CHAPTER 8: Dublin Airport

Select, where provided, the reference for the amendment on which you wish to comment , or for flood maps, the drawing ref number: 

As a resident of st Margaret’s for the past 7 years, my family and I have been subjected to unexpected significant noise since the opening of the north runway in August 2022. 
It is unbelievable that this unforeseen variance has come to pass when such seemingly extensive work went into EIAs and noise contour plans prior to the opening of the north runway.

Airport expansion is inevitable but the people of the community need to be protected as well. 
This aspect, peoples health and well-being, has been completely ignored and is highlighted by the continuance of this behaviour, uninterrupted for the past 4 months. 
By adding this it at least it will hold the airport authority accountable and force them to compensate residents appropriately for taking away the peace in their lives, for which to be honest, there is no real substitute.

Niamh Maher

St Margaret’s