Chapter 6: Connectivity and Movement

Closed24 Feb, 2022, 09:00 - 12 May, 2022, 23:59

6.1  Introduction

To achieve sustainable development in Fingal and respond to key transportation challenges over the lifetime of this Plan, recognising that there is an over reliance on the private cars throughout the County and the need to reduce transport emissions, this chapter identifies the policy framework to facilitate travel demands and cater for travel needs across Fingal in a sustainable manner. One of the key strategic objectives of this Plan is to strengthen the integration of land-use and transport planning with a priority focus on increased provision of walking, cycling and public transport infrastructure. This Plan promotes an integrated and sustainable transport network that is inclusive and accessible for all. Alongside this, the creation of attractive public realms and healthy placemaking will ensure that communities are connected in a sustainable and efficient way. Easy access to and from residential developments, workplaces, schools and services and reliable commercial deliveries and servicing will be dependent on an increasingly efficient system of transport given the projected increases in demand for travel. This Plan also promotes the continued management of traffic, the protection and enhancement of strategic transport corridors and the efficient movement of freight.

This Plan recognises and supports a collaborative approach that needs to be taken by all stakeholders to ensure the delivery of a sustainable transport network including key transport projects, new walking and cycling infrastructure, behavioural change initiatives and improved roads access. It embraces the use of technology that enables more efficient movement around our County, including the increased use of shared mobility schemes for cars and bikes, electric vehicles and supporting measures to change travel behaviours. Combined, these measures will aid the delivery of an integrated transport system which will assist modal shift, improve quality of life, create more attractive and accessible environments, foster sustainable economic growth and underpin the transition to a low carbon and climate resilient society.

6.2  Context

Effective connectivity locally, nationally and internationally makes Fingal an attractive place for people to live, work and visit and for businesses to operate in and invest. This leads to multiple benefits for the County and wider Dublin region. Fingal already benefits from strong transport connections through Dublin Airport, Dublin Tunnel and the strategic road corridors that run through the County as well as extensive bus and rail networks. Dublin Airport is the most important strategic location for international connectivity in the Country for both passengers and freight. Dublin Port, accessed directly from Fingal via the Dublin Tunnel, is the most important point of entry for freight on the island. This current network comprises key international and national routes including elements of the Trans European Network (TEN-T) where the ‘movement function’ of the route is critical. This includes the M1 and M50 motorways and the Dublin-Belfast rail line. Both the M1 and the Dublin – Belfast northern rail line provides critical transport connections within the Dublin – Belfast Economic Corridor.

The Maynooth and PACE railway lines [Dunboyne/M3 Parkway rail line] and Dart and suburban rail form critically important elements of the existing transport network within Fingal which connects to

Dublin City Centre and Country wide rail and bus networks. The extensive Dublin Bus network including the provision of quality bus corridors in areas such as Swords, Blanchardstown, Malahide, Ballymun and Finglas facilitates enhanced travel connections to Dublin City.

Localised urban roads and streets accommodate pedestrians, cyclists, public transport and cars. On these routes the ‘place’ function of the route becomes more important as we try to create conditions to encourage use of sustainable modes and attractive environments. This element of the network offers the most potential to positively influence travel behaviour and presents opportunities to facilitate sustainable transport choices while at the same time making attractive places to live and visit. Fingal County Council continues to make progress in adding to the local transport network through allocation of existing road space for pedestrians and cyclists, public realm improvements and the advancement of new cycling and walking routes and Greenways. The Council is rolling out the Safe Routes to School Programme and other improved mobility solutions to foster active travel to schools and within neighbourhoods.

New forms of mobility continue to be embraced by the Council, including a shift to electric vehicles for Council owned operational fleets and the provision of electric vehicle charging infrastructure to support the use of EV vehicles as well as the establishment of its first local mobility hubs to serve the general public and Fingal County Council staff members. The Council is facilitating the expansion of shared schemes for bikes and cars across the County and the introduction of initiatives such as Community Car Service and Age Friendly Fingal to respond to specific mobility needs. The integration of land-use and transportation continues through the implementation of development within plan frameworks along existing transport corridors and these areas continue to consolidate. The Council continues to progress a number of studies and projects across the County with the aim to improve the public realm and promote sustainable travel options.

In the context of existing mode share, the Socio-Economic Profile of Fingal which was prepared to inform this Plan, highlights slightly lower reliance on private cars was evident compared to the national level at 51.8% of all commuters in 2016, whilst cycling and public transport modal share increased by 0.6% in both cases from 2011 to 2.8% and 20.5% respectively in 2016. Census 2016 shows that by far the greatest numbers of trips to work in Fingal are made by car, at 59.4% of all modes of transport. Bus and rail to work equates to 20.4 % while cycling to work equates to 2.5% with 5.4% getting to  work on foot and a total of 12.3% for other alternative modes. The latter would indicate a latent demand for more public transport and active travel infrastructure, thereby allowing people to make more sustainable transport options in their daily travel patterns if active travel alternatives were more readily available.

Infographic - Trips to work in 2016

6.3  Opportunities

This Plan has a key role to play in facilitating potential for real change in the way people move around and connect within the County by creating conditions to enable a transition from dependency on the private car and fossil fuel-based mobility in favour of more sustainable modes, which in turn will help to reduce the negative impacts of transport and climate change. There is an opportunity to build on current progress, to strengthen the alignment between land-use and transport infrastructure and continue to work closely with national agencies to advance the delivery of key public transport projects. This can be achieved through prioritising the increased provision of high-quality, walkable and accessible public realm environments and safe and attractive cycling facilities and to optimise connectivity between sustainable modes through increased walking and cycling provision. Through these measures, there is an opportunity to assist modal shift and to make walking and cycling the natural choice for everyday shorter trips, many of which are currently made by car. Fingal County Council will facilitate active travel across the County and will engage widely with the public through open consultation in relation to a sustainable transport system and active travel. There is also an opportunity to interconnect many our climate-based objectives such as nature-based solutions with travel networks to help deliver a range of environmental and public realm benefits. There is an opportunity to respond in a pro-active and collaborative way to ensure that the County is ready for and can fully benefit from technological changes in transport including the increasing role of shared mobility schemes, micro mobility modes, electric vehicles and the application of technology in the mobility sector. The County benefits from a number of strategic transport corridors which provide an essential means of international, national and regional connectivity and due to this accessibility, provides opportunities for increased trade and investment and tourism, subject to the efficient use of our road and rail networks.


6.4  Strategic Aims

Transportation policy in Fingal is guided by a comprehensive and co-ordinated set of National and Regional policy documents including the NPF and RSES. Across these various policy documents, there are overarching policy and objectives to achieve compact growth through the integration of land-use and transportation planning, sustainable mobility and healthy placemaking with the aims to promote active travel modes, reduce dependency on the private car, tackle climate change and increase accessibility and connectivity within both urban and rural areas. The NTA’s Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area 2016-2035 which is currently under review also builds on this approach and sets out the guiding policy and objectives for the efficient, effective and sustainable movement of people and goods through a network of public transport, walking and cycling improvements including high levels of network integration for the GDA including Fingal. There are many other National and Regional policy documents relevant to sustainable mobility, some of which are referred to within individual policies and objectives in this chapter. A full list of guidance documents that informed the preparation of this Plan is set out within Appendices 2 and 3.

