Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Robert Kelly

Appropriate Assessment (AA)

This observation is from a resident of hollywoodrath. This area wont be part of the noise insulation scheme.

The observation is around the model approach which gives average noise contours.

But the actual experienced issue is with peak events  between morning hours i dont mind day time events. The detectble experience is with the peak events and not the average endured. i.e. I could take a higher average incurred if the peaks were removed. 

I'd argue that the noise insulation grant should be awarded based on peak  noise events expereinced by areas rather than average noise values.

These events could be verified with 3rd party calibrated sound meter submisisons.

Was the model validated at the extents? as I can see the extents align with a straight directory from the airport runway but I have observed aircrafts going directly overhead which is only a 3-4deg difference in trajectory over a c.5km distance to the runway (see attached) this contributes to potential disparities in whats observed vs the modelling submitted which can be confirmed given the opportunity to measure in an agreed approach.