Chapter 2 Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy

Dúnta4 Sam, 2016, 8:00am - 2 Nol, 2016, 4:30pm

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Proposed Amendment CH 2.1




Draft CDP 2017 – 2023

2.5 Housing and Population Targets




Amend text in Section 2.5 Housing and Population Targets.

However, under recent market conditions DECLG completion figures indicate a total of 2,599 units completed in Fingal between the Census in April 2011 and July 2015 (the most recent completion figures available), indicating an average of 650 units per annum. This gives an estimated housing stock in Fingal in mid-2015 of 105,392 units. Based on current housing stock, 5,700 units per annum over the 7 year period 2016 to 2023 would be necessary to fulfil RPG targets. Table 2.5 sets out the housing growth required to meet the RPG targets. In reality, this is an unsustainable unrealistic target in the context of current market conditions.



Proposed Amendment CH 2.2




Draft CDP 2017 – 2023

2.6 Housing Land

Capacity under the 2011-2017 Development Plan



Amend text at Section 2.6 Housing Land Capacity under the 2011-2017 Development Plan, New Residential Zoning Lissenhall, Swords

Swords is identified as a ‘Primary Economic Growth Town’ within the polycentric gateway under the Regional Planning Guidelines for the GDA and a driver within the core of the Greater Dublin Area, for sustained international and regional economic development and growth. In order to fulfil this role and in light of the emerging role that settlements such as Swords will be required to play in maintaining the success of the GDA, a long term, adequately planned vision is necessary. In this regard, tThe long term strategic vision for Swords is to create a sustainable city with a commensurate level of jobs and services and infrastructure to support a potential population of 100,000. In endeavouring to achieve this vision of an emerging green city with a thriving economy it is critical that adequate lands are zoned in the future to accommodate the full range of needs of the city’s residential population, business community and visitors. Within the current development envelope of Swords, even allowing for the introduction of possible new intensive mixed use zonings along the Metro line, Swords would have the capacity only to reach a population of circa 65-70,000.


There is potential for the proposed new Metro North to extend into the lands at Lissenhall and therefore, the zoning must be appropriate for the area. Furthermore, a substantial portion of these lands will be within 1km of the agreed Estuary Stop. Lissenhall is an expansive, low-lying, rural landscape comprising approximately 240 hectares. The area, in broad terms, is bound by the M1 and R132 to the east, the Broadmeadow River to the south and south west, and the proposed route of the Swords Western Ring Road to the north. These lands are adjacent to the M1 and Belfast-Dublin corridor.


By identifying Lissenhall as a key future development area, the Council is seeking to maximize the opportunities created by the delivery of this key piece of strategic infrastructure in accordance with best planning practice and the principles of sustainable development. The development of the area, following the sequential development of the existing Swords envelope, is also consistent with the Council’s long term strategic vision for Swords to develop as a sustainable city. It is envisaged that this area could accommodate the development of a significant mixed use urban district providing for a significant level of employment in addition to approximately 6,000 – 7,000 residential units. A Local Area Plan will be prepared for these lands to provide a framework for development. Lissenhall is detailed further in Chapter 4 Urban Fingal, in the context of Swords.



Proposed Amendment CH 2.3




Draft CDP 2017 – 2023

2.6 Housing Land

Capacity under the 2011-2017 Development Plan



Insert text before Table 2.8

The Guidance Note on Core Strategies distributed to Local Authorities under Circular Letter PSSP6/2010 sets out that ‘apart from Regional Planning Guidelines for the Greater Dublin Area, the RPG housing figures … have already taken account of the headroom requirements (of up to 50% extra over actual predicted land/unit requirements) specified in the Planning Guidelines on Development Plans, therefore, no further headroom capacity should be provided in development plan zoning outside of the seven planning authorities in the GDA’. Section 4 of the above Planning Guidelines on Development Plans sets out that ‘planning authorities should take all reasonable steps to ensure that sufficient zoned residential land is available throughout the lifetime of the development plan and beyond to meet anticipated needs and allow for an element of choice. In particular, to ensure continuity of supply of zoned residential land, planning authorities should ensure that at the time they make a development plan, enough land will be available to meet residential needs for the next nine years. In this way, development plans will provide for sufficient zoned land to meet not just the expected demand arising within the development plan period of six years, but will also provide for the equivalent of 3 years demand beyond the date on which the current plan ceases to have effect’. Accordingly the following figures are based on a calculation of the population requirement over an additional three years from that of the Plan period (equivalent of 3 years demand beyond the date on which the current plan ceases to have effect’) and is intended to cater for the longer term development of the County. The reservation of lands at Lissenhall, situated within the Metropolitan Area, accounts for the majority of this headroom allocation.




Proposed Amendment CH 2.4




Draft CDP 2017 – 2023

2.7 Settlement Strategy



Insert new Objective SS

The Council will work in cooperation and collaboration with key stakeholders including the DOHPCLG and the Dublin Housing Supply and Co-Ordination Task Force (or any successor) to respond to the current supply challenge in the Dublin region. The Council also will support ‘Active Land Management’ using Exchequer funding to ensure the delivery of a convincing response to the current social housing demand.



Proposed Amendment CH 2.5




Draft CDP 2017 – 2023

2.7 Settlement Strategy



Insert new Objective SS

Engage and implement with the recommendations of the Dublin Housing Supply and Co-Ordination Task Force in responding to the current supply challenge in the Dublin region.



Proposed Amendment CH 2.6




Draft CDP 2017 – 2023

2.7 Settlement Strategy



Insert new Objective SS

Identify and support the provision of key enabling infrastructure at strategic sites in Fingal County to facilitate their release for development in response to the current housing crisis.



Proposed Amendment CH 2.7




Draft CDP 2017 – 2023

Chapter 2: Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy



Update figures, references and tables, throughout the chapter, to reflect additional housing capacity associated with any residential zoning, or other relevant zoning, to be included in the Plan as a result of any proposed material alterations made in this regard.


Include an additional Core Strategy chart identifying the sites within the remaining residential land supply in the Fingal metropolitan area that are suitable for active land management to produce housing in the Short term.




Proposed Amendment CH 2.7
See attached document
Proposed Amendment CH 2.1
Please see document attached.   This does not refer to Proposed Amendment Ch 2.1. but it is the submission/observation made by the EPA.
Proposed Amendment CH 2.6
please see attached document
Proposed Amendment CH 2.2
See attached observation - Also refers to Chapter 4.1