6.5  Policies and Objectives

6.5.1  The Role of Transportation Policy in Addressing Climate Change

Reducing emissions from transport is one of the major challenges facing society and Fingal County Council acknowledges the importance of transitioning to low carbon mobility solutions to mitigate against climate change. This chapter contains policies and objectives to achieve this goal which will assist the Council in achieving its climate change targets as well as other positive environmental benefits. This Plan promotes the need for a shift to more sustainable travel choices by designing our built environments in a way that prioritises the most carbon efficient modes such as walking, cycling and public transport. It also seeks to support and encourage behavioural change by placing a focus on achieving residential and employment development in sustainable compact locations and utilising brownfield lands in our existing settlements adjacent to existing facilities and transport infrastructure.

Fingal County Council recognises that an effective response to carbon emissions and climate change requires an integrated approach across all policy areas in the Plan. Whilst the key drivers in this regard will be those contained in this chapter that support the integration of land-use planning with the development of a sustainable transport network, these will be complemented by other policies contained in this Plan such as those in Chapter 5 Climate Action supporting an increase in EV charging facilities, the creation of active travel corridors and the associated opportunities to incorporate nature-based solutions such as SuDs features, landscaping and enhanced habitats. The National Climate Action Plan 2021 identifies increases in active travel and public transport trips and a reduction in vehicle kilometres as essential parts of meeting 2030 and 2050 climate targets. These changes shall be reflected in all calculations/predictions of demand for various travel modes carried out by the Council or for development consent purposes.

Policy CMP1 Decarbonisation of Motorised Transport

Support the decarbonisation of motorised transport and facilitate modal shift to walking, cycling and public transport and taking account of National and Regional policy and guidance, while supporting an efficient and effective transport system.

Objective CMO1 Transition to Sustainable Modes

Work with the NTA, TII and other transport agencies in facilitating the integrated set of transport objectives for the County as set out in this Planin line with National and Regional policy including the NTA’s GDA Transport Strategy and any subsequent plan to encourage modal shift towards more sustainable modes of transport and patterns of commuting to reduce reliance on the private car.

Objective CMO2 Modal Shift

Work with the NTA to develop mode share targets for the County to achieve and monitor a transition to more sustainable modes including walking, cycling and public transport, during the lifetime of this Plan. This includes providing targeted infrastructure in the most appropriate locations and prioritising development at the most accessible locations in order to achieve the appropriate levels of integration and sustainable transport provision.

6.5.2  Demand Management

As the demand for travel across the County continues to grow in line with ongoing and future development, this Plan will seek to ensure that this growth is accompanied by appropriate levels of sustainable transport provision, in order to achieve appropriate modal shares. To manage the future demand for travel, this Plan prioritises the following measures:

  • Land use policies which reduce demand for travel by bringing people and the activities they need to access closer together.
  • Improved transport options such as walking, cycling and public transport, designing roads and streets to improve conditions for sustainable modes and encouraging behavioural change to more sustainable modes whilst maintaining appropriate levels of access for general vehicular and freight traffic as required.
  • Control Measures such as mobility management, parking management and traffic management.

Policy CMP2 Managing Demand for Travel

Concentrate compact growth around existing and planned transport services ensuring that transport and land-use are integrated to the greatest extent possible so that the demand for travel in general and for car-based travel is reduced.

6.5.3  Integration of Land-Use and Transport

The NPF provides policy on developing existing settlements and infill brownfield sites along high- capacity transport corridors. The RSES underpinned by the NPF, provides a robust framework to achieve successful integration between land-use and transportation planning and achieving sustainable higher densities and appropriate uses at nodes serviced by public transport networks. To ensure that the population and employment growth projected for Fingal occurs in a sustainable manner, it is essential that land-use and transport planning continues to be closely aligned. Integrating new housing, employment and services with high-capacity public transport corridors in conjunction with attractive walking and cycling networks and permeable links to rail and bus stations can reduce the need to travel and support the functioning of a connected and sustainable transport system. This also has the benefit of extending the catchment of sustainable modes to more people and places to support investment in public transport infrastructure. This will enable the implementation of Transit Oriented Development whereby development is consolidated around existing or planned public corridors at a scale or density that supports the viability of high-capacity public transport infrastructure.

Adopting this approach facilitates compact growth, a recurring theme in this Plan and maximises the opportunities presented by MetroLink, LUAS and DART+ proposals, as well as the existing and planned bus improvements under BusConnects. Land-use policy within Fingal supports development along its identified high-capacity public transport corridors.

This Plan supports high-density, mixed-use development and trip intensive uses integrated with high- quality walking and cycling infrastructure around high-capacity public transport corridors and nodes, through plan frameworks, in order to generate and reinforce sustainable patterns of growth and development in the County. This policy focus is intended to, not only reflect the policy supported in the NPF and RSES but critically, as a measure, has the potential to reduce the climate impact of transport by encouraging a shift from the private car to public transport, walking and cycling.

Policy CMP3 Integrated Land-Use and Transport Approach

Provide for an integrated approach to land-use and transportation aimed at minimising the demand for travel and prioritising sustainable modes of transport including walking, cycling and public transport.

Objective CMO3 Integration of Public Transport and Development

Support and facilitate high-density, mixed-use development and trip intensive uses along public transport corridors and to ensure the integration of high-quality permeability links and public realm in conjunction with the delivery of public transport services through plan frameworks to generate and reinforce sustainable patterns of compact growth and development in the County.

6.5.4  Area Based Transport Assessment (ABTA)

ABTAs are used by Planning Authorities in the preparation of land use plans. ABTAs place the integration of land use and transport planning at the centre of the plan preparation process. In terms of policy integration, ABTA’s can provide the link between National and Regional transport policies and objectives into local level transportation service provision and land-use plans and developments. This Plan supports the use of ABTAs in the preparation of plan frameworks for development areas across the County.

ABTA’s can also inform the preparation of Local Transport Plans. The RSES includes policy objectives requiring the preparation of Local Transport Plans in selected settlements in the region, including Balbriggan, which is identified as a self-sustaining town. Local Transport Plans will examine the current lack of alternatives to the private car in tandem with land-use patterns which can better affect a modal shift to more sustainable modes of transport of walking and cycling and public transport. This integrated framework will inform future investment in sustainable mobility options for the town.

Policy CMP4 Area Based Transport Assessment

Promote and encourage the use of ABTAs for Local Area Plans, Local Transport Plans, and other large-scale studies and plans as appropriate.

Objective CMO4 Local Transport Plan

Prepare a Local Transport Plan for Balbriggan, in consultation with the NTA and other relevant stakeholders.

6.5.5  Mobility Management

Mobility management is an effective means of encouraging sustainable travel choices and reducing car-based travel in existing and new developments. Mobility management plans including workplace travel plans can minimise the impact of the traffic generated by developments, and they often include mitigation measures based on assessments of the existing or required levels of public transport provision, cycle and walking infrastructure and parking provision. Mobility Management Plans will continue to be a requirement in the Development Management process and are discussed in more detail in Chapter 14 Development Management Standards of this Plan.

