arts Office seeks to promote the cultural life of the County and increase accessibility to arts and culture facilities for all members of the community.

Policy HCAP37 Fingal Arts Plan 2019-2025

Support the implementation of the Fingal County Council Arts Plan 2019-2025 (and updates thereto) by facilitating and encouraging the provision of new or improved arts and cultural facilities within the County.

Objective HCAO70 Artist’s Spaces

Develop and provide spaces for artist studios within Fingal and avail of opportunities for utilising underused buildings and local buildings with heritage value, to promote the expansion of cultural uses within existing spaces and communities, for artistic and cultural purposes.

Objective HCAO71 Inclusivity

Support greater inclusivity as part of the cultural experience by supporting adaptation to existing facilities and support initiatives and investments in arts and cultural spaces that aim to promote increased cultural engagement for minority groups, people with disabilities, young people, socially excluded, members of the Travelling community and LGBTQ+ community members.

Assemble - A Film Trilogy a public art commission by artist Anthony Haughey & the Global Migration Collective




Cultural Heritage
See Submission Attached
Rezone lands at Coldblow, Lucan
I support any efforts to rezone lands at Coldblow, Lucan which will ensure the development of a Gaeltacht Quarter in Lucan, including playing fields & clubhouse for Na Gaeil Óga & a cultural...
An Ghaeilge i bhFine Gall
Tacaím leis na polasaithe agus spriocanna maidir leis an nGaeilge i gCaibidil 10  agus molaim go mbeadh sprioch nua maidir le comhoibriú / nasc le Baile Átha Cliath le Gaeilge...
ACA's conservation
Fingal Co Co should commit to ensuring that all ACA's have appropriate public realm including street furniture, street lighting and shop frontage.
Preservation to full restoration (Objective HCAO48 Historic Bridges)
Objective HCAO48 Historic Bridges Fingal CoCo has committed 1.44 million of its capital spend budget from 2021 to 2023 to preservation of the Guinness Bridge also called the Silver...