South Fringe/North Fringe development area and orbital public transport.

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
David Healy

Chapter 6: Connectivity and Movement

The Development Plan process seems to lack an effective and transparent process for evaluating transport infrastructure proposals.

In the development of the 2017 Development Plan I proposed that a public transport corridor be indicated for protection through the North Fringe/South Fringe area (Clongriffin, Belmayne, Balgriffin, Belcamp, Stockhole.)

Councillors were advised that it couldn't be proposed because it hadn't been analysed and a majority in the Council accepted that advice.

Subsequently, the South Fingal Transport Study was supposed to evaluate the proposal. It recommended that a public transport link was needed and that it should be further studied:
"Public Transport Recommendations

  • "In addition to the bus services proposed by the NTA GDA Strategy, and in the longer term, it is recommended that orbital connectivity is provided to help reduce car dependency for trips not travelling to the city, but to major potential employment areas along the R139, onward to Dublin Airport and to Swords.
  • "It is recommended that the potential for this route is revisited in the early 2020’s with a view to deciding upon its inclusion in the NTA GDA Strategy review in late 2022."

It is now early 2022. The current draft Development Plan, to take effect in 2023, has an objective to

  • "Implement the recommendations of the South Fingal Transport Study 2019 in consultation with the relevant stakeholders."

I raised this in the preparation of the Development Plan but it appears that no examination has been carried out of this public transport link in the preparation of the plan.

Ultimately we and the City Council are doing exactly what we have said for years we would not do, i.e. allow large-scale urban development with the public transport left to be figured out afterwards. What is planned (/unplanned) here is contrary to the objectives of the RSES for public transport-oriented development.

The provision of public transport to the North Fringe Area and, in particular, the facilitation of orbital movements need to be addressed. At this stage no commitment has to be made but an appropriate reservation needs to be protected in the Development Plan. I would ask that the Planning Department identify one or more appropriate reservation routes and bring them forward for protection.