Policy CMP5 Mobility Management and Travel Planning

Promote best practice mobility management and travel planning through the requirement for proactive mobility strategies for developments focussed on prioritising sustainable modes of travel including walking, cycling and public transport.

6.5.6  A Sustainable and Integrated Transport Network

Promoting the expanded provision of sustainable travel modes such as walking, cycling and public transport based on an integrated network approach will help re-balance the focus to those modes

that have lower emissions and contribute to creating high-quality environments across the County as well as improved quality of life for residents, commuters and visitors to Fingal.

Policy CMP6 Integrated Transport Network

Support and facilitate sustainable mobility objectives set out in the NPF, RSES, Smarter Travel and the NTA’s GDA Transport Strategy and any subsequent plan to ensure the creation of a high -quality and integrated transport network to serves the needs of the County and the wider region.  Walking and Cycling (Active Travel)

Walking and cycling is a cost effective, sustainable and growing mode of transport. This Plan, as well as National policy and the NTA’s GDA Transport Strategy emphasises the benefits that walking and cycling infrastructure will deliver. To build on current progress and to make active travel an attractive option, the provision of high-quality and permeable pedestrian and cycle networks is required.

To achieve this, the Council supports the delivery of a programme of high-quality cycling and walking infrastructure across the County, including such provision through the Development Management process where relevant and appropriate. As well as the provision of active travel infrastructure, an important measure of successful mobility is also dependent on quality of experience through quality public realm, accessibility, permeability and legibility. A range of public realm improvements will create attractive urban centres and improve conditions to make walking and cycling a safer, healthier, quicker, more direct and more attractive form of travel. The prioritisation of walking and cycling is a key priority of this Plan through the reallocation of existing road space and improved public realm that is accessible for all. An Active Travel Strategy is currently under preparation by Fingal County Council and this will inform further improvements in the walking and cycling environment including the provision of publicly accessible bicycle parking.

To support behavioural change and encourage increased cycling, this Plan supports a range of measures designed to enhance the cyclist’s experience and safety including continued expansion of shared bike schemes, increased publicly accessible cycle parking, cycling promotion campaigns and interventions that encourage people with disabilities to cycle. The provision of convenient, secure and central cycle parking facilities are critical factors in encouraging increased cycling. The provision of strategic high-quality off-street cycle parks, particularly in town centres and close to key destinations and parking for cargo and adapted bikes is also required. Requirements aimed to support and increase cycling including bicycle parking standards are presented in Chapter 14 Development Management Standards of this Plan.

The NDP 2021-2030 allocates significant annual funding towards the development of walking and cycling infrastructure across the County. The Council will continue to build on current progress to develop an expanded, high-quality and connected walking and cycling network throughout the County. Routes within the network will have regard to the NTA Cycle Network Plan for the GDA and the NTA’s Cycle Manual while also allowing for the provision of routes identified by the Council that are not featured in the NTA Cycle Network Plan.  Greenway Network

With significant coastline, canals, extensive parklands and rural hinterland and a generally attractive and walkable environment, Fingal has the potential to develop an extensive network of strategic Greenway routes for walking and cycling which will become an attractive component of Fingal’s integrated transport network. Greenways can serve recreational, commuter and functional users. As such, they offer the potential for a wide range of economic, social, health and environmental benefits. Fingal County Council will continue to progress an ambitious programme of Greenway projects during the lifetime of this Plan as set out in Table 6.1 in conjunction with relevant agencies and stakeholders.

Table 6.1 Greenways/High Quality Cycling and Walking Routes
  • Fingal Coastal Way (Donabate-Balbriggan)
  • Broadmeadow Way (Malahide-Donabate)
  • Sutton to Malahide
  • Royal Canal
  • Royal Canal-Grand Canal Loop
  • Ward River Valley and Broadmeadow River Valley
  • Tolka Valley
  • Hamilton Way
  • Lusk/Rush (via Rogerstown Park)
  • Donabate to Portrane Village (via Ballymastone and Cliff Walk)
  • Racecourse Park (Baldoyle)
  • Millpond Park

Policy CMP7 Pedestrian and Cycling Network

Secure the development of a high-quality, connected and inclusive pedestrian and cycling network and provision of supporting facilities / infrastructure across the County, including the upgrade of the existing network and support the integration of walking, cycling and physical activity with placemaking including public realm improvements, in collaboration with the NTA, other relevant stakeholders, local communities and adjoining Local Authorities in the context of the impact of development schemes with cross boundary impacts and opportunities where appropriate. Routes within the network shall have regard to NTA and TII national standards and policies.

Policy CMP8 Greenway Network

Secure the development of an expanded Greenway network in collaboration with relevant stakeholders including the NTA, adjoining landowners, local communities and adjoining Local Authorities where appropriate and encourage and facilitate opportunities for enhanced linkage and connectivity to adjoining towns and villages and their services, amenities, attractions and public transport nodes and to cross- County, Regional and National Greenway projects.

Policy CMP9 Prioritisation of Pedestrians and Cyclists

Support the prioritisation of pedestrians and cyclists and the provision of improved public realm to make walking and cycling safer, healthier, quicker, more direct and more attractive.

Policy CMP10 Bicycle Infrastructure

Improve bicycle priority measures and cycle parking infrastructure throughout the County in accordance with best accessibility practice.

Objective CMO5 Improvements to the Pedestrian and Cyclist Environment

Maintain and improve the pedestrian and cyclist environment and promote the development of a network of pedestrian/cycle routes which link residential areas with schools, employment, recreational destinations and public transport stops to create a pedestrian/cyclist environment that is safe, accessible to all in accordance with best accessibility practice.

Objective CMO6 Integration of Active Travel with Public Transport

Work with the relevant transport providers, agencies and stakeholders to facilitate the integration of active travel (walking/cycling etc.) with public transport, ensuring ease of access for all.

Objective CMO7 Active Travel Strategy

Prepare an Active Travel Strategy to encourage active travel and modal shift to sustainable transport modes.

Objective CMO8 Active Travel Audits

Carry out active travel audits in towns and villages in collaboration with local communities and other relevant stakeholders to inform improvements to the public realm and the pedestrian and cycling network.

Objective CMO9 Bicycle Parking

Provide publicly accessible high-quality cycle parking spaces, both standard bicycle spaces and non- standard for adapted and cargo bikes, in town and village centres and key destinations and near the entrance to all publicly accessible buildings as required.

Objective CMO10  Walking and Cycling Infrastructure

Support  the  provision  of  walking  and  cycling  infrastructure,  including  bike parking, bike repair and support services, to increase footfall and economic activity in town and village centres while reducing emissions and improving quality of life.

Objective CMO11 Walking and Cycling and Green Infrastructure Network

Ensure that new walking and cycling routes are designed, insofar as possible, to function as links in the County’s Green Infrastructure network and that adequate replacement and additional planting of native species and pollinators is provided and that SuDS approaches are used to treat surface water run-off.

