Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Gemma Thorne


Select, where provided, the reference for the amendment on which you wish to comment , or for flood maps, the drawing ref number: 

As a local to the area, I warmly support and welcome the proposed amendment number PA SH 6B.1. to the Draft Fingal County Development Plan 2023-29. Currently there is a chronic lack of housing to accommodate our population, which is widely known. The plan for this sustainable rural cluster, that is very well serviced by public transport (train and bus), will enable this family of siblings to set up their 5 homes and provide their solution to this housing crisis. The REDACTED have, for generations, farmed the lands in this area and contribute in a meaningful way to our rural community. It is only right that they are afforded the opportunity to use their own land to satisfy a housing need through sustainable development. 

Facilitating people to provide for their own housing requirements is a common sense approach and must be a priority for Fingal County Council. Rural areas need people to provide education, support local clubs and create employment in the vicinity. Supporting this development, will in turn, contribute to the future prosperity of our rural area.

Kind regards,

Gemma Thorne