Welcome from the Chief Executive and Mayor

Dúnta12 Már, 2021, 09:00 - 12 Bea, 2021, 23:59

Welcome from the Chief Executive and Mayor

Fingal County Council is reviewing the current Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 and preparing a new Fingal Development Plan for the period 2023-2029. The review and preparation of a new County Development Plan is one of the most important functions of the Council. The Fingal

Development Plan 2023 - 2029 will set the longer-term vision for the county’s future. The Development Plan review has come at a challenging and unprecedented time arising from the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, climate change and Brexit. However, these challenges also present opportunities to build on our mission to make Fingal ‘the place to live, work, visit and do business’.

This first phase of consultation will play a very important role in the preparation and drafting of the Development Plan. This document presents an overview of the Strategic Issues facing the county and sets out by theme, some of the key issues that may need to be addressed by the new Plan. At this early stage, we are looking for your input on these broad ‘big picture’ issues. Specific proposals relating to the zoning of lands should not be made at this stage as they cannot be considered.


We invite you the citizens, the communities and organisations you represent, businesses and stakeholders, to become involved and to give your views on the future development of County Fingal.


Your participation in the plan-making process will ensure that the next Development Plan responds to your aspirations for the county while also addressing any concerns that you may have. Help us to plan for the future of Fingal as ‘the place to live, work, visit and do business’.

AnnMarie Farrelly, Chief Executive, Fingal County Council, March 2021

I am delighted to launch the start of the Fingal Development Plan 2023 – 2029 process on the 12th March 2021. The process of reviewing and adopting a development plan is one of the most important functions of the elected members, acting as the blue print for the development of Fingal from a physical, economic, social and environmental viewpoint.

The Development Plan must consider the social, economic and environmental aspects of our future development. It has particular importance in responding to climate change which both Fingal County Council and Dáil Éireann have recognised constitutes a Climate Emergency. We face the twin challenges of decarbonising our economy and society, and adapting to the climate change which will result from emissions to date. To do so we need to ensure our Development Plan will put us on the right path. There are three public consultation phases over the two year process of making a Development Plan. This first stage, the pre-draft, will set out the strategic direction for the plan. It will form the framework into which objectives and policies at the later stages will sit. It is of great importance that you make your views known as early as possible so that you can feed into the plan making process.


How we use our land, where we put housing, employment, and community facilities, is of relevance to us all. It will impact on how we respond to climate change, how we protect and restore Nature, how we move around, where we live and work, our health and the quality of our lives as individuals, families and communities. Policies and objectives within the plan will form the basis for decisions on planning applications and many other aspects of the Council’s work.


You are invited to make your views known. Various options are available to do this, online and by post, the details of which are set out in this paper. We very much look forward to hearing from you.

Cllr David Healy, Mayor of County Fingal, March 2021