Objective CMO12 Walking and Cycling and Green Infrastructure Network

Support the formulation and delivery of an integrated pedestrian/cycle network plans which connect adjacent communities providing linkages to all modes of transport which will provide links to all destinations of the County creating the nucleus of a slow tourist trail.  Public Rights of Way

The Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended) requires that Development Plans preserve Public Rights of Way (PROWs) which give access to seashore, mountain, lakeshore, riverbank or other places of natural beauty or recreational utility. The identification of public rights of way, as required under the Planning and Development Act, is a difficult and resource intensive exercise in the absence of land law or property registry to facilitate. Often, incomplete or no records are available to confirm the legal status of Public Rights of Way and case law suggests that unless conclusive proof is available, a prudent approach should be adopted.

Based on the legislation, only PROWs for which their existence is well established and, where possible, documented, should be included under the narrow definition of Section 10(2) (o) of the Act and as set out in the OPR Case Study Paper CSP01 Public Rights of Way and the Local Authority Development Plan 2021 guidance document. Fingal also benefits from a number of existing recreational and coastal routes. In addition, the creation of Permissive Access Routes to high amenity, recreational and scenic lands in partnership with landowners, adjoining Local Authorities, public bodies and other state agencies is considered to be an achievable mechanism to secure access to places of natural beauty or utility. Table 6.2 identifies PROW in the County and is shown along with existing recreational and coastal routes on the relevant Development Plan maps. It is important to note that this list is not exhaustive. Over the lifetime of this Plan, the Council will endeavour to add to this list within the provisions of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).

Table 6.2 Existing Public Rights of Way
  • Baldoyle to Portmarnock Greenway

Policy CMP11 Protection of Public Rights of Way

Protect public rights of way as set out in Table 6.2 that give access to areas of natural beauty or recreation.

Objective CMO13 Mapping of Public Rights of Way

Identify further Public Rights of Way during the lifetime of the Development Plan and to update the ‘Public Rights of Way’ mapping.

Objective CMO14  Engagement towards Improved Access

The Local Authority will continue to engage with landowners, public bodies, adjoining Local Authorities and state agencies to improve access to publicly owned lands and to investigate opportunities for additional permissive access paths wherever possible and appropriate.  Public Realm and Healthy Streets

Public realm refers to all the areas to which the public has access such as roads, streets, footpaths, parks, open spaces and public squares. The quality and attractiveness of the public realm plays a key role in encouraging walking, cycling and the use of public transport. 'Healthy Streets' is a concept for how street environments and the wider street network will be planned to promote healthier, more efficient and more sustainable transport options.

The design and layout of new developments will be required to support quality public realm by providing quality urban design and finishes to create attractive, safe, accessible, connected, comfortable and permeable layouts. Fingal County Council will continue to progress public realm projects and invest in public realm improvements and will continue to work with the NTA, TII and other agencies to ensure that public transport projects deliver high-quality public realm and pedestrian space as an integral part of the projects. Permeability is particularly important for those with additional needs, Fingal County Council will continue to prioritise the continuation of widening pavements to facilitate those with disabilities, the elderly, people with prams and small children. Chapter 3 Sustainable Placemaking and Quality Homes of this Plan provides more detail on quality public realm.

Policy CMP12 Public Realm

Support and facilitate the provision of high-quality and attractive public realm that is accessible for all with a focus on improving connectivity and permeability in accordance with best practice public realm and guidance documents.

Objective CMO15 Public Realm and Development

Encourage and facilitate the delivery of high-quality public realm in tandem with new developments throughout the County through the Development Management process and the retrospective provision in existing developments, including the provision of a pedestrianised core in town centres where appropriate.

Objective CMO16  Existing Street Space and Active Travel

Review the potential for reassignment of existing street space for active travel modes within village and town centres across the County where appropriate during the lifetime of this Plan.

Objective CMO17   Circulation Plans and Low Traffic Zones

Work with NTA, TII and adjoining Local Authorities to plan for motor vehicle routing/ impermeability to create low traffic zones and encourage modal shift for short trips from cars, active travel and public transport along the lines of the Ghent circulation plan and Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in London.  Accessibility and Universal Design

Universal design is the design of the environment so that it can be accessed, understood and used to the greatest extent possible by all people regardless of their age or ability. The need for equality of access to all aspects the built environment for all individuals is recognised by Fingal County Council as essential for equal opportunities and the development of an inclusive society is a recurring theme in this Plan. The principle of universal design for all is supported and required in the implementation of all aspects of the built environment including public realm and the pedestrian and cycling network including the Greenway network, to create an environment that is safe and accessible and in accordance with best accessibility practice. This Plan also supports the priority for people with mobility issues who require a car to carry out their daily activities where active travel is not an option. The Council will continue to work with national agencies in supporting and addressing the transport and access needs particularly for vulnerable groups such as people with mobility impairment and/or disabilities including the elderly and people with children.

Policy CMP13 Accessible Pedestrian and Cyclist Environment

Promote and facilitate a network of pedestrian and cycle routes and public realm that is universally accessible for all ages and abilities in accordance with best accessibility practice.

Objective CMO18 Optimising Accessibility for All

Support and facilitate improvements to the pedestrian and cycle network and public realm that prioritise the removal of barriers to active movement, to improve connectivity and permeability and optimise accessibility for all users.

Objective CMO19 Signal Control and Pedestrians

Minimise wait times at signalised pedestrian crossings in order to prioritise pedestrian usage. Except in exceptional circumstances, either Green Person Authority or “on demand” green for pedestrians shall be provided on all stand-alone (“mid-block”) pedestrian crossings within the lifetime of this Plan.

Objective CMO20 Wayfinding

Support the delivery of way-finding systems with an emphasis around highly trafficked urban areas and routes between public transport interchanges and visitor attractions.  Permeability

A permeable street network is a key component in supporting walking and cycling environments. The NTA’s Permeability Best Practice Guide sets out guidance to assist Local Authorities and other stakeholders to address the legacy of severance within existing built-up areas and to facilitate enhanced permeability within these areas. The Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets 2019 (DMURS) also includes permeability objectives. Both the implementation of the NTA’s guidance in conjunction with DMURS addresses permeability in both new and existing areas. This Plan seeks to ensure that all development areas are permeable for pedestrians and cyclists and opportunities to improve permeability for these modes in existing developed areas will be sought. The principle of ‘filtered permeability’ will apply in all new development. This will create a more attractive environment for walking and cycling, while maintaining accessibility for local residents, deliveries or emergencies.

Policy CMP14 Permeable Neighbourhoods

Implement the provisions of the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets 2019 (DMURS) in relation to the delivery of safe streets and overall best practice design and promote the principle of filtered permeability in new developments  to ensure that all pedestrian entrances are opened as soon as any new development is occupied where feasible and seek opportunities to improve permeability in existing developed areas in accordance with NTA’s Permeability Best Practice Guide.  Safe Routes to School

To encourage a modal shift to walking and cycling for school journeys and to foster independent cycling among children, walking and cycling to school will become a safer and more attractive option through the creation of safe, legible and pleasant walking and cycling routes through the continued roll out the Safe Routes to School Programme. The Council will continue to support initiatives such as the Green Schools Travel Forum as part of An Taisce’s Green School Travel Programme.

