Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Charles Kurtz

Chapter 5: Climate Action

Air quality and noise pollution are two environmental 'killers'. Each year in Ireland thousands suffer ill health and sadly, many die due to effects of long term exposure to excessive air and, or, noise pollution impacts. Poor air quality is killing 1300 people per annum in Ireland. These issues are not taken seriously enough by our local or national governments. 

In Dublin 15 we have a paucity of air and noise monitoring stations. Those we do have are badly situated and most are not near known sources of high generation of air and noise pollution. To my knowledge the levels of air  and noise pollution generated by the M50 at the divide of the Park avenue and Laurel Lodge areas is above acceptable levels and to date no action plan has ever been implemented to bring those readings within permitted safe levels. People are suffering ill health, dying and yet no one acts!

Adopt a more vigourous action plan to monitor and remedy unsafe air quality breaches, particularly in the vicinity of transport related air quality and noise pollution locations( roads, airport, rail, industrial). Ensure that domestic residences are not burning 'dirty' fuels by appointing inspectors to monitor neighbourhoods were there is a capacity to burn 'dirty' fuels.

To support climate action in a practical way I recommend as earlier indicated, that our Council adopts a proactive management of its green areas of responsibilities, rather than the largely passive management policy that currently is in vogue( leaving grass uncut, rather than actively planting out an area with different indigenous grasses, pollinator plants etc.).

Educate residents of Fingal why the replacement of decorative planting with ''pollinator friendly'' planting would be more sustainable. Why an aggreesive native tree,shrub and flora planting is sensible and would greatly assist sustaining and improving our bio diversity.

In my estate we have a two/threehundred metre strecth of magnificent native woodland,unique to this part of residential Fingal, which has had n management in over twenty years. Sadly in the number of  years it has been degraded and damaged due to the actions of individuals dumping waste, damaging the trees themselves and the immediate surrounding them. Only the council can deal with these types of issues to save the trees for future generations of reidents and , most importantly, the animals and palnts that live there.

Set up and establish a series of allotments throughout Fingal and in particular the Dublin 15 area, for which there is a high demand for them. See the submission FIN - C 453 - 177 , which I strongly support and clearly outlines the benfits of allotments and community gardens.