CHAPTER 8: Dublin Airport

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Relating to chapter 8.1 section 8.5.7, I wish to highlight my agreement with the proposed addition to the text relating to ensuring environmental protection and sustainability, and I quote,

‘That the Development Plan recognises the inadequacy of the proposed noise insulation scheme to protect the health of those affected by aircraft noise and that in view of the increasing knowledge and scientific evidence of the serious health impact of aircraft noise on the physical health of Fingal residents that it is an objective to take measures including the expansion of noise insulation to ensure noise levels produced by aircraft during night time are reduced to below 40 DbL Night, as night-time aircraft noise above this level is associated with adverse effects including increased mortality, stress, high blood pressure and a deterioration in cardiovascular health.

The WHO in 2018 states that noise levels over 40DBL can have a significant impact on any individuals health.