Part VIII Report

Closed31 Jan, 2018, 9:00am - 15 Mar, 2018, 5:00pm

Ward River Valley All-Weather Pitch – Planning Reference Number PARTXI/009/17.

 Strategic Plan

A report prepared in accordance with Part XI of the Planning & Development Act 2000 and Part VIII of the Local Government (Planning and Development) Regulations 2001-2013 as amended.

1.0 Introduction

Fingal County Council are proposing to provide an all-weather pitch constructed to the highest standards providing for year round use and use up to 10pm.  It will replace an existing grass pitch and it will be suitable for GAA, soccer and other field sports.  This project will also include an additional 103 space car/coach park car and a reinforced grass overflow car park to accommodate an additional 32 spaces.

2.0 Proposed All-Weather Pitch

The subject lands cover an area of approximately 1.85ha, an area which includes 1no. synthetic pitch, car park and access road and overflow car park, and are located south of Ward River in Ward River Valley Park east of Swords town centre, Co. Dublin (Irish Grid Reference: O 16669 46494). The lands are within the Ward River Valley Park and are currently occupied by grass playing pitches and amenity grass public open space. Surrounding lands to the north are occupied the Ward River Valley Park, and to the west, east and south are occupied by residential development.


The proposed development will comprise of the following:

  • A 3rd Generation synthetic all-weather pitch. The pitch will be a full sized GAA pitch also providing for soccer and other sporting codes. The perimeter will be fenced and the pitch will be floodlit by 6 no. 18m high floodlights.
  • A 103 space car and 5 space coach park (with permeable surfacing and public lighting) will be provided to service the needs of the pitch users and to improve access to the park. An additional overflow car park on reinforced grass with space for up to 32 parking spaces will be provided adjacent to the main car park.
  • SUDS drainage techniques will be used throughout the proposed development, the area will be  landscaped to improve the amenity reduce the visual impact of the car park
  • All necessary measures will be taken to protect biodiversity and reduce the environmental impact of the proposal on the existing landscape.  This will include the retention of trees and vegetation and their protection during construction works.

These proposals are outlined on the attached maps.

3.0 Environmental Impact and Appropriate Assessment

A Screening for Appropriate Assessment report was commissioned on the proposed development. Following the preparation of this report it was objectively concluded that there was no possibility of any significant effects on any Natura 2000 sites arising from the proposed development, either alone or in combination with other plans or projects. An Appropriate Assessment under the Habitats Directive is therefore not required.