Section 7 : Procedure to make a Proposal for Naming or for a Memorial

Closed7 Dec, 2015, 9:00am - 5 Feb, 2016, 11:59pm


Where a proposal for naming or for a memorial is initiated by a member of the public or a group, the following must be adhered to.  Permission to erect a plaque or memorial in the public realm or on a public building/structure is subject to the written agreement of Fingal County Council.  The design and text of any wording associated with the erection of a monument or plaque must be agreed with the Council.

7.1 Proposals for commemorative plaques and monuments or the naming of public infrastructure and public buildings must be made in writing to:

Naming and Commemorative Memorial Assessment Committee,

Fingal County Council,

P.O. Box 174,

County Hall,

Main Street,

Co. Dublin.

7.2 A marked map and photographs of the proposed location must be submitted

7.3 For the proposed naming of public infrastructure or public buildings the case should be set out relating to the appropriateness of the name and how it is of relevance to the location of the piece of infrastructure or building.

7.4 The text of the proposed wording for a monument or plaque must be provided along with dimensions, details of the materials and visualisations (design, drawings) of the proposal.  Supporting material such as publications, texts, photographs, videos, etc. will be accepted but cannot be returned so original documents should not be submitted.

7.5 Where feasible evidence of consent must normally be supplied from members of the family, community or group connected with the individual or event to be commemorated.

7.6 Evidence of consent from the owners (including where relevant Fingal County Council), or lease holders /building managers of private property or buildings where appropriate, will have to be provided in writing at the time of application.

7.7 The costs involved in the erection of a monument or plaque will normally be borne by the proposers.  Proposers will therefore have to demonstrate in their application how funding will be raised for the proposal.

7.8 It is a matter for the original promoter of a plaque to maintain the “goodwill” agreement with the building owners and to maintain the appearance of the plaque in perpetuity.

Fingal County Council will not be responsible for future maintenance and upkeep of plaques promoted by a private individual or group and/or erected on privately owned structure/land.  The proposers should include details on the provision of ongoing upkeep and maintenance of the memorial.