Interactive map

Closed24 Feb, 2022, 09:00 - 12 May, 2022, 23:59



Orlynn Park Development area rezone
Hello, this area opposite the entrance to the forge is listed as developmental, I would like to request that this is rezoned to the same as the rest of the park, and develop this into a park. There...
Orlynn Park Open space beside the Forge Estate marked as RS, Residential Space
Orlynn Park open space beside the Forge Estate, close to the Rathmore Road, should not be marked for Residential Space.  This open space is used alot by local residents as a recreational area...
Omission of bike lanes from maps in current plan.
A lot of the bike routes present in the Dev Plan 2017 to 2023 maps are missing in the 2023 to 2029 plan. Using Swords as an example: Estuary Bike route from Swords to Malahide...
Grougha Rural Cluster
I would like you to withdraw the Grougha Rural Cluster from the development plan and return it to an RU zoning which it always was before the last development plan. I feel it has no merit in being a...