Public Consultation on Identification of Bathing Waters in Fingal for Bathing Season 2022 - Outcomes

Closed19 May, 2021, 01:00 - 17 Jun, 2021, 19:00

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The consultation

Thank you for your submission in relation to the identification of bathing waters in the administrative area of Fingal County Council.

Your views and suggestions

Eighty-four submissions were received from individuals and groups in relation to this consultation. Approximately 60% of all submissions received were requests for infrastructural improvements or installations at currently designated beaches such as changing facilities, improved toilet facilities, playgrounds, tennis courts, diving platform and an outdoor swimming pool. There were also requests for year-round water sampling of beaches in the greater Dublin area, year-round Lifeguarding of beaches, the removal of seaweed, security at car parks and managing the UV treatment facility at Ringsend.


The locations recommended for identification as Bathing Waters  were:

  • Barnageeragh beach, Skerries
  • Tower Bay Beach, Portrane
  • Rush Harbour Beach, Rush
  • Low Rock, Malahide
  • The Captains, Skerries
  • The Springers, Skerries

The Council reviewed each proposed site against the criteria set out in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 2016 publication ‘A framework to assist Local Authorities in the assessment of submissions for the identification of new bathing waters’.  No new bathing areas were identified as a result of the public participation campaign.  All individuals and groups who had made a submission will be notified of the decision; as will the Environmental Protection Agency.






How your swimming area has been used up to now
How many people use the site
Any safety issues