Skerries Active Travel Plan Workshop - Wednesday, 26 October 6pm

Closed10 Oct, 2022, 16:00 - 25 Oct, 2022, 17:00

The workshop will support members of the community including residents, business owners and representative groups in coming together to discuss Active Travel, in order to ensure that the community is at the heart of the discussion.

Workshop participants will work together to identify opportunities and challenges to introducing Active Travel measures in Skerries, and will facilitate open discussion of the ideas, concerns, and opportunities identified between participants and Fingal County Council.

We would like to emphasise that no decisions on Active Travel measures for Skerries have yet been made by Fingal County Council. We want to hear all ideas, big and small, to support us in making Active Travel a usable, safer, and more convenient travel option in a way that works for the community.

The outputs of this workshop, combined with the input received throughout the consultation period will inform the development of an Active Travel Plan for Skerries.

Your participation in this workshop would be hugely valued to ensure that we can take your views [and the views of those your group represents] on board in the development of this plan.

The closing date has passed and submissions are no longer being accepted.