Draft Climate Change Action Plan

Closed11 Feb, 2019, 09:00 - 25 Mar, 2019, 23:59

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Notice is hereby given, that Fingal County Council has prepared a Draft Climate Change Action Plan 2019-2024.

The Draft Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) sets out how the Council will improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in its own buildings and operations, while making the Fingal area more adaptive to the impacts of climate change. The Draft Plan includes a range of actions across five key action areas, Energy & Buildings, Transport, Flood Resilience, Nature Based Solutions and Resource Management.

The Fingal County Council Draft Climate Change Action Plan, the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Environmental Report and Appropriate Assessment (AA) Natura Impact Report, are available for inspection during normal office opening hours at the following locations from Monday 11th February 2019 to Monday 25th March 2019 inclusive (excluding Bank Holidays):

  • Fingal County Hall Swords
  • Fingal Civic Offices, Grove Road, Blanchardstown.
  • All Fingal County Council Libraries.

The documents may also be viewed on the Council’s Public Consultation Hub https://consult.fingal.ie/ and at www.dublinclimatechange.ie.

Public Information Events:
Members of the public and interested groups are invited to attend public information events which will be held during the public consultation period, as follows:

  • CCAP Launch, Fingal Co Hall, Swords, Monday 18th February, 17.30 – 20.30 (Family friendly event with ReCreate sustainable activities).

Local Events:

  • Balbriggan, Bracken Court Hotel, Wed 20th February 2019, 17.30 – 20.30
  • Blanchardstown, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Mon 25th February 2019, 17.30 – 20.30
  • Sutton, Marine Hotel, Thur 28th February 2019, 17.30 – 20.30

SEAI will be in attendance at all four events to provide advice and information on home energy efficiency grants and supports, and answer technical questions on home retrofits.

Submissions or observations regarding the Fingal County Council Draft Climate Change Action Plan 2019-2024, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Environmental Report and Appropriate Assessment (AA) Natura Impact Report are invited from members of the public and other interested parties.

Submissions can be made as follows:
Online at https://consult.fingal.ie/
By email to climateaction@fingal.ie
By post / hard copy addressed to:
Climate Action Officer,
Environment Dept.,
Fingal County Council
County Hall,
Swords, Co. Dublin.


Submissions or observations will be accepted from Monday 11th February 2019 to Monday 25th March 2019 inclusive.
The closing date for receipt of submissions is Monday 25th March 2019.

Submissions or observations should state your name, address, and where relevant, the organisation, body etc. represented. Please make your submission by one medium only, i.e. online submission, or email, or post / hard copy.

Gilbert Power
Director of Services
Water Services & Environment Department