Policy CMP15 Safe Routes to School

Promote walking and cycling for school trips through support and engagement with the ‘Safe Routes to School’ and the ‘Green Schools Travel Programme’.

Objective CMO21 Safe Routes to School Measures

Promote walking and cycling for school trips by implementing the following measures:

  • Identifying school sites that are as close as possible to the communities they serve.
  • Ensuring new schools are designed with an emphasis on active travel and facilitation of same.
  • Ensuring that adequate and secure bicycle storage is provided within schools.
  • Prioritising school routes for permeability projects including the potential for shorter and safer routes to schools by the removal of physical barriers to active movement and provision and enhancement of pedestrian and cycle ways.
  • Supporting the use of a range of physical measures to provide improved safety for pedestrians and cyclists at and close to schools.
  • Ensuring that suitable access points are provided to school sites for pedestrians and cyclists, including the implementation of the Safe Routes to School Programme.  Personal Mobility Modes and Shared Mobility Schemes

There has been a rapid increase in personal mobility modes and shared mobility schemes in recent years based on a demand for more flexible, cheaper and greener travel options. Shared mobility refers to the shared use of a bicycle in the form of shared bike schemes or other travel modes with short- term access to one of these modes of travel as required. Personal mobility modes refers to personal vehicles such as bikes and scooters including electric and dockless models. These personal modes of travel have emerged in recent years and e-scooters, in particular, have become a visibly more popular transport mode across the Country including Fingal. Personal mobility allows for a convenient and flexible level of local mobility, supporting better connections with public transport and enabling active mobility intermodal trips. Both personal and shared mobility transportation modes, while generally facilitating shorter trips, provide alternative sustainable modes and further support the decarbonisation of transport.

Policy CMP16 Personal and Shared Mobility Modes

Facilitate and support the use of personal mobility modes through the provision of adaptive infrastructure in line with relevant legislation and the expansion of shared mobility schemes throughout the County.  Promoting Behavioural Change

A shift toward more sustainable modes of travel will need to be supported at a local level through behavioural change initiatives. Tailored programmes and awareness-raising campaigns can have an influence on an individual’s mobility choices, particularly when combined with high-quality travel infrastructure. The Council will continue to support initiatives to achieve greater level of modal shift including:

  • Safer Routes to School Programme
  • Cycling/Walking Initiatives including ‘Gearing up for Training’
  • Cycling without Age
  • Cycle Buses
  • Walking Buses
  • Bike to Work Scheme
  • Road Safety Measures – Promotion and Awareness

Policy CMP17 Behavioural Change Initiatives

Support and facilitate behavioural change initiatives to achieve modal shift towards more sustainable modes and continue to seek funding from relevant funding agencies to advance sustainable mobility schemes and initiatives across the County.

6.5.7  Public Transport

Public transport is crucial in supporting future sustainable and economic growth within the County, providing more efficient and reliable access to key urban centres within the region as well as connectivity to other major towns and cities. It also enables high volumes of people to make movements and connections much more efficiently and easily without the use of the private car, enabling mode shift which in turn will help to reduce traffic congestion and harmful emissions and improving quality of life for residents, commuters and visitors. The NTA’s GDA Transport Strategy provides the framework for the planning and delivery of transport infrastructure and services in the GDA over the strategy period. The strategy is currently being reviewed and an updated strategy will be prepared for the period up to 2042.

Fingal is set to benefit from major rail and bus projects such as MetroLink, BusConnects and DART+ and LUAS Expansion under the National Development Plan 2021-2030. These projects are identified as key growth enablers for Fingal in the NPF and will significantly increase capacity and allow more services to operate across the region, facilitating Fingal’s vision for compact growth and sustainable mobility, serving key destinations and facilitating opportunities along the route for high-density residential development, mixed-use and employment generating activities. These projects combined with enhanced walking and cycling facilities have the potential over the coming years to have a transformative impact on travel by shifting the dominance of car-based transport towards public transport. The South Fingal Transport Study 2019 will also play its part facilitating sustainable growth within the Swords and south Fingal areas, particularly in the period before the delivery of MetroLink. The Council will continue to implement and support the recommendations of the Study in consultation with other stakeholders. This includes MetroLink, BusConnects, upgrades to the R132 and the delivery of the Swords Western Distributor Road.

The Council will continue to work with the NTA, the statutory agency responsible for long term strategic transport planning in the GDA and the relevant transport providers of the TII and Irish Rail, to focus on the delivery of an integrated public transport system to service newly developed and existing areas, to address gaps in the system, to improve access to public transport stops and services, to improve the integration between high-density development and public transport nodes and safeguard the route alignments for planned strategic public transport infrastructure which is further supported in Chapter 14 Development Management Standards of this Plan.

Policy CMP18 Public Transport

Support the provision of a high-quality public transportation system that is accessible to all to  serve the needs of the County and to enable a significant shift from car-based travel to public transport.

Objective CMO22  Enabling Public Transport Projects

Support the delivery of key sustainable transport projects including MetroLink, BusConnects, DART+ and LUAS expansion programme so as to provide an integrated public transport network with efficient interchange between transport modes to serve needs of the County and the mid-east region in collaboration with the NTA, TII and Irish Rail and other relevant stakeholders.

Objective CMO23  

Support NTA and other stakeholders in implementing the NTA Strategy including MetroLink, BusConnects, DART +, LUAS and the GDA Cycle Network.

Objective CMO24

Ensure that appropriate measures are put in place to mitigate the impacts of level crossing closures on the Maynooth rail line including protection measures for public transport and increased priority for cycling and walking.

Objective CMO25

Undertake a feasibility study for the progression of an orbital public transport route linking the Dublin-Belfast rail line, Swords, Dublin Airport, Finglas, Blanchardstown and surrounding areas along the route, during the lifetime of the Plan in consultation with the NTA and other stakeholders.

Objective CMO26

Work with the NTA and other relevant national transport agencies to establish future public transport routes that will support the County’s medium to long term development, including orbital routes to provide connectivity between key urban centres and outer suburban areas.

Objective CMO27

Work with relevant national transport agencies to create bus connectivity between Dublin 15, including the Blanchardstown Centre and Dublin Airport/Swords.

Objective CMO28 Integration of Public Transport Services and Development

Work with the NTA, TII and other relevant national transport agencies to optimise accessibility to public transport, increase catchment and maximise permeability through the creation of high- quality walking and cycling routes linking to public transport stops.

Objective CMO29 South Fingal Transport Study

Implement the recommendations of the South Fingal Transport Study 2019 in consultation with the relevant stakeholders.  Rural Transport

This Plan acknowledges and supports the role rural transport services can play in maximising accessibility to rural areas within the County in addressing social exclusion and improving connectivity and mobility within rural areas. The NTA’s Local Link rural transport service links many of the smaller settlements and rural areas around the County. The NTA is currently progressing Connecting Ireland, a public transport programme that aims to improve the quantity, quality and utility of public transport outside of the major urban areas, to introduce a systematic and strategic approach to planning new routes and services and to apply a partnership approach to bus network planning. The Council recognises the potential to expand and diversify rural transport service to broaden its passenger base in response to local needs and Fingal County Council will continue to work with the NTA in this regard.

