'Have Your Say' Arts Plan Survey

Dúnta10 Bea, 2018, 10:00 - 1 Mei, 2018, 23:59


The Arts Office in Fingal County Council encourages, foster and supports arts and cultural activity within the county.  We do so recognising the importance of the arts in helping to create healthy and vibrant communities.  To ensure that we respond appropriately to the cultural needs and opportunities within our diverse and ever evolving county, we wish to prepare a new County Arts Plan which will set out the goals of Fingal Arts Office for the next eight years (2018 – 2025).


As part of that development, we wish to gather opinion about what is working well and what needs to be strengthened in terms of what we do over the period of this new plan.  We also invite you to share your ambitions for the arts in Fingal and your views about what we should prioritise in the future. 


This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.  Thank you in advance for your consideration.  It is valued and appreciated.

The closing date has passed and submissions are no longer being accepted.