8. Economic Impacts

Closed26 Jun, 2018, 10:00am - 18 Sep, 2018, 5:00pm

Dublin Airport is considered to be an essential component of Fingal’s local economy and is a readily accessible location for existing and future employment for Fingal residents. The scale and range of economic impacts that the airport generates are substantive, and include:

  • Those associated directly with the operation of the airport and any construction work required to maintain and develop it;
  • The multiplier impacts that flow from that activity encompassing indirect and induced employment and expenditure; and
  • Estimates of the productivity and agglomeration benefits accruing to the other sectors of the local and national economy that the presence of the airport and the enhanced connectivity that it offers creates.

In a 2017 study commissioned by DAA, international consultancy InterVISTAS examined these impacts in detail, based on 2016 passenger and freight data. A summary of the direct employment impacts by beneficiary area is set out below.

Figure 11: Dublin Airport Employment

Source: Dublin Airport Economic Impact Study April 2017 InterVISTAS

There is also an extensive academic and industry literature which highlights the less easily quantifiable catalytic benefits of aviation, including:

  • Enhanced trade and tourism with directly connected destinations;
  • The ability to attract and retain inward investment; and
  • Employment clusters and the attraction and retention of mobile talent.

Notwithstanding the economic importance of Dublin Airport, the Council must achieve a balance between promoting the potential of the aviation sector and safeguarding the primary operational role of Dublin Airport as the Country’s main international airport.

You are therefore invited to consider the following questions:

  • What is your view on the employment benefits that Dublin Airport brings to Fingal County, Dublin city region and Ireland as a whole?
  • Do you personally, or indeed your family, business and wider community, benefit from the Airport directly or indirectly through employment or the supply of goods or services?
  • In what ways do you think the local economy is supported by the proximity of an international airport?
  • What policies do you think that the LAP should include around economic development associated with the airport?