Fingal School Streets Public Consultation Survey

Closed7 Oct, 2019, 17:04 - 31 Oct, 2019, 12:00
Fingal County Council are proposing a School Streets pilot at St Oliver Plunkett’s School on Grove Road in Malahide.  This initiative aims to tackle current challenges near to the school including:
  • Local traffic congestion
  • Road safety risks caused by cars driving near the school and inconsiderate parking
  • Car dependent, less physically active children; and
  • The damage to young lungs from cars parked with their engines running.
The Fingal School Streets initiative aims to make it easier and safer for children and parents to make healthy and active travel choices (such as walking, scooting or cycling) – and create a safer, more pleasant environment for everyone. 

School Streets will involve a time limited curtailment of people driving on the section of Grove Road between Church Road R124 and The Rise. It is proposed that this will operate between 08:30 - 09:15am and 1:00 - 2:45pm on schooldays. Certain exemptions will be available for residents living on this section of Grove Road and for disabled badge holders who need to park to pick up/drop off children. School Streets will not operate on school holidays or at weekends.

School Streets initiatives are being introduced across Europe and the UK – improving active, healthy travel choices and enabling more children to safely walk, scoot and cycle to school. School Streets will help to reduce the danger to children created by the significant amount of traffic using Grove Road during morning and afternoon drop off and pick up times. It also aims to reduce local traffic congestion and emissions (tackling climate change) and improve air quality in the area (reducing negative impacts on young lungs).

We would like your views on this proposal.  Please follow link below if you wish to partake in the survey.
This consultation will run until October 31st.