Policy CMP19 Rural Transport

Support the Local Link and Connecting Ireland rural transport programmes and further enhancement of services in collaboration with the NTA and other relevant stakeholders in order to provide rural communities with access to improved bus services.   Supporting Measures to Complement the Public Transport Network

Further measures are required to support the delivery of an effective public transport system including:  Transport Interchange

The ability to interchange efficiently between modes is a key element in improving the attractiveness of sustainable transport modes including public transport and to enable the integration of the transport network. This Plan supports the development of high-quality transport interchange with a focus on the provision of legible, informative direct, accessible, convenient, comfortable and secure interchange facilities to ensure seamless transition between different transport modes.

Policy CMP20 Public Transport Interchange

Support and facilitate the provision of high-quality transport interchanges within the transport network in order to facilitate seamless transition between different transport modes and to maximise the movement of people by sustainable modes.

Park and Ride involves the provision of high-capacity, car parking facilities at designated public transport interchanges to provide onward access to Dublin City Centre and other key destinations via high frequency public transport, walking or cycling. Park and Ride facilities will play a role in reducing congestion and provide opportunities for interchange between modes and widen the catchment for public transport services, enhancing accessibility to key destinations and strengthening the functional relationship between areas. This is particularly the case for rural or low-density areas where it is not feasible to provide high-frequency public transport services. Park and Ride is a component of NTA’s GDA Transport Strategy where strategic Park and Ride facilities will be related to the delivery of key strategic public transport projects including MetroLink, BusConnects and LUAS Expansion projects. The Council will continue to work closely with the NTA to facilitate the delivery of Park and Ride facilities at strategic locations during the lifetime of this Plan. The provision of electric vehicle charging points to suit a variety of different charging speeds to support the transition to low emission vehicles and e-bikes will be required in the design and development of such facilities.

Policy CMP21 Park and Ride

Support the provision of Park and Ride facilities in conjunction with supporting ancillary infrastructure to accommodate the transition to sustainable mobility modes at suitable locations in accordance with the large-scale transportation projects being delivered under the NTA Strategy.  Mobility Hubs

A mobility hub is a relatively new concept which is increasing across European cities with the aim to encourage multiple and sustainable travel options in areas adjoining existing public transport links with high concentrations of employment, housing, shopping, amenities and recreation. Typically, a mobility hub includes supplementary facilities including public transport stops, high-capacity cycle parking, bicycle sharing systems dedicated car-club spaces, car-sharing spaces, electric charging facilities for cars and taxi drop-off to facilitate connectivity and ease of movement between different travel options. Local mobility hubs may include formalising existing surface or multi-storey car parks and existing rail and bus stations may also be retrofitted as mobility hubs. Together with quality public realm and placemaking, mobility hubs can help create vibrant and liveable places to support the travel experience. Following on from the success of the first Fingal County Council Mobility Hub in the D15 area, additional hubs will be rolled out by the Council on a phased basis across the County during the lifetime of this Plan and any additional mobility hubs will be facilitated through the Development Management process.

Policy CMP22 Mobility Hubs

 Support the development of mobility hubs at key public transport locations and local mobility hubs in tandem with new developments to include shared and personal mobility initiatives with a focus on ease of connectivity and quality public realm.  Car-Clubs/Car-Sharing Schemes

‘Car-clubs’ and ‘pool car-schemes’ are shared pools of cars available locally for short term hire and are a convenient alternative to car ownership. They allow for occasional car use but discourage unnecessary car journeys. Car-clubs are increasingly growing in Fingal and are an important tool in facilitating low-car development particularly in urban areas. They are an important method of facilitating the reduction of car ownership and supporting the shift to low carbon modes. To support the continued growth in the provision of car-clubs/car-sharing schemes, particularly as part of mobility hubs, high-density residential development or high employment and commercial uses, the Council will facilitate alternatives to private car ownership including the provision of more designated on-street bays for car-club schemes during the lifetime of this Plan.

Policy CMP23 Car Clubs/Car Sharing Schemes

Support and facilitate the set up and operation of car-clubs and car-sharing schemes to facilitate an overall reduction in car journeys and car parking requirements.  Small Public Service Vehicles

Taxis provide an important transport service offering door-to-door trips, can supplement a public transport system and offer the ability to complete one-off trips that may be difficult to provide for efficiently by other modes. To support these roles, the Council will facilitate and support the improved integration of small public service vehicles into the overall public transport network.

Policy CMP24 Small Public Service Vehicles

Support the provision of small public service vehicles such as taxi transport, as a feeder service to public transport services and to encourage the provision of taxi ranks at transport interchanges and other appropriate locations.

6.5.8  Car Parking Management

The implementation of robust car parking policy in the County will play a key role in changing travel behaviour and promoting sustainable mobility. The Council already undertakes significant management of the public realm to ensure the effects of illegal parking behaviour by drivers is mitigated. As the importance of safe, comfortable and attractive public realm areas will increase under this Plan, the Council will continue to robustly enforce parking regulations in this regard. This Plan includes comprehensive car parking policies as well as standards set out within Chapter 14 Development Management Standards of this Plan. This includes a particular emphasis on car parking as a demand management tool and a driver for behavioural change. This Plan promotes accessible car parking, car-share schemes and electrical vehicle charging both on the existing road network and in private developments through the Development Management process.

Policy CMP25 Car Parking Management

Implement a balanced approach to the provision of car parking with the aim of using parking as a demand management measure to promote a transition towards more sustainable forms of transportation, while meeting the needs of businesses and communities.

Objective CMO30 Car Parking Standards

Implement appropriate car parking standards for a range of land-use types, where provision is based on factors such as site location, level of public transport accessibility and impact of parking provision on local amenity.

Objective CMO31 Accessible Car Parking

Promote appropriate parking arrangements for specific user requirements in town and district centres, public transport nodes and other destinations.

6.5.9  Protection of Strategic Transport Connections

The importance of the existing air, road and rail transport corridors within the County that provides strategically important connections internationally and between other major cities within the Country as well linking to other key urban centres with strong regional functions is acknowledged and supported. National and Regional policy objectives seek to protect and enhance global connectivity and regional accessibility which is essential for Fingal to retain and strengthen its economic competitiveness, ability to attract inward investment and its attractiveness as a tourism destination.

Policy CMP26 Strategic Connections

Support the economic competitiveness of the County through the protection and enhancement of international and regional accessibility and inter–urban connectivity in accordance with policy objectives of the NPF and RSES for the region.  Dublin Airport

As the primary international gateway, Dublin Airport plays a vital role in providing international connectivity and is an important economic driver to Fingal, the mid-east region and nationally. It is also acknowledged that with the impact of Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic on our economy, our international gateways are key to safeguarding our resilience and ability to adapt to change. The Dublin Airport LAP 2020 sets out a framework to facilitate the future development, operation and safeguarding of Dublin Airport. Chapter 8 Dublin Airport of this Plan refers in more detail. In line with the land-use planning policy of the Dublin Airport LAP and to boost the connectivity offered by Dublin Airport, is contingent on:

  • Continued protection of the core transport function of the Airport.
  • Enhanced land-side access to Dublin Airport, particularly through public transport provision such as MetroLink and BusConnects.
  • Implementation of the recommendations of the South Fingal Transport Study 2019.
  • Careful land use management of land-side areas to focus on the current and future needs of the Airport as key infrastructure for National and Regional development.

