Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Ian Lennon

Sheet 2: Fingal North

Dear Dev Plan Team,

This submission relates to land use zoning in Naul.

The proposal is to change the current RU zoning to OS, in an area of the valley east of Naul known as 'The Roche'.

This section of the river known as the Delvin_020 has been identified for restoration works which has been proposed by Meath County Council and Fingal County Councils under the Draft 3rd Cycle River Basin Management Plan, Nanny-Delvin Catchment, under the EU Water Framework Directive

See: https://catchments.ie/wp-content/files/catchmentassessments/08%20Nanny-Delvin%20Catchment%20Summary%20WFD%20Cycle%203.pdf 

As this is a natural floodplain which has been an identified area for restoration under EU policy, this landscape should be zoned to protect the natural assets and prevent an increase in flooding of properties downstream, particularly at Stamullen and Gormanston. This will also ensure the development plan is compliant with the floods directive.

The 30m zone north and south of rivers are also protected under the following objective:

Development Management Standards

Objective DMSO156 – Ecological Corridors

Protect and enhance the ecological corridors along the following rivers in the County by ensuring that no development takes place, outside urban centres, within a minimum distance of 30m from each riverbank along the main channels of following rivers Liffey, Tolka, Pinkeen, Mayne, Sluice, Ward, Broadmeadow, Ballyboghil, Corduff, Matt and Delvin, Bracken River, Daws River, Richardstown River, Turvey River (see Green Infrastructure Maps). A minimum 10 m wide riparian buffer strip applies to lands within urban areas – i.e. within designated settlement boundaries (as per FCC’s Settlement Hierarchy set out in Chapter 2 Planning for Growth). Additional width may be required to provide for additional protections of sensitive habitats, as appropriate.

However this does not cover the topography of the river valley in Naul and the area has to be rezoned to protect the landscape.

From talking to members of the Gormanston and District Angling club, I understand this land forms part of the Delvin fishery which the club has rights to fish on. This extends to the once popular fishing area known as the Roche. It is felt that this area shoud be protected to allow the fishery to become productive again to reduce pressures of siltation on the river from quarrying activity which has been identified as a significant pressure under the current and proposed River Basin Management Plan. The objective is to restore the channelised section (straightened section) under the European Water Framework with the requirement to restore the status of the Delvin River to good by 2027 (https://lawaters.ie/water-framework-directive/#:~:text=The%20European%20Union%20Water%20Framework,by%202027%20at%20the%20latest. ).

The Delvin River Study commissioned by the Biodiversity Officer notes impacts on ths stretch of the river 'Reach 4' in the attached report (Pages 31-35).

Local Objective

I believe Fingal need to insert a local GI Objective at this location: https://goo.gl/maps/JbBfuRYufXMhDjVA9 .

Objective X------

Restore and enhance the chanellised section of the Delvin River to its natural course in conjunction with Meath County Council as set out under the (Draft) Nanny-Delvin River Basin Management Plan.

Kind regards, Ian