Traffic Calming Measures on Channel Road, Rush, Co. Dublin - School Street

Dúnta28 Fea, 2024, 09:00 - 22 Már, 2024, 23:59

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To improve road safety in the area of Rush National School, Fingal County Council is proposing the introduction of a school street.

What is a school street?

A School Street is a street where motor traffic is restricted during specific timed closures.

Traffic is redirected away from the front of schools using specific timed closures to provide the safest possible environment for students when entering and leaving school. Traffic-free School Streets have multiple and far-reaching benefits for all members of the community and the environment, but especially for young people. 

Above: A similar School Street initiative in Malahide.

A School Street may restrict access using a fixed or removable barrier. It is very important for parents to obey both regulatory and temporary traffic signs and to never distract the School Traffic Warden or volunteer who is operating the School Street.

What is proposed in Rush?

A section of Channel Road / Mill Bank Junction and Channel Road/ Chapel Green / Sandy Road Junction will be pedestrianised each day during drop off and collection times, from 8.30am to 9.30am and again from 2.30pm to 3.30pm on weekdays only, during school term times.

You can download this drawing on the right in the 'related resources' section.

It is proposed that this initiative will start in September 2024.

The alternative route for traffic travelling in the area during the proposed closure is as follows:

Direction of Travel Destination Alternative Routes
Northeast along Channel Road towards School Sandy Road via Mill Bank and Chapel Green
 Sandy Road Channel Road Southwest of Millbank/Channel Road Junction via Chapel Green and Mill Bank

How can I give feedback? 

Any interested person may lodge a submission online using this Consultation Portal. Click on the '+ MAKE A SUBMISSION' button to the right of this screen.

You can also send a written submission to the Senior Executive Engineer, Active Travel Department, Fingal County Council, Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 or via email to to arrive no later than 23.59hrs on Friday, 22 March 2024.


Active Travel
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