Policy CMP27 Dublin Airport, Transportation, Surface Access and Freight

Support the continued protection of the core transport function of Dublin Airport including measures to enhance surface access, public transport connections and strategic freight movements.

Objective CMO32 Dublin Airport and MetroLink

Promote and facilitate the development of MetroLink, connecting Swords to the Airport and on to the City Centre.  Dublin Port

As a major transport and logistics hub, Dublin Port provides a direct trading route to the UK and Europe and is a port of national significance and a significant driver of economic development in the mid-east region. Fingal County Council supports the ongoing development of Dublin Port having regard to wider transport and infrastructural considerations for the Dublin region. This Plan provides policy objectives to manage the national road network to ensure ongoing efficient access for freight from all parts of Ireland to Dublin Port, including controlling inappropriate development near to, or that disproportionately impacts on, the national road network including the Dublin Tunnel, the motorway network and motorway interchanges.

Policy CMP28 Dublin Port, Surface Access, Logistics and Freight

Support the ongoing development of Dublin Port having regard to wider transport and infrastructural considerations of the Dublin region including the provision for inland freight facilities such as logistics hubs and freight depots and storage facilities as required.  The Dublin – Belfast Inter-City Rail Line

The Dublin to Belfast inter-city route provides a critical transport connection for the Dublin – Belfast Economic Corridor, supporting economic growth and competitiveness within this corridor. The Government’s All Island Strategic Rail Review will examine the rail network across the entire island of Ireland in partnership with Northern Ireland with the aim to enhance connectivity, regional accessibility and achieve faster speeds on rail lines between the major cities including Dublin and Belfast, including the potential to increase rail freight, while facilitating policy objectives, north and south, relating to sustainable mobility and growth and climate change objectives. Fingal County Council supports this review in recognition of the strategic importance of this rail corridor connecting Dublin and Belfast.

Policy CMP29 Rail Network and Freight Transport

Work with Irish Rail, the NTA, TII and other stakeholders to progress a coordinated approach to improving the rail network, integrated with other public transport modes to ensure maximum public benefit and promoting sustainable passenger and freight transport and improved regional and cross-border connectivity.

6.5.10  Roads Network

Road infrastructure retains an important position in the overall transportation network, catering for the movement of people and goods. Over the plan period, the challenge is to ensure that new developments do not add to congestion or saturation of the road network to the point of rendering the network inefficient. The County’s road network must be managed effectively in order to keep all road users interacting safely and efficiently while ensuring full accessibility and maintaining the economic competitiveness of the County in accordance with the robust policies and objectives set out in this chapter including supporting objectives in Chapter 14 Development Management Standards of this Plan.  National Roads

The primary purpose of the national road network is to provide strategic transport links between main centres of population and employment. Fingal County Council continues to maintain and protect the safety, capacity and efficiency of the strategic national road network including the M50 and M1 corridors in collaboration with TII and other relevant stakeholders. Local access to this strategic network will continue to be managed and restricted through the Development Management process to protect the ‘movement’ function of these national roads and to discourage use by local traffic for short trips. Fingal County Council will continue to collaborate with the NTA and TII towards the implementation of demand management measures on national routes. The M50 Demand Management Study recognises that traffic demand on the M50 is required to ensure that the M50 can perform its strategic function for the foreseeable future. The Council will continue to work with TII to support major improvements to the national road network and to maintain and protect the safety, capacity and efficiency of national roads and associated junctions in accordance with the Spatial Planning and National Roads Guidelines for Planning Authorities 2012.  Regional/Local Roads

The regional and local road network provides important links between the towns and villages across the County and they supplement the national road network. Fingal County Council will continue to maintain, manage and operate the existing regional and local road network in an efficient and restrictive manner to protect the strategic function of the national road network as well as providing for high-quality walking and cycling connections where appropriate and access and priority for public transport routes. The Council’s proposals for development of the County’s transportation network are outlined in Table 6.3.

To deliver sustainable connectivity, all relevant departments within Fingal County Council will prepare an up-to-date review of recently passed green infrastructure/climate change policy objectives and incorporate into a sustainable strategy for the Swords Western Distributor Road and its catchment area. This review will include implementation recommendations and will involve consultation and engagement with key stakeholders, including CODEMA, EPA and resident's associations.

Table 6.3 Transportation Schemes
  • N2 Upgrade Rath to Kilmoon
  • Balbriggan Ring Road R122 to R132
  • Castlelands Link to R127
  • Skerries Southern Relief Road – R128 to Railway Line
  • R126 Donabate – Lissenhall
  • Swords Outer Relief Road
  • Swords Western Distributor Road
  • Fosterstown Link Road
  • R106 Malahide-Swords Road Upgrade
  • R123 Moyne Road realignment
  • R107 Malahide Road/Clare Hall Bypass
  • R107 Malahide Road Upgrade
  • Station Road, Portmarnock and Drumnigh Road Junction
  • East-West Distributor Road: Malahide Road to Stockhole Lane
  • East West Distributor Road: Stockhole Lane to Cherryhound
  • Stockhole Lane Upgrade
  • St Margaret’s Bypass to Northern Parallel Road
  • Sillogue Bridge Link
  • Cappagh Road – Huntstown R135 Link
  • Dunsink Lane – Abbotstown Link
  • N3 Upgrade M50-Clonee
  • N3 Castaheany Interchange Upgrade
  • Kellystown Road
  • Kilshane Cross Upgrade
  • Cappaghfinn Road
  • Barrysparks Link Road
  • Cappagh Road-Dunsink Lane

Policy CMP30 Roads Infrastructure

Prioritise new road developments that facilitate improvements in the overall efficiency of the transportation network including through the provision of new bridge crossings or new cycling and walking infrastructure.

Policy CMP31

Prioritise new road developments that underpin new development areas that support sustainable local development.

Policy CMP32

Prioritise changes to existing roads infrastructure that underpins sustainable development, maintains road safety and network efficiency.

Objective CMO33 Management of Road Network

Work with the TII and other relevant national transport agencies, to protect and enhance the capacity of national routes, to minimise the impacts on the management of the broader network and to support the economic competitiveness of the County.

Objective CMO34 Strategic Roads Network

Maintain and protect the safety, capacity and efficiency of National roads and associated junctions in accordance with the Spatial Planning and National Roads Guidelines for Planning Authorities 2012, the Trans-European Networks (TEN-T) Regulations and with regard to other relevant policy documents, as required.

Objective CMO35

Work with the TII and NTA and other relevant national transport agencies to protect capacity and deliver improvements of the strategic road network and junction upgrades where necessary in line with National and Regional policy objectives.

Objective CMO36

Facilitate the implementation of the demand management measures in the M50 Demand Management Study, as required.

