Fingal Coastal Way – Traffic Management Survey for Residents of Quay Street Area, Skerries.

Dúnta17 Ean, 2024, 10:00 - 28 Már, 2024, 17:00

This survey is for residents of Quay Street Area of Skerries only – Quay Street, The Hoar Rock, The Square, North Strand and Pump Lane only. All households responding to this survey should have received a letter to invite them to complete it.

As work on designing the Fingal Coastal Way continues we would like to hear from residents of the Quay Street Area, Skerries on the topic of options for traffic moving through your streets. This is an opportunity for you to shape the future of your area as improved road safety measures and options for walking and cycling are developed.

Here we have provided eight potential options for traffic arrangements for the area.

The designers of the Fingal Coastal Way will use your feedback on these options to choose which to develop in greater detail so that we may consult with you again at a later date. It is likely that the final design may include some features taken from more than one option -  none of the presented options are final designs.

We request that one representative only from each household respond on behalf of all those living at your address.


The closing date has passed and submissions are no longer being accepted.