Section 3: Naming of Public Infrastructure

Dúnta7 Nol, 2015, 9:00am - 5 Fea, 2016, 11:59pm


Public Infrastructure relates to the physical networks, structures and facilities that serve the county and the local community. Only structures that are in the remit/ownership of Fingal County Council can be considered as the local authority would not have the right to name infrastructure not in its own control.


Public Roads and Streets

  • In general only new public streets or roads or existing ones where a name isn’t in usage will be dealt with by the Naming and Commemorative Memorial Committee.  The changing of existing names can lead to confusion and so will not be considered
  • Roundabouts will be named in relation to their geographical location to provide directional information for road users and will not be named after individuals or events.  Roundabouts are not necessarily a permanent road feature as road junctions and intersections are often subject to alteration to meet traffic management requirements and roundabouts may be removed or changed to signalised junctions.  Deviations from this may be considered in very exceptional circumstances.
  • Any proposals being evaluated must have regard for any adopted Public Realm Strategy for the area


Public Buildings & Facilities (Parks, Arts & Community Centres, Civic Buildings, Sports Facilities, large Infrastructural facilities)

  • Public buildings and facilities may be suitable for commemorative naming.  This should be considered as part of the planning process for the project.
  • In general, only new structures or facilities will be considered for commemorative naming as existing buildings and structures will already have a name associated with them.
  • Public/Social Housing is excluded from this policy as the name for these development will be decided by the Housing Department




Private Developments – The naming of new private developments (including housing estates, private roads, industrial parks, commercial centres, etc.) is dealt with through the planning process where it is a condition of the planning permission for the developer to submit appropriate names that reflect the local or historical context of the area, for agreement by the planning authority.