Objective CMO37a

Support and facilitate the TII, NTA and Meath County Council in the planning and delivery of an N2 Scheme north of Ashbourne aimed at addressing road safety issues and facilitating significantly enhanced levels of active travel and public transport measures along the route corridor.

Objective CMO37b

Support and facilitate the TII and Meath County Council in the planning and delivery of the N3 Upgrade between the M50 and Clonee.

Objective CMO37c

Support and facilitate the TII, NTA, Meath County Council and Kildare County Council in the planning and delivery of a new link between the M3 and M4.

Objective CMO38 Management of Regional and Local Road Network

Improve, manage and maintain the strategic regional and local road network in the County, in a manner which safeguards the strategic function of the road network.

Objective CMO39 Transportation Schemes

Seek to implement the transportation schemes indicated in Table 6.3.

Objective CMO40 Road and Street Proposals and Environmental Protection

Work with the relevant national transport agencies to ensure that all road and street network proposals have regard to pertaining environmental conditions and sensitivities including biodiversity, protected habitats and species and incorporate appropriate avoidance and mitigation measures as part of any environmental assessments.

Objective CMO41 Roads and Street Proposals and Green Infrastructure

Ensure that all new roads and streets are designed to enhance insofar as feasible, the County’s Green Infrastructure network by ensuring adequate replacement and additional planting of native species and pollinators and to ensure that SuDS approaches are used to treat surface water run-off.

Objective CMO42 – Roads and Street Proposals and Nature - Based Solutions

Incorporate sustainable drainage features and wildlife crossings including bridges and underpasses into the designs for new road infrastructure and where possible, incorporation of such measures into the existing road network.  Roads and Streets Design

The design of streets in urban areas is guided by the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets 2019 (DMURS). In rural areas, the Council will apply best practice in terms of engineering and road safety, biodiversity, sustainable drainage and public realm design in order to balance the needs of road users with impact on the environment and the needs of other stakeholders. This Plan will support the implementation of DMURS principles for all new transportation and public realm schemes within the County.

Policy CMP33 Road and Street Design

Ensure that roads and streets within the County are designed to balance the needs of all road users, including children and other vulnerable road users and promote, road safety, place-making and sustainable movement, providing a street environment that prioritises active travel and public transport whilst ensuring the needs of commercial servicing is accommodated.

Objective CMO43 Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets

Design new streets and roads within urban areas in accordance with the principles, approaches and standards contained within DMURS.

  • Junctions will be designed with corner radi that reduce pedestrian crossing distances to the minimum allowable by DMURS wherever possible.
  • The narrowest carriageway widths allowable by DMURS will be the default standard in Fingal wherever possible.

Objective CMO44 Speed Limits and Traffic Calmed Areas

Expand the 30kph speed limits and traffic calmed areas at appropriate locations throughout the County including in towns and village areas where appropriate and to all residential developments and at schools.

Objective CMO45 Road Safety and Rural Roads

Prioritise safety on rural roads and junctions, while having regard to the protection of biodiversity, Green Infrastructure and rural character present in roadside trees, hedgerows and banks.

Objective CMO46 Roads and Streets and Green Infrastructure

New roads and streets to incorporate Green Infrastructure elements such as sustainable drainage infrastructure, planting of native trees, hedgerows and pollinator species in medians and on,roadside verges, as appropriate to the location.

6.5.11 Freight, Delivery and Servicing

The construction of additional homes, employment and educational facilities will result in increased movement of freight. There will also be a greater level of delivery and servicing activity due to economic activity and with the continued shift to online shopping. The RSES supports the need to develop a Regional Freight Strategy to accelerate the decarbonisation of the freight sector and reinforce the important role that the strategic rail and road (including TEN-T) network play in efficiently moving freight. Fingal County Council supports the development of this strategy in recognition of the need to decarbonise freight and the inter-regional nature of freight movements, especially as a result of increased activity to and from Dublin Airport and Dublin Port as well as increased development throughout Fingal and the mid-east region. It is also a key objective of the NPF and RSES to improve access to Dublin Airport and Dublin Port. The Government’s All Island Strategic Rail Review proposes an investigation into the feasibility of increasing rail freight on the rail network. Fingal County Council recognises and supports the potential that exists for the efficient use of the rail network to transport freight.

HGVs play a key role in moving goods throughout the Country including Fingal. HGV movement can have significant impacts on the operation of traffic, noise, air pollution and the safety of other road users, particularly within urban environments. Central areas of towns and villages are often unsuitable for heavy goods traffic. Restricting HGV movements through towns, villages and neighbourhoods contribute to the creation of a safe and friendly environment for cyclists and pedestrians through the recovery of street space and the reduction of conflicts between modes, however, this needs to be balanced with local business needs. Fingal will work with local businesses to achieve these restrictions in HGV movements including through initiatives such as Direct Vision Standard and HGV safety permits.

In order to maximise the efficiency and safety of servicing, deliveries and the operation of freight in the County and to minimise its associated negative road safety and environmental impacts, this Plan will:

  • Support the development of a Regional Freight Strategy.
  • Support and facilitate the implementation of targeted freight management measures such as the designation of specific freight routes and delivery periods at designated times of day.
  • Support the reduction in the amount of ‘last mile trips’ being made by motorised vehicles and facilitate shared logistics hubs and the transition to zero-emission delivery vehicles such as cargo bikes or small electric vehicles delivering to shops and restaurants.
  • Require Delivery Service Plans for major new developments.

Policy CMP34 Freight Transport

Facilitate the needs of freight transport in accordance with the NTA’s GDA Transport Strategy.

Policy CMP35 Regional Freight Strategy

Support the development of a Regional Freight Strategy to accelerate the decarbonisation of the freight sector and promote the important role that the strategic road and rail network play in efficiently moving freight.


Policy CMP36 ‘Last-Mile Delivery’

Support and facilitate the use of the ‘last-mile’ delivery through the development of micro hubs and distribution centres and other means.

Objective CMO47 Management of Freight Movements

Implement appropriate measures to manage freight movements and deliveries in town and village centre areas.

Objective CMO48 Services/Logistics Strategy

Prepare a Servicing/Logistics Strategy for the County in collaboration with relevant stakeholders to ensure the continued viability and economic competitiveness of the County.

Objective CMO49 Delivery Service Plans

Require the preparation of Delivery Service Plans for all new major developments where applicable.




Provision of car parks in rural villages
See Submission Attached
Preserve the tree lined approach on the Whitestown Road Rush beginning at the area at Old Road / Whitestown Road in the direction of Rush Mainstreet. Facilitate provision of a complete pedestrian...
Concentrate on promoting active travel
Objective CMO5 - Improvements to the Pedestrian and Cyclist Environment Policy CMP14 - Permeable Neighbourhoods Yes, increase permeability through housing estates by opening or...
Traffic light timing - consider making vehicles wait!
Objective CMO19 – Signal Control and Pedestrians Yes please. Pedestrians are generally required to wait extended periods after they press the "beg button". Walking is already a relatively...
Tigher turning radii - yes!
Objective CMO43 – Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets Yes, please do tighten up turning radii as DMURS allows. Maybe consider raising the roadway to meet the footpath, instead...