Fingal Rural Transport - Information Gathering Questionnaire

Dúnta16 Nol, 2015, 16:30 - 31 Nol, 2015, 23:59

The Transport Co-Ordination Unit manages the rural transport needs of Louth, Meath and Fingal.  As part of a public consultation, Fingal County Council facilitated an Information Gathering Event on 2nd December 2015 at the Carlton Hotel Dublin Airport which was well attended by residents of north and rural Fingal.  This short survey is to gather some information on the rural transport needs in Fingal from those who could not attend the event, and the results of the survey will form part of the forthcoming report on Rural Transport needs in Fingal.

Rural Transport - Services available for:

  • Anyone in rural areas with limited access to shopping, banking, post office, and social activities etc. regardless of age
  • People who are unable to get to hospital appointments
  • People with disabilities / older people who need accessible transport
  • Self Drive for Community Groups


The closing date has passed and submissions are no longer being accepted.